- Lower anxiety levels overall
- Overall less irritable day to day
- I quit smoking dope
- Quit drinking pop all day everyday and essentially only drink water
- Quit smoking cigarettes
- Started taking vitamins and minerals ( zinc, magnesium, vitamin d3 and vitamin a)
- Skin clearer (most likely from zinc and vitamins)
- I am more social then I’ve ever been ( be it mostly at the club but whatever, still pretty fun imo)
- Get vivid dreams
- Have made more gains at the gym (from 165 up to 178)
- Bigger appetite
- Easier to wake up early in the morning
- More facial hair growth
- Not as socially conscious anymore
- Elevated emotions
- More motivated to make money
- More concentrated on certain task ie) work
If all these are attributed to nofap… Who knows but I just wanted to give an update. All I can say is this year has started pretty well tbh.
For me [doing Nofap] came down to being a loner and wanting to be able to socialize with people without feel anxious af.
LINK – What has 143 days of nofap has changed me
by bobby_j_hill