KEY to go from “1- or 2-month success”, to FOREVER SUCCESS:
My First post:…es-5-tips-to-success-must-read-updated.19732/ contains best tips which helped me, to be now almost 4 years FREE from porn (and masturbation)!
And this one here is to help people go from initial success, of maybe being between 30-120 days porn free, on, to forever success!
After initial success, there will be moments when you will think, this is it! now I am free, it’s been 3 weeks, or 2 months, and now I don’t even feel an urge for this slimy evil thing called porn.
Not so fast. That is a great sign, BUT, that is one victory, in a big war, stay on guard!
How will you react just 1 time.
Perhaps 3 weeks from now.
Perhaps 3 months from now! – yes it may take a long time
When the “devil” will prepare a perfect attack,
and your body will want to PMO,
with EXTREME desire,
BUT, you have to say NO!
That will be the big challenge.
How will you respond? Get ready.
It’s like a big finals game in NBA. Regular season doesn’t matter anymore, you have to get that CHAMPIONSHIP! So, it will come down to a 1 or a few moments. Just like in the NBA Playoffs.
Maybe a finals game 7 in semi-finals , and a game 7 in the finals. This are the moments that matter. You can win your own MVP and Title. Don’t let the devil get the rewards instead. He will drop you as low as he can. WARNING: If you fail, you may end up in the same destructive spiral from which you are trying to rid yourself.
For me, the “BIG GAME” happened approx. 3 months after I stopped watching porn and masturbating, a huge temptation came, and I overcame it! Also, another BIG TEMPTATION hit me -approx 1 year after I stopped watching porn! Yes, even after 1 year , when you think are already a victor, ONE LAST CHALLENGE MAY COME. THOSE WERE MY GAME 7s. And I won.
After 1 year, I have to say, no real temptation to go back to porn ever hit me. So that should motivate you guys. Soon, it comes a point, where porn no longer has ANY power over you. So, in that first year, there were a couple of times when I overcame A HUGE URGE, A HUGE TEMPTATION to FALL BACK INTO THE EVIL TRAP.
2) AND NOW, THE Secret:
It wasn’t me; I wouldn’t stand a chance without God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Seriously, I think those good practical tips would bring me far, but without God in the picture, in my mind, I would fall!
1) I wouldn’t have such a strong moral obligation , and
2) I wouldn’t have received his grace, which comes when we
*A) do our best, and
*B) turn to him humbly, to help us, to cry out to Him, in the name of Jesus
So, even with the Gospel, it is still on us to do our best, to do what is right. And then we receive supernatural help! TRULY! Gospel gives us direction, and help from above. Without the Gospel I wouldn’t have the right perspective, and thus probably I wouldn’t have the right motivation to succeed.
That is why if you can, read the Bible , and pray as much as it is possible, every minute counts. But even the non-Christians may benefit greatly from this tips here, because it is the principles for success.
One thing which helped me immensely back when I started, was journaling on a site similar to this one. I gained a couple of buddies, and I was accountable to the people on that site.
It also gave me a good insight into my progress, because I was able to read back my posts from weeks, and months ago.. I paid special attention to BIG URGES, BIG TEMPTATIONS, If you will DENY a BIG TEMPTATION, and then journal about it, YOU WILL SKYROCKET YOUR SUCCESS!!! – Because you will analyse what happens within you, you will shine a light into the dark territory where the enemy attacks.
Another GREAT benefit is this: When you are aware of how things work, and you are prepared in advance for how you will deal with a BIG URGE, you will actually have fewer BIG temptations. I think that is why I had so few..
So, then, after being prepared, those moments with BIG temptations are a lot less frequent, because you are prepared, simple “attacks” (from the evil side) don’t work at all, and for the big attacks, you are ready to say NO!
You are ready to fight the battle in your mind, and RE-AFFIRM: I WILL NEVER WATCH PORN! GO AWAY!
And when you feel you have said it with power, and when you are sure about what you said, YOU WON!
Mostly people are not prepared. They just set a goal to not watch porn.. There is a lack of power behind that decision. What I am writing were my keys to unlock success.
So, in the meantime , when you are not being tempted strongly, which is like 95% of the days, don’t get too comfortable and satisfied with your beginning success. Stay RESOLUTE , stay ON GUARD, BE PREPARED!
When that time comes, be happy that it did, and SAY NO with confidence
The urge to PMO will disappear when you deny it, and yes it may be a couple of times that you will have to win this battles, but keep persevering.
If we could see the spiritual realm, and the amount of evil that we are avoiding, when we say no to porn, I think no one would ever watch porn again. but if you fall for it, if you fall for the trap which CAN NOT lead to true happiness, it will keep reappearing! Don’t waste time!
I want to help Christians and non-Christians also, but for Christians, as you know, I want to encourage you, Jesus is called the Savior not because he saves from hell, but because He saves from Sin! And him whom He frees, is free indeed! – that’s all in the Bible – New testament. – It is such a short book, I encourage you to open it up.
In Him, you have the Salvation, in Him is LIFE and don’t worry about how you feel, just BELIEVE and DO WHAT IS RIGHT and you will be blessed and you will come closer to Him. And FULLNESS OF JOY = BEING IN THE PRESENCE OF GOD. (Psalms 16:11),
God bless
LINK – How to go from 30 days porn free, on, TO FOREVER SUCCESS! – Tips from “4 years porn free” experience
BY – hsf.lpd