I’ve been wanting to write this story for a long time, very since i started this new life style. finally i feel very proud of myself to have arrived here. cause i was never able to complete any task, always procastinate. and ultimatly fail, lot of us here will understand that as more or less we all went through the same affect.
My initial target was 90 days, but i was abroad travelling so time went fast when i hit 90days, didnt have time to or place to write , and next thing i know its 120 days. 4 months, wow. cant believe it.
in the begining i thought it was gonna be a long tough journey to reach 90 days, but honestly it wasnt that bad. Yeah i struggled a lot in the first month, but the only thing that kept me from relapsing is this sub.
the day i found this sub, i made a promise i wont do it, and since then everytime i hit an urge, i gave pushups until i couldnt any more and then i came here. and thats it. thats the only thing that stopped me all this time.
people’s relapsed story made me feel what i would feel if i relapse, gave me a good visual, and everyone who relapsed, said they regretted it and pleaded everyone else not to do it. Well i heard them. all those stories touched my heart everytime.
second is the success stories, they made me soo jealous and pushed me to keep moving forward. and felt all the positive “superpowers” everyone describe, hightened attention and confidence, more control on emotion and anger, thus better relationship with everyone around me. Best was the deep voice, wow i never knew i would like the sound of my own voice, that shit is just magical, lol.
life have improved so much, i dont have words to describe it. my business went up, relationship with my friends got infinitly better. so it did with my parents. told everyone about my addiction, including my family, mom was very schocked but took it very gracefully and happy that i’ took it upon myself to change.
the more i tell people about my addiction, i feel the less power it has over me. We are only control;ed by our own fears. Shed some light on those fears, we can totally kick its ass.
So i deeply want to Thank every Fapstronuts out here, all u distant strangers helped me so much to recover. Its amaizing how imporant effect others stories have on a single individual. You all are awesome, and i’ll forever come to this sub and be there for anyone who is feeling low and needs support, cause u were there for me when i need yours. thats something even the people who were supposed to be the closest to me couldnt do.
and now its time to raise awarness of this hidden addiction, and save the next generation. i am telling all my younger cousin brother to stop it before they start, cause i’m sure they did. and others well.
LINK – reached 120 days on my first attempt, YAAA, here is an easy tip on how
By Redhand1113