RealYBOP twitter (@BrainOnPorn) and (registered by Daniel Burgess) were developed as tools by Nicole Prause to attack Your Brain on Porn, Gary Wilson, and anyone else who critiques the porn industry or points out the negative effects of porn use.
This is page #2, documenting the second year of RealYBOP tweets. This page documents RealYBOP’s first year and contains an extensive introduction providing context and events that have transpired (such as legal actions, RealYBOP Twitter being implicated in defamation lawsuits, and RealYBOP experts being paid by the porn industry). Due to ongoing legal actions, YBOP must collect what @BrainOnPorn tweets.
While Daniel Burgess registered the RealYBOP URL (, the most credible evidence points towards Nicole Prause creating and operating the RealYBOP website and Twitter account.
RealYBOP constantly engages in harassment and defamation of those who speak about porn’s negative effects (over 800 such tweets in its first year). We wonder who’s legally responsible for @BrainOnPorn‘s defamation and harassment? Is it only Nicole Prause, or the underlying website’s past owner(s), or maybe both? Or could all of the RealYBOP “experts” be held legally and financially responsible?
This question is not trivial as Prause and the RealYBOP Twitter are now implicated in two defamation lawsuits (Donald Hilton, MD & Nofap founder Alexander Rhodes), a trademark infringement case, and a trademark squatting case. In fact, several of the RealYBOP tweets have been included in filings for the two defamation lawsuits, and in associated affidavits filed by other victims of Prause and RealYBOP Twitter (affidavit #1, affidavit #2, affidavit #3, affidavit #4, affidavit #5, affidavit #6, affidavit #7, affidavit #8, affidavit #9, affidavit #10, affidavit #11, affidavit #12, affidavit #13, affidavit #14, affidavit #15, affidavit #16).
Updates (August, 2020): Court rulings expose Prause as the perpetrator, not the victim. In March of 2020, Prause sought a groundless temporary restraining order (TRO) against me using fabricated “evidence” and her usual lies (falsely accusing me of stalking). In Prause’s request for the restraining order she perjured herself, saying I posted her address on YBOP and Twitter (perjury is nothing new with Prause). I filed an lawsuit against Prause for misusing the legal system (TRO) to silence and harass me. On August 6, the Los Angeles County Superior Court ruled that Prause’s attempt to obtain a restraining order against me constituted a frivolous and illegal “strategic lawsuit against public participation” (commonly called a “SLAPP suit”). In essence, the Court found that Prause abused the restraining order process to bully me into silence and undercut his rights to free speech. By law, the SLAPP ruling obligates Prause to pay my attorney fees (but she is trying to get out of paying me).
Update (January, 2021): Prause filed a second frivolous legal proceeding against me in December, 2020 for alleged defamation. At a hearing on January 22, 2021 an Oregon court ruled in my favor and charged Prause with costs and an additional penalty. This failed effort was one of a dozen lawsuits Prause publicly threatened and/or filed in the previous months. After years of malicious reporting, she has escalated to threats of actual lawsuits to try to silence those who reveal her close ties to the porn industry and her malicious conduct, or who have made sworn statements in the 3 defamation suits currently active against her.
Update (January, 2021): Gary Wilson now owns the RealYBOP URL. See press release – ATTENTION: YBOP acquires in trademark infringement settlement.
RealYourBrainOnPorn (@BrainOnPorn) tweets, the 2nd year (beginning April 17, 2020):
NOTE: In September, 2020 @BrainOnPorn attempted to rebrand itself as a commentary-on-YBOP account, but without commenting on the content of YBOP! Instead, Prause used Anti-Your Brain On Porn (@BrainOnPorn) solely to defame and lie about various individuals and organizations (approximately 1000 such tweets in the first 16 months of its existence). It cyberstalked my son and his mother, tweeting where they worked and lived, while defaming both in the most vile manner. @BrainOnPorn supplied no actual commentary or analysis. Many RealYBOP tweets have been omitted because they are too vile and defamatory.
Puts a plug in for under-age porn use:
April 20, 2020: Two tweets about the well-known origins of reddit/nofap in 2011. Sure, a bunch men took a 7-day challenge based on a Chinese study, which measured testosterone levels every day for 16 days, and found little change until around day 7, when a spike occurred.
But the men soon realized porn was their issue. The two Nofap sites are porn recovery forums. The Chinese research is lost in the mists of time.
RealYBOP continues to target Nofap, even though @BrainOnPorn Twitter is now implicated in two defamation lawsuits!
Below, RealYBOP directly supports Mindgeek, owner of PornHub by targeting the following tweet by Laila Mickelwait. (Mickelwait’s petition to hold PornHub accountable for unconscionable and illegal content posted to its site has garnered over a million signatures.)
The CEO of Mindgeek who owns Pornhub just started following me. After I tweeted about it he immediately changed his name and location. #Traffickinghub
— Laila Mickelwait (@LailaMickelwait) April 19, 2020
Here is RealYBOP attacking Laila, while defending Mindgeek’s CEO. Note: RealYBOP lies when asserting the account isn’t that of Mindgeek’s CEO. (Additional evidence that it is exists.)
Here, RealYBOP trolls a man in recovery from porn addiction, lying about studies, then blocking him when challenged:
RealYBOP continues with lies:
RealYBOP section debunked here: Erectile And Other Sexual Dysfunctions Section.
The final outcome, as it always is…. RealYBOP runs scared:
For the 4th time that day RealYBOP tweets derogatory comments in threads that mention YBOP.
RealYBOP lies about YBOP, and lies that we sued it or Prause (who appears to manage it) over RealYBOP. Never once has Prause/RealYBOP ever linked to a page on YBOP and given an example of “false information”. Reality:
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 1)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 2)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 3)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 4)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 5)
- Legal victories over serial harasser/defamer Nicole Prause: She’s the perpetrator, not the victim!
Misrepresentation of a review. RealYBOP’s tweet gives the false impression that the selected studies asked about porn use, but NONE did.
April 21, 2020: Prause is being sued for defamation by Alex Rhodes. Here Prause uses the RealYBOP account to attack/disparage Alex Rhodes and his company (NoFap):
The 5th tweet of the day about me by RealYBOP. This is funny, as I tweet a study, and RealYBOP makes things up. How precisely did I commit fraud, again?
My link to the study. RealYBOP lies, as the abstract was English:
Behavioral addictions are considerate as a new way of developing misconduct in relation to phenomena that by themselves have no reason to be associated with pathological states. Despite not being referred to in most commonly used diagnostic textbooks among health professionals, their incidence in the population is increasingly notable, adopting ever more diverse forms, thanks to the development of new technologies. Sex addiction can manifest itself in different ways, with a higher incidence among the male population. This paper deals with the description, functional analysis and intervention in a case of Internet porn addiction from a college psychology service, used to addressing problems affecting the youth. Developing a cognitive behavioral intervention, the strategies employed and their effectiveness in the case are described, the possible implications of behavioral addictions in the university population, and its impact on the academic and personal development of students.
