Ok so I’ve been clean since November 2013. I quit all porn,fantasy,constsantly thinking about sex & daily M but decided to take the long route and continue trying to have sex with my wife.
December & January was tough, and I mean tough! I had serious depression…absolutely no libido at all.I had thoughts that would run through my brain all day & night and found myself crying like a baby all the time.
My porn & m habits had ground my poor little man into a desensitized permanently flaccid useless addition to ny body that simply didn’t want or fancy real female attention.
I have mixed drugs with sex also for years and frazzled my brain with massive ammounts of dopamine!! Real life straight sex was simply not interesting enough for me to get hard.
My erection had been losing strength for at least two years and and simply got too the point of no return.
February went quickly with some amount of abstinence involved. I managed 7-8 then 14 days without orgasm.
My moods were still terrible and I thought I was “damaged for life”
March …. I have seen some fantastic results which has resulted in me having great sex last night and this morning.
My erection is back. My head is better..my love for my wife is stronger and im looking to the future with a smile
LINK – Rewiring has proved the difference
BY – typicalfool