Female – Age 29: I feel more hopeful & happy, I feel closer to my lady and more in love than ever, I feel more powerful and free


For the first time in my adult life, I’ve gone 30 days without PMOing. I….honestly can’t believe this is true. I felt so buried, so hopeless, so lost and so powerless to fight porn and here I am, a whole MONTH without PMO. A year ago this time, I would easily do this at least 3-4 times a DAY. Wow.


I feel more hopeful about life in general, and more optimistic. I feel more happy to just be alive and experience each day without the specter of porn hanging over everything…wondering when the next time I’ll have to get away, wondering about getting caught, hitting rock bottom, etc..

I feel more secure in my relationship. I feel closer to my lady and more in love than ever. Sex has gone way up in frequency, quality, and meaning to me and I treasure each time rather than seeing it as a source of orgasm.

I feel more powerful and free. I don’t feel like I’m a slave anymore and that I really do have the power over my own life to make meaningful, lasting changes if I choose to. This gives me motivation to start improving other areas in my life too, personal fitness, diet, and just overall well-being.

I know that this is just the first milestone and there’s a long way to go. I also know that disaster is most prone to strike when I start feeling over-confident and start taking success for granted. I’m going to keep working hard. I got this.

LINK – 30 days – DONE

by Jen@8675309