What a cyberstalker.
RealYBOP targets NCOSE, with more lies and fabrications, and a silly “infographic” which she will post another 100 times. As always RealYBOP provides zero examples of actual “fraud”:
RealYBOP fabricates “errors” by NCOSE, and lies when claiming that the porn harms tweet said “the entire science has agreed on the topic“. The NCOSE page in question:
Appears to support underage porn use – and gets called out for it:
April 23, 2020: WOW. Direct support for Pornhub, while also attempting to disparage NoFap (who is suing Prause, who manages RealYBOP, for defamation):
Hmmm….RealYBOP scouring PornHub as if she is a moderator.
Cyberstalking Gabe Deem and lying. The post was about young men regaining morning wood and spontaneous erection via the elimination of porn use. RealYBOP’s criticism has nothing to do with what Gabe actually said.
More defamation. In her thread supporting Pornhub and attacking NoFap, RealYBOP tweeted an XBIZ article targeting Julie Bindel. RealYBOP falsely claims that Julie Bindel attended XRCO. This is a bold-faced lie, as Bindel attended the XBIZ awards, which is open to the public. Funny that RealYBOP’s tweet exposes the lie, as the screenshot says that Bindel attended the XBIZ awards.
Context: Julie Bindel is a prominent anti-porn, anti-prostitution, rad feminist. In Prause’s filings in the Don Hilton defamation suit, Prause perjures herself on numerous occasions by claiming she has never attended a porn awards show. For example, see this image of her (far right) on the red carpet of the X-Rated Critics Organization (XRCO) awards ceremony (June 22, 2016).
KEY: According to Wikipedia, “The XRCO Awards are given by the American X-Rated Critics Organization annually to people working in adult entertainment and it is the only adult industry awards show reserved exclusively for industry members.“[1]
It’s important to know that much of Prause’s “justification” for defaming Don Hilton arises from Hilton stating that Prause attended porn-industry awards (which Prause denies). Because Prause and Ley chronically cite Hilton’s religious faith as disqualifying him from commenting on science, Hilton (the author of multiple peer-reviewed papers) felt it was necessary to point out their biases (in hopes of refocusing the debate on the research evidence). While thousands of social media posts substantiate Prause’s pro-porn biases, Hilton chose a time-saving route in his presentations: tweets of Prause attending porn industry awards or indicating she had or would attend in the future (the screenshots were obtained from this page: Evidence that Nicole Prause attends porn industry awards (XRCO, AVN)).
The purpose of RealYBOP’s tweet is to give the impression that anyone (inducing anti-porn feminists) can attend the XRCO awards. RealYBOP is lying, as Bindel did not attend XRCO. Prause did attend the XRCO adult industry awards show reserved exclusively for industry members.
Notice how RealYBOP, Ley, and JamesF often work as a defamation team:
Tweets XBIZ propaganda by XBIZ news editor Gustavo Turner
Tweets a “sex worker’s” propaganda in support of PornHub:
Uhh, nope, there are now ~50 neuroscience-based studies providing strong support for the addiction model, as their findings mirror the neurological findings reported in substance addiction studies.
Continued support for Pornhub (which is being outed as hosting numerous child-porn videos):
Exploiting the pandemic to spread propaganda.
Cyberstalking Gabe Deem, again, with neuro-gibberish. She also denigrates the MD in the video (Gabe’s Twitter thread, which fully supports his assertions).
RealYBOP never takes on the substance. Here, the account ignorantly claims that dopamine has nothing do with sexual arousal or addiction. Its manager, Prause, been pushing her non-scientific drivel for so long. This article published in 2017 to expose Prause & Ley as neuroscience non-experts: Correcting Misunderstandings About Neuroscience and Problematic Sexual Behaviors (2017) by Don Hilton, MD.
RealYBOP misrepresents study:
Excerpts from the study reveal that exposure to violent porn changed the brains of the low porn users:
In the current study, low porn users’ brain activities elicited by unpleasant and violentimages became more similar after increasing exposure to violent and pornographic material, while the Kunaharan et al. (2017) study showed the same trend, in this case depending on reported pornography use instead of controlled exposure in the laboratory. What is interesting to note is that by merely exposing individuals who self-reported as being low porn users to a total of ten rounds of 50 pornographic and 50 violent images,
we were able to “artificially induce” ERP curves which were consistent with self-reported high porn users.
As in many previous tweets, RealYBOP defends Pornhub by lying about Exodus Cry (Laila Mickelwait is an Exodus Cry officer who is spearheading the expose’ of Pornhub’s reckless and illegal content):
RealYBOP has been defaming and harassing Laila and Exodus Cry for some time now. Many of us believe that RealYBOP provided propaganda to Pornhub. Let’s hope discovery in the 2 defamation suits reveals the behind the scenes activities. For more:
- (July, 2019: Laila Haddad affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.)
- Prause reported Exodus Cry to the Missouri Attorney General for having a fraudulent mission statement for their 501c3 – February, 2019: Prause falsely accuses Exodus Cry of fraud. Asks Twitter followers to report the non-profit to the Missouri attorney general (for spurious reasons), Appears to have edited the CEO’s Wikipedia page (No action)
- Laila Mickelwait/Exodus Cry affidavit for Rhodes v Prause
RealYBOP lying: Falsely states an opinion paper by mere sociologists is a ‘systematic review’ of the literature. It is certainly not a review of the literature on pornography addiction. Instead, the paper seems to have scrounged around for random links and articles that support its predetermined agenda. From the abstract:
Using content analysis of over 600 documents, including scientific studies, newspaper articles, and state government resolutions, we show how references to pornography as addictive emerged in the twenty-first century and grew most substantially in the last decade.
Little in RealYBOP’s tweets about this work is supported. The authors just published their opinions, using cherry-picked articles (not studies) to “support” their text. The paper did NOT review the studies related to porn addiction, so it can tell us nothing about porn addiction. The real experts’ opinions on porn/sex addiction? This list contains 25 recent neuroscience-based literature reviews & commentaries by some of the top neuroscientists in the world. All support the addiction model.
The abstract exposes the agenda. Gee, I wonder why “references to pornography as addictive” have grown substantially in the last decade or so? Let me think…. what has changed in the last 20 years? Can anyone help me here? Might it be that porn itself has changed, and its use become widespread thanks to the Internet?
