Porn, you are no longer my master. I’m done with the shame. I’m done with the perversion. The social anxiety. The dehumanization of myself and those I viewed. The fear. The lies. You had me by the balls for so long, but I’m finally free. Now fuck off.
Stay strong and work towards a better tomorrow. We are all rooting for you.
I’m 22. I was only an occasional viewer so I haven’t noticed huge benefits. But I do feel that my thoughts are slightly less perverted and objectifying than they used to be.
I have a pretty unusual story actually. I was never a hard-time user: though I’d used from ages 13 to 21, it was typically every month or so. But through it all I was never okay with it, for religious reasons I knew it was wrong. I came across r/nofap last December, which was about a month since my last viewing. From that point on, incredibly, I have experienced almost no urges or desires to do it.
Why do I think I have been successful? I think discovering nofap really helped. I was kind of suspicious about the idea that masturbation was bad, but I knew already that porn was wrong and that it made me feel shitty. The sub really intrigued me and I spent many hours reading success stories and personal struggles. I think this helped me change my view of porn. If you can get yourself to hate your enemy you will be stronger against them. Reading emotional stories of personal struggles against it and what it had cost them–spouses, families, motivation, happiness–really got me to see it in a different light. I grew to develop a hatred, a resolve against it, that was never there before. The language in my post (“fuck off”) stems from this. The streaks feature of nofap also really helped I believe. Back in the day I had the, “eh, it’s not that bad, once in a month is okay” attitude, that saw little harm in occasional viewing. But with so many encouraging posts on high streaks and never giving in, I was determined to build a steak as high as I could.
LINK – 365
By ChadAram