First here’s some stuff I think everyone needs to know
- This is my personal story and personal things I did that helped me, it won’t work for everyone.
- If you masturbate I don’t think your a horrible person, and not every who masturbates has it turn into problems like it does for us.
- So like I said 3 years, first time getting to 90 days.
The things I did:
- Focused on my thoughts (eliminating thoughts about sexual stuff at all times, and eliminating the thought process of masturbating bringing me joy)
- When I had urges I would tell myself over and over, “This is going to cause you pain” (This was my number one tip!!!) Over time it really helped my instill the mindset that masturbating is hurting me rather than helping me. You need a thought or phrase to say over and over that will help you instill a new mindset that helps you avoid masturbation.
- Mid way through I started getting exercise (gym 4-5 times a week)
- Stopped using social media except some Reddit (ALSO HUGE, cutting off the main source of porn which was my phone, I cut down usage time probably 75%.)
- Being okay with yourself if you mess up. It’s fine if you mess up, when you get super hard on yourself it starts creating negative feelings and pressure which for so many of us is a trigger to masturbate. It’s like creating a cycle.
- Feel like a normal human being again for the most part (deal with mental illness)
- Less anxiety and depression
- More energy
- Feeling more normal again is the biggest benefit. Never got super powers, didn’t understand all that, sometimes I feel that’s blown out of proportion. Just me though.
- Anyways doing this has set me up to change my life. It helped clear my head and gave me more time and energy to start doing other better things for myself. An