I [M25] was not expecting to get over my delayed ejaculation so soon, but after only 12 days of NoFap, I was able to cum during PIV with my girlfriend! A little backstory: I have never been able to cum with a girl, however I am able to make myself cum. That led me to self-diagnose myself with delayed ejaculation after doing some reading.
Unfortunately, people with DE seem to be in a minority when it comes to these sort of issues, so it was very difficult to find reading material and success stories/remedies. My girlfriend and I have been dating for 9 months. The sex with her has been great, but I was never able to cum. That really stressed me out and made her feel like she was not good enough or that she was not working hard enough (both of these were not true).
I made the decision about 2 weeks ago to tell my girlfriend that I have been watching porn and masturbating since we started dating. That was a bit of a mistake, as she felt that she was not good enough, but I felt that I needed to tell her the truth that this is what my body has been used to since I was about 13. I told her that I was dropping porn and would not pleasure myself any more unless I was with her. She was still upset, but said she would be patient and be supportive of me.
I was expecting this to take a month or two, so this might not be the same for everyone, but what I did was follow NoFap’s no PMO rules and tried to think about my girlfriend as much as possible for the last two weeks. I don’t know if this will work for everyone, but it worked for me!
Honestly, though, I am just so happy because after 6-7 years I have never been able to cum with a woman and this is like a whole new world for me now. I am going to continue NoFap going forward, though! Best of luck out there, guys! Keep up the good work!
TLDR; I have never been able to cum with a woman, but after only 12 days of NoFap, it happened!
LINK – A Success Story: Getting over DE
By changing247