Today 100 days passed….No more urge to see porn or fap .Mind is completely towards real women ! Lots of Mental Benefits: No fogy brain, good memory , mood changed , less depression , no feeling of emptiness ! [I am a] Male | 38 | 10 years PMO cycle trap | PIED made me to quit. I am single ….i faced ED i was searching for that why i got ED but found that it is PIED instead of ED. So i decided to quit .Totally rebooted now!
I am taking PMO cycle as equal to HIV !
LINK – 100 Days ……No Relapse
Day 170- Nofap Effect – It really works
Today is day 170 of Nofap- Yes I did it , and the effect is amazing. I was in PMO trap for last more than 10 years. I never tried to find any women , in fact i was trapped in to PMO cycle so deep that I thought never to get married and make my own family. Anyhow what is gone is gone. The best part of joining nofap is that i start looking towards real women instead of pixels .
I start finding girl to get married and placed few adds in the social media. Amazing effect lot of girls called me interviewed me and shared their profile. I made few new good female friends and on the other hand found that I am very much confident and can communicate with women in a very good manner. My love with real women increased and best thing is that i start finding a women with similar interest so we can get married and enjoy life.
I was a dead man but now nofap gave me a rebirth.