I know I’m still a little early, but I don’t have time to write as soon as I reach 200.
First I want to tell you that it is hardest in the beginning and easier later, but this is not an excuse.
NoFap is a path, you have to work on converting the positive energy you gain into something that makes you happy and helps you forward.
So what have I actually achieved?
Personally I have found a new, for me perfect job. I rocked the interview conversations like never before.
For the first time in several years I contacted a woman and even met her for dinner. It was great and let me assure you that 200 days ago I would never have made it and never thought I could be at this point. BUT I AM! I fucking am.
I am generally full of energy, I am more alert, I radiate a certain something. I have a presence, I can look women in the eyes, perceive them as they are. And they look back! I can act self-confidently, on others and on myself. Even close friends look at me differently. Because my voice is more certain and I radiate a different aura than before.
Doing sport is much more satisfying for me. And now I also have the power to do it.
I do much more things in general, I am far more busy than before. This gives me opportunities which I never had before.
General advice I have for you:
Find an accountability partner you can contact – cheers brother if you read this! (Real friends are often rather a bad idea, most would not understand it.)
Don’t make any compromises. Every O. who is not with a human being is a relapse.
Wetdreams happen. They are NOT a relapse. I myself can prevent it while I’m half asleep, you just have to have the inner will.
Your brain is your biggest opponent. It will always try to find reasons to relapse. If you notice that you are triggered, then leave the place where you are at the moment. It is best to go among people, take showers or do workouts. Another possibility is that you replace the place or happening that brings you to relapse with other things. The brain assoices certain things. Example: Your roommates or parents leave the house, what did you normally do before? … If you know this, don’t let it depend on this situation or take a shower when they leave.
Finally, I can assure you the thoughts about fapping will disappear. For me after 120 days I have no thought to satisfy myself in bed or in front of the browser. It doesn’t exist anymore, it’s just gone. The brain structures have overwritten it.
And lastly, don’t lose faith in yourself and stay strong. The will counts. If you force yourself, you can do it. Just try hard enough.
I hope this helps you! Stay strong brothers.
LINK – What 200 days hardmode have changed for me.
by takingitsrs