J Behav Addict. 2018 Sep 11:1-10. doi: 10.1556/2006.7.2018.73
Calvo F1,2, Carbonell X2, Oberst U2, Fuster H3.
Background and aims In recent years, we have witnessed a growing research interest in behavioral addictions and in pleasurable behaviors that generate a certain discomfort in the people who engage in them. The objective of this study was to assess if users of collectible card games, miniatures, and dice from the Star Wars Universe Games (SWUG) may also present criteria of addiction and if the presence of these criteria is related to demographic variables, game-playing habits, and other variables. Methods SWUG players were contacted through specialized gaming chats, and 218 of them completed the Internet Gaming Disorder Scale – Short Form (IGDS-SF9), a scale that assesses motivation to engage in the game (Massively Multiplayer Online Motivations Scale), the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Questionnaire, the Diener Satisfaction with Life Scale, and a question for the self-assessment of addiction. Results Significant predictors of addictive symptoms were the motivation to seek dissociation and (negatively) self-esteem. Users more significantly dedicate indirect hours to the game (thinking about the game, preparing material, etc.) than to actually playing. No participant could be considered pathologically addicted, as no one scored above the tentative cut-off point of the IGDS-SF9. Discussion and conclusions Despite the fact that many players considered themselves “addicted” and some presented various economic and family problems related to their activity, it was found that playing these games could not be equated to true addictive behavior, since no player had scores above the cut-off point. This finding contributes to current discussions about the tendency to overestimate excessive pleasurable behaviors.
KEYWORDS: Internet gaming disorder; analogical games; behavioral addictions; gaming; motivations to game-playing; self-esteem
PMID: 30203694