In order to describe pornography’s harms in the twenty-first century, an age of unprecedented access to Internet technology, some advocates—including activists, religious leaders, politicians, and scientists—use a medical/scientific framework to claim that pornography is biologically addictive. This article examines public discourse on “pornography addiction” to extend theories of sociology of science and sociology of sexualities about scientific knowledge and the biomedicalization of sex and sexuality. Using content analysis of over 600 documents, including scientific studies, newspaper articles, and state government resolutions, we show how references to pornography as addictive emerged in the twenty-first century and grew most substantially in the last decade. We find that scientific studies largely offer inconclusive results, yet media and political discourses use biomedical scientific language to describe how pornography directly harms the physical and mental health of individual consumers, presumed to be men, and indirectly harms broader society. These include harms to heterosexual marriages and relationships, lawful society, and normal sexual desires. Thus, we find that pornography addiction serves as an illustration of how political actors and journalists are interpreters and claims-makers of scientific knowledge about sexuality in the public sphere. Scientific language, rooted in neurobiology, allows claims-makers to construct pornography addiction as a seemingly objective public threat that legitimizes stereotypes about binary gender and normative (hetero)sexuality.
In addition, the authors falsely state that studies are inconclusive. This page lists EVERY neurological study published on porn addiction. ALL 50 neuroscience-based studies (MRI, fMRI, EEG, neuropsychological, hormonal) provide support for the addiction model as their findings mirror the neurological findings reported in substance-addiction studies.
The authors cleverly framed the issue as “porn addiction” rather than the effects of porn use. IMO they did this so as to omit the tremendous amount of studies countering their agenda.
For example, every quantitative study involving males has reported more porn use (or just porn use) linked to poorer sexual and relationship satisfaction – yet the papers rarely assessed ‘porn addiction’: Over 75 studies link porn use to less sexual and relationship satisfaction. Burke can omit these, because she is focused only on “porn addiction.”
Burke can also omit nearly 300 studies reporting myriad negative outcome related to porn viewing in adolescents – because they are not about ‘addiction’. Because it’s only about addiction, Burke can ignore over 100 studies linking porn use to sexual aggression, coercion & violence.
Burke can also ignore over 75 studies link porn use to poorer mental-emotional health & poorer cognitive outcomes. More examples could be given, but the authors’ strategy is clear to me – avoid the preponderance of the research, which clearly reports negative outcomes related to porn use.
And yet, much of the paper is devoted to disparaging states that passed resolutions claiming porn is a public health issue.
The “strategy” in action. First, limit the search to”pornography addiction” even though all the neurological studies use ‘CSBD’ or ‘hyper-sexuality’, or ‘problematic porn use’, etc. (And, of course, most studies reporting negative effects do not use “addiction”.). Excerpt:
Library of Medicine, to search for scientific studies from medical and health-related fields. We found 127 peer-reviewed articles written in the English language that contained reference to pornography addiction (“pornography/- porn addict,” “pornography/porn addiction,” “addicted to pornography/porn”) anywhere in the text. Our final dataset for in-depth analysis includes 103 scientific articles published between 1992 and 2017. Most
Check out how many neurological studies the authors “found” – eleven (yet there are currently 50)
Most scientific articles (n = 70 or 68 percent) come from psycho-social studies or those from psychology or the social sciences that rely on methods of self-reporting via survey questionnaires (the most common method), interviews, and/or focus groups. Our sample includes 11 neuro-physiological studies (11 percent) that use some neurological or physiological measure, sometimes in combination with selfreport through interviews or surveys, including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI or MRI), eye tracking, skin conductance, and photoplethysmogram (PPG).
Problem is – currently ~50 neuroscience-based studies (MRI, fMRI, EEG, neuropsychological, hormonal) have been published on porn users. All 50 lend support for the addiction model as their findings mirror the neurological findings reported in substance addiction studies. The authors omitted 39 neuro studies! That’s a big problem if you are claiming to have conducted a review the literature on ‘porn addiction’.
The authors also omitted Over 50 studies reporting findings consistent with escalation of porn use (tolerance), habituation to porn, and even withdrawal symptoms (all signs and symptoms associated with addiction).
More falsehoods by RealYBOP: the authors’ opinion piece said no such thing. It’s clear Burke chose certain individuals (while ignoring hundreds of others) so she could spin that most people who write about porn addiction are conservative or religious. Omitted the largest most popular websites like YBOP and Nofap, because the founders are atheists.
RealYBOP was called out for claiming this was systematic review. We exposed the paper as not an actual review because it falsely asserted there were only 11 neurological papers published on porn addiction, when there are currently 50 neuroscience-based studies (MRI, fMRI, EEG, neuropsychological, hormonal). Oops.
In above tweet, RealYBOP requests reviews that falsify the paper’s propaganda. Here you go – this list contains 25 recent neuroscience-based literature reviews & commentaries by some of the top neuroscientists in the world. All support the addiction model.
Stupid ‘info-graphics’, yet RealYBOP never cites a single example related to this top ten lists of fabrications. Shill.
Defending the porn industry:
Stupid infographic, again. Ley and Prause have chickened out of several debate offers
Even though Prause is being sued for defamation by Alex Rhodes, RealYBOP retweets David Ley’s lies about an apology letter by the authors of a paper that read as if it were about members of Nofap. It was not – none of the subjects came from NoFap! In addition, the paper misrepresented Gabe Deem, and misrepresented what a “reboot” entailed (taking Gabe’s comments out-of-context).
Here’s the authors’ apology letter, which is not what Ley claims: Men’s Reasons to Abstain from Masturbation May Not Reflect the Conviction of reboot Websites
Gabe Deem tweeting back and forth with the senior author of the study:
Hey Dr. Imhoff, I’d like to request a correction to your study as I’m inaccurately quoted.
1) I’m not affiliated with NoFap.
2) A reboot is a period of time without artificial stimulation (porn), not masturbation.
3) The quote is only for guys with porn-induced ED… 1/2
— Gabe Deem (@gabedeem) April 29, 2020
My Twitter expose’ on the paper:
1/ How propaganda is manufactured in the peer-reviewed literature. Article about new study:
The study mentions @NoFap 17 times, causing the reader to assume the study surveyed reddit/Nofap users.
Yet none of the subjects were from Nofap/reddit. Zero. 😏
— Your Brain on Porn (@YourBrainOnPorn) April 27, 2020
RealYBOP & Ley lie about Imhoff’s letter. No one was threatened in any way.
NOTE: RealYBOP tweeted 5 times about this letter, upset she can no longer say the study is about Nofap. At the same time “someone” edited the Imhoff letter into the NoFap Wikipedia page, saying exactly what RealYBOP said. We have documentation Prause did it using one of her 35 Wikipedia aliases – See:
What the above screenshot actually shows: Acting as Gary Wilson’s UK representative and using Wilson’s money, The Reward Foundation (a UK charity) paid the UK government to trademark YourBrainOnPorn in the UK. The UK trademark was acquired as a response to Prause trying to shut down YBOP by:
- filing a trademark application to obtain YOURBRAINONPORN and YOURBRAINONPORN.COM in January of 2019 (click for much more), and
- publicizing a new website with the trademark-infringing URL in April of 2019.
