Tomorrow will be day 90 of my pornfree journey. Three months ago I came to the realisation that porn brought no value to my life and was a huge waste of time. I quit cold turkey. It’s definitely the longest I’ve been pornfree. For me it did not take much effort to quit. I was lucky that throughout the process I did not have any uncontrollable urges, although they’ve escalated in the past week.
I also had difficulty reaching climax during real sex. I thought porn and maybe deathgrip were to blame so I quit porn and changed my masturbation habits. I am happy so say I have had several successful climaxes with a new partner over the past few weeks. Whether it is due to pornfree is not certain but it is good nevertheless.
Since quitting porn I made a point of changing my masturbation habits.
- I reduced the frequency of MO. Without porn it is surprising how little you actually need to masturbate. Rather than forcing a quick MO, I would wait until my body asked for it. I also tried to abstain from MO for about a week at a time, just to start with. I only once managed to go full week once, but the point was to reduce the frequency. And to only MO when my body asked for it.
- When I did MO, I took it very slow, with lube, and without and visual stimulation or fantasies. The point was to focus purely on the sensations of my body and to experiment with different methods. And wow, it’s been amazing doing it like this!
So I will continue with pornfree into the future. Aside from the benefits mentioned above it just feels good to know that I have the mind power to overcome bad habits. It feels good not having to hide my screen from people, not having to constantly clear my browsing history, and putting to better use the time that would otherwise be wasted on building and cataloging a stash.
To those of you just starting on your pornfree journey, I hope this is some encouragement. Take it one step at a time and be kind to yourselves.
LINK – I’ve reached 90 days
by PsyMon93