COMMENTS: In this experiment researchers used a dopamine agonist (acts like dopamine) to condition male rats to prefer males over females. The conditioned males displayed greater sexual excitement with other males and had more contact & erections, than with receptive females. Put simply: high levels of dopamine + conditioned sexual stimulus can lead to alteration of sexual tastes, and perhaps orientation. High levels of dopamine can occur with novel porn, especially if it violates expectations. Some porn users complain of escalating to porn that does not match their original sexual tastes or orientation.
Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2012 Aug;102(2):177-83. doi: 10.1016/j.pbb.2012.04.007. Epub 2012 Apr 28.
Cibrian-Llanderal T, Rosas-Aguilar V, Triana-Del Rio R, Perez CA, Manzo J, Garcia LI, Coria-Avila GA.
Centro de Investigaciones Cerebrales, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico.
Animal models have shown that the neural bases of social attachment, sexual preference and pair bonds, depend on dopamine D2-type receptor and oxytocin activity. In addition, studies have demonstrated that cohabitation can shape partner preference via conditioning. Herein, we used rats to explore the development of learned same-sex partner preferences in adulthood as a result of cohabitation during enhanced D2 activity. Experimental Wistar males (N=20), received saline or the D2 agonist (quinpirole) and were allowed to cohabitate during 24 h, with a stimulus male partner that bore almond scent on the back as conditioned stimulus. This was repeated every 4 days, for a total of three trials. Four days later they were drug-free tested for partner preference between the scented male partner and a sexually receptive female. Sexual partner preference was analyzed by measuring frequency and latency for appetitive and consummatory sexual behaviors, as well as non-contact erections. Social preference was also analyzed by measuring the frequency and latency of visits, body contacts and time spent together. Results indicated that only quinpirole-treated males displayed sexual and social preference for the scented male over the sexually receptive female. They spent more time together, displayed more body contacts, more female-like proceptive behaviors, and more non-contact erections. Accordingly, conditioned males appeared to be more sexually aroused and motivated by the known male than by a receptive female. We discuss the implications of this animal model on the formation of learned homosexual partner preferences.