As thoroughly explained elsewhere Wilson donates the proceeds of his book to The Reward Foundation, a registered charity. Wilson accepts no money, and has never received a dime for any of his efforts. YBOP accepts no ads and Wilson has accepted no fees for speaking. As documented in these sections, Prause has constructed a libelous fairy tale that Wilson is being paid by the same charity he donates his book proceeds to:
- 2015 & 2016: Nicole Prause violates COPE’s code of conduct to harass Gary Wilson, his publisher, and a Scottish charity (The Reward Foundation)
- May – July, 2018: In emails, in the ICD-11 comments section, and on Wikipedia, Prause and her sockpuppets falsely claim that Wilson received 9,000 pounds from The Reward Foundation
In fact, this is not true. The above two sections are addressed in Gary Wilson’s sworn affidavit, which is part of the Dr. Hilton’s defamation lawsuit filed against Dr. Prause. Here are the relevant sections of Wilson’s sworn affidavit filed in Federal Court: Gary Wilson of YBOP (affidavit #2 in Hilton defamation lawsuit):
RealYBOP trying to defend Prause’s collaboration with the porn industry by lying about her porn industry connections and lying about me. LOL. Hundreds of more examples:
- Falsely accusing others of saying the porn industry funds some of her research (but no one said that)
- In 2015 the Free Speech Coalition offers Prause assistance: she accepts and immediately attacks Prop 60 (condoms in porn)
- The Free Speech Coalition allegedly provided subjects for a Prause study that she claims will “debunk” porn addiction
- Prause’s direct support for porn industry (FSC, AVN, XBIZ, xHamster, PornHub)
- Prause’s personal relationships with porn industry performers, directors, and producers
- Evidence that Nicole Prause attends porn industry awards (XRCO, AVN)
Also posts my UK trademark again, lying that it proves I’m being paid.
Funny that RealYBOP falsely claims I’m in a sex cult (I’m an atheist as were my parents), when she is apparently being paid to directly promote sex toys and the highly controversial sex cult “Orgasmic Meditation,” which was under investigation by the FBI. (see expose,) Put simply, Prause was hired to bolster the commercial interests of that heavily tainted and very controversial company. For her sex cult (Orgasmic Meditation) study, Prause allegedly obtained porn performers as subjects through another porn industry interest group, the Free Speech Coalition.
Obsessive cyberstalker – 3 tweets in a row about me:
The ACLU letter is not what RealYBOP claims. See the ACLU section of this page exposing RealYBOP as perjuring herself over and over again – Nicole Prause & David Ley commit perjury in defamation lawsuit (September, 2019)
Promoting porn use:
Yet another –
Retweets a tweet that has nothing to do with porn:
In reality, the tweet was a misrepresentation of a recent commentary by researcher Jean Twenge, who was debunking propaganda by Orben & Przybylski:
Remember the paper finding that "screen time" was just as correlated with well-being as potatoes? Zero in on devices & social media, and links to well-being are stronger than for hard drugs, obesity, and sometimes even heroin use. Hold the french fries!
— Jean Twenge (author of GENERATIONS, iGEN) (@jean_twenge) May 5, 2020
Disparaging NCOSE with spate of lies, while supporting sex trafficking site (which was sued and shut down)
Fun facts: RealYBOP is managed by Nicole Prause. The RealYBOP retweet is about the Backpage case. Prause’s legal counsel is Wayne B. Giampietro, who was one of the primary lawyers defending For details on Giampietro’s involvement see – In an odd turn of events, assets were seized by Arizona, with Wayne B. Giampietro LLC listed as forfeiting $100,000.
RealYBOP’s 2 propaganda images. RealYBOP highlights no fraud. RealYBOP, however, is quite deceptive: Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”).
RealYBOP omits the primary finding – higher frequency of porn use (and problematic porn use) correlated with poorer relationship satisfaction/commitment for men & women.
Furthermore, we controlled for the role of sexual orientation. Our results were partially consistent with our hypotheses. Consistent with H1, pornography viewing frequency was modestly negatively correlated with relationship satisfaction for men (and women) when playboy norms were not entered in the model. The size of the correlations was also roughly commensurate with metanalytic findings from Wright and colleagues’ (2017). Moreover, problematic pornography viewing was also modestly inversely related to relationship satisfaction in men (and women). Similarly, partially consistent with H2, pornography viewing frequency was modestly negatively correlated with relationship commitment in men (and women) when playboy norms were not entered in the model.
I find studies like this annoying. Seems like they inject a variable that cannot be teased apart from porn use (“Playboy Norms”) to downplay the basic correlations. I tweeted about this here. How can behaviors/attitudes be factored out when porn use shapes sexual attitudes & behaviors, including “Playboy Norms”, or any other sexual assessment one might choose to employ? Employing carefully selected variables to downplay important correlations is an Everest regression. The Everest Regression is what happens when you “control” for a fundamental variable when comparing two populations (e.g. controlling for height, Mount Everest is room temperature). Porn studies by pro-porn academics often employ this strategy to obfuscate findings.
Using Covid again, and tweeting a study that actually correlated porn use with loneliness. What’s the point here?
Here’s selectivity: Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”. It examines the RealYBOP’s “research page,” including its cherry-picked outlier studies, bias, egregious omissions, misrepresentation of the studies it does list, and outright deception.
Lies by RealYBOP. I own YBOP, and the screenshot is of my UK trademark, which the Reward Foundation processed in my name, using my money.
As thoroughly explained elsewhere I donate the proceeds of my book to The Reward Foundation. I accept no money, and have never received any for my YBOP efforts. YBOP accepts no ads and I have accepted no fees for speaking. As documented in these sections, Prause has constructed a libelous fairy tale that I am being paid by the same charity I donate my book proceeds to:
- 2015 & 2016: Nicole Prause violates COPE’s code of conduct to harass Gary Wilson, his publisher, and a Scottish charity (The Reward Foundation)
- May – July, 2018: In emails, in the ICD-11 comments section, and on Wikipedia, Prause and her sockpuppets falsely claim that Wilson received 9,000 pounds from The Reward Foundation
In fact, this is not true. The above two sections are addressed in my sworn affidavit, which is part of the Dr. Hilton’s defamation lawsuit filed against Prause. Here are the relevant sections of my sworn affidavit filed in Federal Court: Gary Wilson of YBOP (affidavit #2 in Hilton defamation lawsuit):
I expanded on Prause’s defamation and lies in my affidavit in Alex Rhodes’s suit: Exhibit #11: Gary Wilson affidavit (123 pages).
Supports porn industry agenda:
RealYBOP lies about the letter to editor by @rolandimhoff, which corrected his study’s missteps. RealYBOP falsely stated that Dr. Roland Imhoff said he was “threatened” by Gabe Dem and Alex Rhodes.
