Age 30 – Life without pornography


[Translation from Potuguese using Google Chrome] A year and a half ago, early 2015. The scene seemed to unfold in slow motion: I could hardly believe what I was typing in the Google search bar. The letters were emerging one by one:  . I want to stop watching porn  “I want to stop watching porn.” The results of this search in Google turned my life dramatically. But we must start from the beginning.

I am 30 years old, which means that until my post-adolescent, watching porn was a complicated task, especially in my home, where I create strict moral and religious precepts. It was necessary to have access to magazines and videos and not always – almost never – it was a simple task.

Today, no: there is an unlimited variety and absurd offer compared to years ago, all for free, with high speed internet. What difference does it make? Well, science is showing that makes  all  the difference.

I did not know any of this when I did my research on Google. What I know is that online pornography was not doing me good. On that day, when a jet of my own semen hit me in the belly and I stopped to pay attention to what I was watching, my next thought was to shoot in my head. Something was wrong with me, and I was about to find a light on my path and close to start a very difficult journey, but transformative. …

LINK to entire account

By Rafael Trabasso