Quitting porn hasn’t made me superman. But subtle changes can be significant ones.


I’m really pumped, I finally made it through two whole months in a row without slipping. What I’m particularly proud of: I’m living in a foreign city, away from my girlfriend, and I have tons of free time. Yet I haven’t given in. After seeing u/free4eden ‘s post, I realize I’m still a beginner. (1096 days!!). But maybe I have a couple useful insights.

How I’ve made progress? One method: https://www.reddit.com/r/pornfree/comments/8t1ne7/new_method_check_your_threat_level_every_day/

Do I feel better? It’s subtle. Quitting porn hasn’t made me superman. But subtle changes can be significant ones.

  • I live my days without guilt and shame.
  • I have discovered my own sexuality. Don’t want to go into it- but without the obscuring, shadowing lens of porn, what I like and want has become present.
  • I cope with feelings in a more healthy manner. With porn I didn’t have to work, didn’t have to think- time would just pass. I’m slowly finding other ways to help myself relax.
  • I’m aware of the way I treat my girlfriend and other women. I don’t take objectification and fantasies for granted.

I still have urges. I still have that little voice. I still sometimes think of women in an un-ideal way. But now I feel more aware and in control. That is a beautiful thing. Onwards and upwards!

Thank you all for your support, and good luck on your journeys.

LINK – My Personal Record: Two Months!

by strugglebus25