The apology letter, which is not what RealYBOP claims: Men’s Reasons to Abstain from Masturbation May Not Reflect the Conviction of reboot Websites
Gabe Deem calls out RealYBOP lies:
Cyberstalking Gabe Deem, again, with neuro-gibberish. She also denigrates the MD in the video (Gabe’s Twitter thread, which fully supports his assertions).
RealYBOP never takes on the substance. Here, it ignorantly claims that dopamine has nothing do with sexual arousal or addiction. Prause has been pushing her non-scientific drivel a long time. This article published in 2017 exposes her & Ley as neuroscience non-experts: Correcting Misunderstandings About Neuroscience and Problematic Sexual Behaviors (2017) by Don Hilton, MD.
RealYBOP cyberstalks a Spanish neuroscientist (PhD) who tweets about the possible harms of porn. All in days work
Wow – defending porn tube sites – saying porn is never about rape.
Attacking Gail Dines and other feminists
RealYBOP attacks eminent neuroscientist Valerie Voon of Cambridge university. RealYBOP is probably pissed because she no longer has an academic position, and Voon exposed RealYBOP’s lies about her 2013 EEG study, Steele et al., 2013. Voon et al’s analysis of Steele: Peer-reviewed analysis: “Neural Correlates of Sexual Cue Reactivity in Individuals with and without Compulsive Sexual Behaviours” (2014)
Another attack on Valerie Voon:
RealYBOP goes after Voon for asking NoFap if they would post the survey. Even though RealYBOP is being sued by Alex Rhodes of Nofap for defamation, adds to her defamation (jury will love this):
RealYBOP posts 10 full of lies tweets going after Haley Halverson of NCOSE.
More. Also attacks Mary Ann Layden, who is an academic (unlike shill RealYBOP).
Keeps going, with full on defense of the porn industry.
More of the same lies: YBOP is not owned by anyone other than me. I receive no funding from anyone. I am not head of any cult. Just crazy bullshit from a pathological liar being sued in feral court for defamation:
This page exposes her lies, one by one: Nicole Prause & David Ley commit perjury in defamation lawsuit (September, 2019)
RealYBOP disparaging a peer-reviewed paper she doesn’t like: Exploring the Lived Experience of Problematic Users of Internet Pornography: A Qualitative Study (2020). Then RealYBOP defames me. Looking forward to testifying at the trials of pathological liar,
DARVO tactics:
- Nicole Prause’s fabrications of victim-hood exposed as groundless: she is the perpetrator, not the victim.
- Numerous Victims of Nicole Prause’s Malicious Reporting and Malicious Use of Process
Stalker? Prause accused me of stalking, so I filed a lawsuit against her – and won, establishing through the courts that Prause is the perpetrator, not a victim – Prause’s efforts to silence Wilson foiled; her restraining order denied as frivolous & she owes substantial attorney fees in a SLAPP ruling. In addition, she’s currently being sued for defamation by Donald Hilton, MD and Nofap founder Alexander Rhodes. More lawsuits to follow?
In the most disgustingly vile tweet yet, RealYBOP suggests that many people have killed themselves because of Gabe’s recovery forum. In another lie, RealYBOP falsely claims that Gabe is a coach. He has never charged a dime for advice – having given away countless hours to those in need. Contrary to Prause’s lie, many young men say that Gabe saved their lives.
More cyberstalking. RealYBOP claiming that running a porn recovery forum is harming young men.
RealYBOP continues the cyberstalking and lies.
Notice how RealYBOP accuses, yet never provides examples (e.g. “medically inaccurate claims”).
No one is immune. RealYBOP goes after world’s most widely used medical diagnostic manual, WHO’s The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), because it contains a new diagnosis suitable for porn addiction: “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder.”
Notice how RealYBOP has “reboot programs” in brackets. That’s because Kelsy Burke interviewed only 35 guys. The paper can tell us nothing about the most popular online forums – which are predominantly populated by the non-religious.
Grad student Kris Taylor’s paper, which is not what RealYBOP claims it is:
Prause (RealYBOP) falsely asserts that Kris Taylor’s paper was an analysis of nofap comments. In reality, Taylor’s dissertation only assessed 15 comments from reddit/nofap. “Masculinity” search criteria for the 15 cherry-picked comments. Taylor’s explicitly states the 15 comments were not representative of Nofap as a whole:
See this back and forth between Prause and bart taken from Psychology Today concerning the Taylor joke of a paper. Bart makes a fool of Prause, who resorts to ad hominem when exposed as lying about Taylor’s paper.
In addition, while Prause claims Taylor’s paper is about misogyny prevalent on NoFap, misogyny is only mentioned once:
“some scholars suggest that men(almost exclusively) can be incited to commit violent sexual acts as a result of viewing misogynistic pornography”
That’s it. More fabrications from you know who. Note: Prause Ley, Prause and RealYBOP are obsessed with opinion papers by NZ grad student Kris Taylor. Taylor, who is beyond biased – and knows nothing about neuroscience. He’s a sociologist. YBOP critiqued a 2017 article by him where he disparaged Gary Wilson and the review with US navy doctors (Taylor often resorts to simply lying in his article): Debunking Kris Taylor’s “A Few Hard Truths about Porn and Erectile Dysfunction” (2017). Note: Prause’s Wikipedia aliases have inserted both Taylor papers into Wikipedia!
If the following were true, RealYBOP would have posted screenshots.
More fake victim-hood. See – Nicole Prause & David Ley commit perjury in defamation lawsuit (September, 2019).
So quitting porn can be deadly?
Trolling several accounts to gather random tweets for a bizarre pro-porn tweet:
Going after NCOSE, again. RealYBOP always asserts misinformation, or misrepresentation, but has never provided a single example.
Stupid “info-graphics” with absolutely no basis in reality. Actually, RealYBOP, you have NEVER highlighted “fraud” by any of your many targets.
What? A 12-year old opinion paper titled “Healthy Sex and Pop Porn: Pornography, Feminism and the Finnish Context”? Claim that opposition to porn occurs only in US is patently absurd.
One of RealYBOP’s obsessions – Gabe Deem. Gabe critiqued Kelsy Burke’s biased, factually inaccurate hit-piece, that read as if she had interviewed members of NoFap. In fact, none of Burke’s subjects were from Nofap. This is how propaganda is generated.
Gabe’s thread:
Rare content? LOL. Defending porn industry while attacking Gail Dines.
See how low RealYBOP and her allies go:
Another favorite target – esteemed Stanford professor and former president of the AMA. Once again, notice that RealYBOP never provides an example of “fraudulent science”:
As porn industry shills Ley, Prause, and RealYBOP often disparage Zimbardo because he exposed porn’s negative effects on young people in the following presentations, books and articles:
- The Demise of Guys?: Philip Zimbardo: Excellent TED talk on (as the title says) the “demise” of young men. Zimbardo speaks of excessive Internet use (porn and video games) as “arousal addiction.”
