I am an addict. I’ve tried and failed many times before.
For many years the longest I had ever gone without porn was about three weeks.
Now I’ve done a year.
A year ago:
I had convinced myself that I couldn’t sleep unless I had jerked it.
I had 21 accounts that I used for sexual satisfaction (most were porn/cam sites but others were ones where I’d insert my own sex stuff hoping to find someone similar or just for my own thrills).
I had a 14.6 Gb porn folder.
I had ongoing role plays/webcam relationships with two women, two femboys and an older sissy.
I would routinely go on webcam sites and jerk for/with pretty much anyone.
Sometimes in the summer I’d draw the curtains in the evening and by the time I’d finished it was the early hours and it was light again.
I was doing stuff every day mostly more than once.
I felt like a dirtbag, freak, loser and porn were making me feel worse.
I’ve found that removing temptation is essential. I deleted a treasured porn stash and threw out my webcam. To me that was a major help and psychological cue that I was actually serious. It was something I’d never done before and unsurprisingly in the past I’d retreat to my old stash.
Finding something else to do is helpful. After 6 months I started working out, I was doing the starting strength 5×5 workout (there’s a Reddit for it and I recommend it to all you guys), but the gym is corona’ed and although I managed to get some dumbbells and a bench but it is not the same.
If it wasn’t for this lock down, I would really celebrate (that’s another thing – reward yourself when you’ve reached milestones). I was going to get some gym stuff as a reward but it is all sold out or too expensive. I’ll wait though.
I don’t want to get into anything negative (I have been thinking about why I am the way I am) while I am celebrating (I am going to have a few drinks and a huge Toblerone) so I’ll just wish all you guys all the best and I really hope you overcome your addictions.
Special thanks to all the bros who have sent me messages of support.
LINK – 1 YEAR CELEBRATION!!! June1 – June1 (just gone midnight).
by ronwordman