Cold Turkey – (EZ Mode) – 1st try – Dominating. Here is my experience with how things have gone for me and a tutorial to maybe help you on your Journeys. Things are stressful for me. I don’t have time to think about how many days its been. My uncle is dying (Cancer, Alcoholism). My GF is moving away from me soon (Mongolia, Peace Corp). And my parents drive me crazy (Still live with them). (1st World problems I know…) But guess what. I am one fucking HAPPY HUMAN.
Let me give you fellas some advice. Learn to communicate honestly and openly with people. Especially women. Tell all of your deepest secrets (unless your a serial killer or psychopath) to people who you trust. We’re all human. If they judge you for it then that’s their problem. That is going to give you a sense of support that will hopefully will keep you going.
If your struggling still with Porn and Masturbation your giving yourself too much time. DO NOT give yourself open time. You need to find something creative or productive to do that you thoroughly enjoy. The farther away from the computer you get the better. And you can’t just choose one hobby. You need to try and over plan your day so that you cannot fit anything. If your having trouble finding things your really enjoy then you need to truly stop and think about what you want out of life. Whether you believe life has a purpose for you or not is irrelevant. Find what you truly want out of life, and more importantly find out why. For some you this means finding out more about yourself more then anything. One thing that can help is trying to remember what you enjoyed before you first masturbated.
The next thing you can do is to change your environment. If you have a space that you habitually have chosen to masturbate in then you need to change that space. If you masturbate in a certain chair or bed in your room try to get rid of that chair or change that space. The first thing I did was throw away my computer chair and got a brand new fucking wooden rocking chair. Then I changed my wallpaper on my computer and changed my icons around. Deleted older files on my desktop. Then I changed my whole rooms layout. I moved my bed. I moved my dresser. I moved my TV stand. I moved my desk. I moved everything that could be moved. A new environment does wonders for you.
Start eating healthier! Start Working out! You owe it to yourself. I know this is the hardest thing I have listed. Find an exercise you enjoy doing. I love to rollerblade. So I rollerblade and run. Eating healthy is just pure willpower. No easy tricks here. It’s hard as hell and time consuming. It’s about finding the right recipes that are convenient and cheap.
Try to find a partner. Real sex is great. Some of you may want to avoid this step as it can be stressful and lead you back down to downward spiral. For those of you who can get it up and perform stress free this is a great way abstain from touching yourself and be touched by others. I know this is going to be controversial to some of you but you can go fuck yourselves ( but don’t actually that’s kinda the point is to not fuck yourself.) .
Lastly don’t be so fucking hard on yourself. I read a lot of posts on here that are just so fucking miserable and pathetic. Look it’s great that your trying but you don’t need to belittle yourself to the the extent of suicide or masochism. Its good you know that you have a bad habit but damn. Some of yall sound like you just got done murdering someone.
“Relapsed again. I’m gonna go jump off a windmill now.”
Give yourself a break. There are way worse habits than masturbation. Learn that this addiction is not as bad as it may seem. Thank your lucky stars your not addicted your Heroin. ( If you are seek help and guidance Immediately.)
Alright fellas End of Rant. Good Luck and Goodnight.
Dont go fuck yourself.
I am 25 years old. Male. Porn used since I was 12 years old. = 13 – 14 years of use. 13 years of daily masturbation on average. Symptoms [that made me try NoFap]: Mood swings after sex, Depression after sex, Anxiety, Intrusive thoughts (OCD)
Benefits: Less Anxiety, Cure for moderate Depression, A new empathetic and non-sexual view of Women, Less social anxieties
LINK – Godmode Achieved. Tutorial included.