- Philip Zimbardo’s Psychology Today blog post “Is Porn Good For Us or Bad For Us?” (2016).
- His book – Man, Interrupted: Why Young Men are Struggling & What We Can Do About It.
- Two articles co-authored by Phil Zimbardo and Gary Wilson: How porn is messing with your manhood, by Philip Zimbardo, Gary Wilson & Nikita Coulombe (March, 2016); More on porn: guard your manhood—a response to Marty Klein, by Philip Zimbardo & Gary Wilson (April, 2016)
Non-academics Ley & Prause are also jealous of Zimbardo’s fame, success and influence.
Three tweets containing random bits from a non-academic paperback, all to disparage Gail Dines and feminists in general (Sexing the Look in Popular Visual Culture):
Promotes article by a prostitute, “blasting the anti-sex-trafficking pimps”. Sure.
No surprise that Prause and Daniel Burgess’s legal counsel is Wayne B. Giampietro, who was one of the primary lawyers defending Backpage was shut down by the federal government “for its willful facilitation of human trafficking and prostitution.” (see this USA Today article: 93-count indictment on sex trafficking charges revealed against Backpage founders).
WHO never said that sex is not addictive. If they had, RealYBOP would have linked to it, or screenshot it.
The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), contains a new diagnosis suitable for diagnosing what is commonly referred to as ‘porn addiction’ or ‘sex addiction.’ It’s called “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder” (CSBD).
RealYBOP citing fellow RealYBOP member Emily Rothman’s short opinion piece, short opinion piece which cited nothing to support its dubious claims. There is no scientific consensus.
Emily Rothman’s short letter to the editor wasn’t a review or a meta-analysis. Reality: all the reviews and meta-analyses on adolescent porn use counter Rothman’s opinion review#1, review2, review#3, review#4, review#5, review#6, review#7, review#8, review#9, review#10, review#11, review#12, review#13, review#14, review#15.
Make me laugh. First, YBOP dismantled RealYBOP’s so-called research page claim by claim paper by paper (many papers were not studies, and many more had nothing to with porn use: Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”). It examines the trademark infringers’ “research page,” including its cherry-picked outlier studies, bias, egregious omissions, misrepresentation of the studies it does list, and outright deception.
RealYBOP is also lying about only using direct quotes.
The usual lies, fabricated by Nikky & David. See – Here we go again: In the wake of two mass shootings (El Paso & Dayton), Nicole Prause, @BrainOnPorn & David Ley and try to connect Gary Wilson, YBOP and Nofap to white nationalists & Nazis.
RealYBOP supports and retweets a well-known harasser who was spending his time trolling victims of sex trafficking and rape, who had their rape videos posted on PornHub.
Retweets ally who uses at least 4 different accounts to harass and defame many of us. RealYBOP’s tweet has nothing to with with “nerdy’s” tweet.
More about “nerdy” and RealYBOP’s collaborations: Prause supplies troll NerdyKinkyCommie with a YBOP trademark lawsuit document; NerdyKinkyCommie lies about a document; RealYBOP experts spread his libelous tweets, adding their own lies.
RealYBOP misappropriates tragic events to target FTND, claiming its board is all white. Then she goes racist on us:
RealYBOP may want to reconsidering throwing stones: Her house is glass – the Liberos LLC board, collaborators, and employees are all white.
RealYBOP does the same with Exodus Cry, Laila Mickelwait. (who spearheading campaign to force pornhub to remove sex trafficking and child porn vids):
This is no coincidence as Prause too has harassed and libeled Exodus Cry, their CEO Benjamin Nolot, and Laila Mickelwait. For details see this section of Prause page #2: February, 2019: Prause falsely accuses Exodus Cry of fraud. Asks twitter followers to report the non-profit to the Missouri attorney general (for spurious reasons), Appears to have edited the CEO’s Wikipedia page.
Next, RealYBOP goes after NCOSE, saying they are “vicious”:
Then this drivel, disparaging porn as a public health issue:
Grabs an irrelevant tweet to spread her usual propaganda, equating giving up porn to “alternative medicine”. What?
Adds this, which Gabe Deem and Alex Rhodes have actually heard countless times – “you saved my life”:
Again, when did not watching porn become “alternative medicine” or medicine of any type?
Upset that I am filing a lawsuit to block her harassment and bogus restraining order, RealYBOP lashes out with the fake Mormon Porn URL’s place into the wayback machine. I’m compared to Lindsey Graham. Anyhow, Prause and Burgess somehow found 300 fake URL’s placed onto the Wayback Machine (internet archive). These URLs never existed, and anyone insert fake URLs into the Wayback Machine’s URL list for any site. In this August 24, 2019 Twitter thread I expose RealYBOP’s targeted harassment/defamation and explain how anyone can insert fake URLs into the Internet Wayback Machine.
Suggests that anti-porn groups are violent. Pure BS. No evidence.
She and Ley fabricated and spread this lie (it’s one of the main reasons RealYBOP is being sued for defamation).
Ley disparages a paper he doesn’t like; RealYBOP joins in, targeting Gabe Deem with lies:
RealYBOP goes after Liz Walker for retweeting my tweet about Pornhub:
RealYBOP standing up for Pornhub:
FYI – Neither the DSM or ICD-11 uses addiction for any addiction. Both use “disorder”. The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), contains a new diagnosis suitable for porn addiction: “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder.”
Liz responds to RealYBOP with a blog post: Tactics to cover-up porn addiction.
RealYBOP responds with more falsehoods and misrepresentations:
Liz is not intimated (several more tweets in this thread):
RealYBOP posts several lies about me.
1) There was NO lawsuit. It was a WIPO arbitration with Daniel Burgess over trademark infringement. FYI – the trademark issue is far from over. RealYBOP’s site is far from “threatening” as I completely exposed its research page in this extensive, line by line, critique: Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”). The page examines the trademark infringers’ “research page,” including its cherry-picked outlier studies, bias, egregious omissions, misrepresentation of the studies it does list, and outright deception.
2) RealYBOP lies about CBC. We never tried to sue anyone, including the CBC. Instead, we wrote an email to the CBC documenting their unprofessional tactics. All of it is here, with numerous links, and screenshots of Prause using aliases to post lies about the CBC letter: December 2013: Prause’s initial tweet is about Wilson & the CBC. Prause sockpuppet “RealScience” posts same false claims on same day on multiple websites. Our CBC letter and the CBC reply were Prause’s very first tweets from Prause’s original twitter account (which was permanently suspended for harassment). Her obsession with the CBC and cyber-stalking resulted in numerous incidents of defamation and harassment, documented in these sections
- December 2013: Prause’s initial tweet is about Wilson & the CBC. Prause sockpuppet “RealScience” posts same false claims on same day on multiple websites
- December 2013: Prause posts on YourBrainRebalanced & asks Gary Wilson about the size of his penis (kicking off Prause’s campaign of calling Wilson, and many others, misogynists)
- Others – October 2015: Prause’s original Twitter account is permanently suspended for harassment
3) Another lie. We never threatened to sue the Daily Beast, even though they printed falsehoods.
