I’m 16 years old from Europe. I was previously known as QuittingForever. I started a journal just over a year ago. I was sick of being addicted to something I was ashamed of. So I came across this website and started to learn a lot of things. I learned to:
- Cope with urges
- What an addiction actually is
- How to better my life in general by doing daily simple activities
- Look at woman naturally
- Deal with problems instead of running away from it
I attempted many times and many times I failed, but all what matters is to pick yourself up and keep going. Learn from your faults and you’ll eventually be able to beat this addiction. Here’s a top 10 what worked for me:
- Not being on your Smartphone before sleeping. Put it out of reach. Make it a rule.
- Replacing your bad habits with new habits to put your energy in
- Rewarding yourself after a period of time. I watched my favourite movie each time I hit a new goal
- Writing in your journal daily and learn from other people’s feedback
- Do something different when you know you are tempted
- Stop watching tempting videos (nsfw-related)
- Keep yourself busy (especially during the weekends)
- Helping other people
- Taking cold showers (although I didn’t do that for 3 months… But it did work)
- Being productive, it prevents you from escaping your reality by PMO
Here’s what benefits NoFap gave me:
- A clear mind
- No depression
- Better short term memory
- Facial hair grows faster (which is kinda annoying really )
- Music sounds better
- Better concentration
- Boring activities are more fun
- No worries about what to say and not to say in a group
- I respect woman and look at them as a person
- Some more things I can’t recall right now
It’s definitely worth it and no matter how hard it is. Please don’t give up. I know it’s hard but you’ll have to look at the bigger picture.
I still got things to work on and I’ll continue to do so. Thanks for reading and supporting me through this journey!!
LINK – 90 days completed – My story
BY – Quiver