I never really thought of [my porn use] as an addiction or anything unnatural. But after trying to quit and relapsing over and over for the past two years i have realized that I was absolutely addicted and had almost no self control. Any time I would get even the slightest tingling in my genitals I would instantly go and get off to some nice porn. I always assumed that’s what everyone else did. But ever since I got on this site and started learning about it I have made some serious progress. It took me forever but I finally now can counter this on the daily.
I am still tempted like crazy almost every day. I come really close to the PMO but then instead of doing the deed I get on this site and read various posts. The emergency app really helps as well. It’s all too bloody brilliant! I would have never been able to do it without nofap.
I have noticed how much more confident I am with strangers. It is a strange feeling. It’s almost as though I’m a kid again and every human being is an interesting character in some kind of larger story. I know it sounds cheesy but this is where my mind has gone now that I don’t perceive women as sexual objects and men as competitors trying to beat me to have sex with said sexual objects.
I have deep conversations with girls and I view them purely as fellow human beings rather than comparing their bodies to pornstars. I’m not saying I’ve become blind to good looks, but I value what is beyond that now. I want to know the whole person inside and out. I also feel a much sharper focus in daily activities and a sense of pride in the fact that I am slowly beating his addiction.
Thank you nofap! This is such a huge help! You guys are truly amazing! I have learned so much about countering and developing myself as a man from this site. I am extremely grateful!
And stay strong everyone! If I did it anyone can. Remember when you fall, you get back up. You fall, you get back up. You fall, you get back up. Again and again and again!
These have been the best two months that I have lived in a long time. I have been trying to stop masturbating ever since I became a Christian 2 years ago. Who knew that this sort of thing was considered a sin?
I am 24.
LINK – Not fapped for 2 months
by RedDoor1