RealYBOP never provides examples of these imaginary anti[porn activist who are providing treatments RealYBOP lies, as the world’s most widely used medical diagnostic manual, The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), contains a new diagnosis suitable for porn addiction: “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder.”
In 14 months and 2,000 tweets, RealYBOP has yet to post a single study reporting negative outcomes related to porn use (even though the vast preponderance of studies report negative outcomes).
Promotes porn use
Retweets propaganda by XBIZ (which is defending Pornhub)Reality check about pornhub:
Paper interviewing 6 porn addicts finds that addicts experienced negative feelings when they couldn’t control their use (geez, that’s why it’s called “addiction”). The authors suggest that to avoid “bad feelings”, one should accept addictive behavior, no mater the consequences. RealYBOP uses this inane suggestion to attack the “reboot” movement . FYI – There’s no such thing as a reboot movement.
Red herring and a lie. Red herring: Why would porn performers & producers be invited to a conference about the effect of porn use on young people? That’s akin to inviting tobacco executives to a medical conference covering lung disorders. The lie: Nowhere in the “article” does it say that porn performers were banned.
Trolling researcher Michael Flood, with blatant lies and claim that masturbation, not porn, is the problem (addressed below).
RealYBOP lies. There has been massive replication. The summary from this 2016 meta-analysis of 135 relevant studies: Media and Sexualization: State of Empirical Research, 1995–2015. Excerpt:
The goal of this review was to synthesize empirical investigations testing effects of media sexualization. The focus was on research published in peer-reviewed, English-language journals between 1995 and 2015. A total of 109 publications that contained 135 studies were reviewed. The findings provided consistent evidence that both laboratory exposure and regular, everyday exposure to this content are directly associated with a range of consequences, including higher levels of body dissatisfaction, greater self-objectification, greater support of sexist beliefs and of adversarial sexual beliefs, and greater tolerance of sexual violence toward women. Moreover, experimental exposure to this content leads both women and men to have a diminished view of women’s competence, morality, and humanity.
WOW. RealYBOP no longer hides the fact that she is a porn-industry shill. She attacks the petition to hold Pornhub accountable for hosting child porn and sex trafficking videos
RealYBOP trolls Dr. Michael flood again, tweeting her lies:
RealYBOP claimed that masturbation, not porn, is the real problem (citing Sam Perry). She also lies about studies not being replicated.
- RE: “Replication”: See this page for over 100 studies linking porn use to sexual aggression, coercion & violence, and an extensive critique of the often-repeated assertion that an increased availability of porn has resulted in decreased rape rates
- RE: Perry’s paper – Critique of Samuel Perry’s “Is the Link Between Pornography Use and Relational Happiness Really More About Masturbation? Results From Two National Surveys” (2019).
- After sophisticated statistical “modeling” Perry (under pressure from Prause?) proposed that masturbation, not porn use, is the real culprit in relationship problems. In reality, more porn use was related to less satisfaction.
- The gaping hole in Perry’s new analysis is the absence of specific, reliable data on masturbation frequency. Without that, his claim is little more than hypothetical.
RealYBOP goes after Flood again – he replies saying she is misrepresenting the research (which she is – as 80 studies link porn use to poorer sexual & relationship satisfaction – including 8 longitudinal studies):
RealYBOP, again cites Perry’s highly questionably solitary study, which had no data on frequency of masturbation, and found that porn use was in fact a predictor of less relationship satisfaction. Michael Flood replies with YBOP’s expose’s – and RealYBOP loses it, attacking me. What Nikky doesn’t do is address the content of my critique. She cannot.
In addition to her attacks on me, and her inability to address the fact that Perry had no data on masturbation frequency, she tweets as if Flood cited only one study – when there are 80 studies supporting his claim.
Reaching back for an article from the 1970’s about people not wanting an “adult store” in their neighborhood.
RealYBOP crowing about article featuring Prause as the expert! Article did not say waht RealYBOP claims an doesn’t link to any official source.
Goes after NCOSE, cause NCOSE goes after Pornhub. RealYBOP lied, as neither RealYBOP, nor the paper provided, a single example of NCOSE misrepresenting a study.
Instead, the excerpts were a defense of BackPage. Guess what? Prause and Daniel Burgess’s legal counsel is Wayne B. Giampietro, who was one of the primary lawyers defending . The indictment charged backpage owners, along with others, of conspiring to knowingly facilitate prostitution offenses through the website. Authorities contend some of the trafficked people included teenage girls. For details on Giampietro’s involvement see – In an odd turn of events, assets were seized by Arizona, with Wayne B. Giampietro LLC listed as forfeiting $100,000.
No, not the PCES, again. The porn questionnaire where “learning about anal sex” (a positive effect of porn) mathematically cancels out a divorce due to porn addiction (a negative effect of porn). I’m not kidding.
As for the findings, this to be expected as the study used the porn use questionnaire known as the Pornography Consumption Effect Scale (PCES). As explained in this critique by YBOP and a psychology professor the study creating the PCES may be the most egregious porn study ever published (Hald & Malamuth, 2008).
The PCES questions are designed and scored so that the more porn one uses the greater the benefits. In fact, if you don’t use porn, the lack of porn use is having a negative effect on your life according to this instrument. This is no exaggeration as many PCES-based studies conclude just that! This 7-minute video critique of the PCES reveals Hald & Malamuth’s primary results from what a dismayed psychology professor called a “psychometric nightmare”.
Again, why is a website/twitter supposedly concerned only with porn’s effects on the user, tweeting about prostitution?
Perhaps, because RealYBOP’s legal counsel is Wayne B. Giampietro, who was one of the primary lawyers defending Backpage was shut down by the federal government “for its willful facilitation of human trafficking and prostitution.” (see this USA Today article: 93-count indictment on sex trafficking charges revealed against Backpage founders). The indictment charged backpage owners, along with others, of conspiring to knowingly facilitate prostitution offenses through the website. Authorities contend some of the trafficked people included teenage girls. For details on Giampietro’s involvement see – In an odd turn of events, assets were seized by Arizona, with Wayne B. Giampietro LLC listed as forfeiting $100,000.
A non-peer-reviewed essay by a philosophy major? What’s next, Buzzfeed?
June 16, 2020: Two lie-filled tweets by cyberstalker RealYBOP. The 2 tweets contain screenshots of several presentations at NCOSE conference (Alex Rhodes, Gary Wilson, Gabe Deem, Gail Dines). No one was paid for their presentations, and these 4 individuals do not receive money from religious organizations (3 of the 4 are atheists).
