Man… Got 90 days again. Use to have 250+ days but I’m happy where I am now. I made it. Rebooting is like living in a completely different dimension of existence. I feel so full freaking horny, all the girls can tell when I give them that look they know what I want.
- I feel so full of energy
- I feel horny all the time, yet I can channel that energy into other things
- I feel hot/warm inside my body ~ i don’t need to where as much clothes in the winter
- I feel happy
- I feel extremely confident
- Girls are always starting at me, every girl wants me
- “Down there” I am so sensitive, just kissing a girl would probably make me jizz lol
- I just love life and the little things
- I am doing WAY better in school
- I’m just happy guys
Still watching porn? Lol, ok if you want to be depressed then I won’t stop you.
But if you want to live alpha, and feel a women’s all, be able to respond to a women’s advances, become a poet, a true man….then reboot.
Thank you NoFap and yourbrainonporn…I owe you my life.
Thanks Alex.
LINK – 90 days… A completely different dimension of existence