Exposure to Internet Pornography and Taiwanese Adolescents Sexual Attitudes and Behavior (2005)

DOI: 10.1207/s15506878jobem4902_5

Ven-hwei Lo & Ran Wei

Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Volume 49, Issue 2, 2005  pages 221-237



This study examines use of Internet pornography by adolescents in Taiwan and the relationships between exposure to Internet pornography and the sexual attitudes and behavior of surveyed teens. Results show that about 38% of the sample had some exposure to Internet pornography.

Further, this exposure was associated with greater acceptance of sexual permissiveness and the greater likelihood of engaging in sexually permissive behavior. Most important, this exposure showed sustained relationships with sexually permissive attitudes and behavior when it was examined simultaneously with exposure to traditional pornography, general media use, and demographics.

From – The Impact of Internet Pornography on Adolescents: A Review of the Research (2012):

  • A 2005 study, conducted by Lo and Wei, examined the relationship between exposure to sexually explicit material and sexual behaviors of 2,001 Taiwanese adolescents. This study indicated that exposure to sexually explicit material increased the likelihood that adolescents will accept and engage in sexually permissive behaviors.
  • Lo and Wei’s (2005) study of 2,001 Taiwanese students demonstrated a relationship between adolescents’ exposure to sexually explicit material and positive attitudes toward premarital and extramarital sexual relations.
  • In a study examining connections between the use of sexually explicit material and attitudes of Taiwanese adolescents, Lo and Wei (2005) used hierarchical regression analyses to determine that exposure to sexually explicit material on the Internet had a greater influence on permissive sexual attitudes than all other forms of pornographic media.