Who are these imaginary anti-porn extremists? What a shill.
If you want “science’, see about 1000 studies here.
A 16-year old, agenda-driven, opinion piece?
RealYBOP caught in lie. The twitter account pictured was never removed, nor was the tweet!
The twitter account is alive and well: So is the tweet RealYBOP claimed she reported:
In reality, it was Prause who deleted her tweets targeting @UDepravity:
The retweet has nothing to do with porn. RealYBOP makes another unsupported claim about porn’s effects:
Just making up faux victim hood. Notice how she can never provide actual evidence… of anything.
Investigative Journalist Diana Davison exposed RealYBOP as being unable to cough up an iota of evidence in support her claims of harassment. Reality:
- Nicole Prause’s fabrications of victim-hood exposed as groundless: she is the perpetrator, not the victim.
- Numerous Victims of Nicole Prause’s Malicious Reporting and Malicious Use of Process
Once again, using the pandemic to push her agenda, and her lies:
Staley’s propaganda tweeted once again.
RE: Cameron Staley’s TEDx Talk. He was a grad student of Prause when he gathered data for Steele et al. 2013. Just a few his falsehoods in his TEDx talk where he cited zero studies to support his propaganda:
- Staley says his “mentor was a renowned sex researcher!” What? No one had heard of Prause before Steele et al. was published in July of 2013 (Prause misrepresented its findings).
- Staley lies about about the actual results of Steele et al, 2013. He states that “the subjects brains didn’t look like brains of addicts” – but he never tells us how their brains differed from addicts (because they did not). 8 peer-reviewed papers disagree with Staley, and point out that the subjects brains looked exactly like an addict- Peer-reviewed critiques of Steele et al., 2013 (greater cue reactivity correlated with less desire for sex with a partner). Note: Steele et al., did NOT have a control group!
- Staley gets into Grubbs “perceived porn addiction” study, falsely stating that Grubbs assessed belief in addiction.
- Staley says porn related problems do not constitute an epidemic: Only our belief that viewing porn is a problem, is a problem.
- He says porn cannot cause PIED, even though 7 peer-reviewed papers report cases of men recovering by quitting porn. And 33 more studies link porn to sexual problems/lower arousal – including his own – Steele et al., 2013 (greater cue reactivity related to less desire to have sex with a partner).
- He says porn is not a problem for relationships, yet 75 studies link porn use to poorer sexual and relationship satisfaction.
Bottom line according to Staley – believe porn use is just fine and you will be just fine using porn. Unsupported propaganda refuted by hundreds of studies.
Watching porn increased desire to have sex. What a surprise.
Ignores long-term effects. RealYBOP has never tweeted any of the 75 studies linking porn use to less sexual and relationship satisfaction.
Reminder: RealYBOP has never tweet a paper or article reporting negative effects of porn, even though the vast majority of studies report negative outcome.
Balanced “experts”. What a joke. Three “experts” are collaborating with xHamster. One was inducted into AVN. Another may have collaborated with the Free Speech Coalition.
RealYBOP site debunked here: Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”). Page examines the trademark infringers’ “research page,” including its cherry-picked outlier studies, bias, egregious omissions, misrepresentation of the studies it does list, and outright deception.
Once again, RealYBOP cites fellow RealYBOP member Emily Rothman’s short opinion piece, which cited little to support its dubious claims (only 7 references: 2 were Rothman papers and 2 references countered her claims). Rothman’s opinion-piece wasn’t a review or meta-analysis, because all the reviews and meta-analyses on adolescent porn use counter Rothman’s opinion: review#1, review2, review#3, review#4, review#5, review#6, review#7, review#8, review#9, review#10, review#11, review#12, review#13, review#14, review#15.
Never heard anyone say that porn melts your brain. Falsehood by RealYBOP
LOL. Running a porn-industry shill site doesn’t make you a neuroscientist (Daniel Burgess is the owner of realybop, and knows nothing about neuroscience)
How does RealYBOP know that Ron Jeremy was banned from porn awards? Maybe because she has close relationships with many in the porn industry.
The retweet is about a nutcase who has filed numerous frivolous lawsuits against big companies. See the article about him. RealYBOP is lying – as the nutcase did not cite “research”, just a David Ley article.
Claims that research is often misrepresented is without support (RealYBOP never gives examples). On the other hand, RealYBOP was caught red-handed misrepresenting her 2013 EEG study: Peer-reviewed critiques of Steele et al., 2013.
Disgustingly co-opting the pandemic to spread propaganda. RealYBOP chronically tweets this short opinion paper by fellow RealYBOP member Emily Rothman.
It cited little to support its dubious claims (only 7 references: 2 were Rothman papers and 2 references countered her claims). Rothman’s opinion-piece wasn’t a review or meta-analysis, because all the reviews and meta-analyses on adolescent porn use counter Rothman’s opinion: review#1, review2, review#3, review#4, review#5, review#6, review#7, review#8, review#9, review#10, review#11, review#12, review#13, review#14, review#15.
RealYBOP hates age-verification (fewer customers for MindGeek). Claims about “brain melting” or “treating kids like idiots” is fabricated propaganda.
RealYBOP continues to target Nofap, even though @BrainOnPorn Twitter is now implicated in two defamation lawsuits!
June 29, 2020: Tweet is nothing but lies. The only thing about me was a screenshot of commentary by TED under my talk (after 5 years of harassment TED finally succumbed to Prause’s intense pressure). Nothing about misogyny or homosexuality. Anyhow, the paper was a rambling mess from a agenda-driven sociologist who carefully selected a few YouTube videos mentioning “NoFap” (seriously). Clear that chose these to support her preordained goal of disparaging men in recovery.
More in the same thread: Falsely claiming she has “heard stories”, yet never provides an example.
RealYBOP posts 6 defamatory tweets about me, calling me a white supremacist. All of Prause lies and bogus screenshots are covered in several sections of this page: Nicole Prause & David Ley commit perjury in defamation lawsuit (September, 2019)
Reality – I am, in fact, a far left liberal and the very antithesis of a “white supremacist.” For the truth, listen to this interview: Porn Science and Science Deniers (Interview with Wilson). Please note that calling people names (and then attempting to establish “guilt by association”) is a favorite tactic of those who can’t take on the substance of the porn debate. Have a look at these sections of a page documenting some of the many attacks I and others have been subjected to:
- October, 2018: Ley & Prause devise an article purporting to connect Gary Wilson, Alexander Rhodes and Gabe Deem to white supremacists/fascists (Prause attacks Rhodes & Nofap in the comments section)
- Ongoing – David Ley & Prause’s ongoing attempts to smear YBOP/Gary Wilson & Nofap/Alexander Rhodes by claiming links with neo-Nazi sympathizers
- June, 2019: David Ley and Prause (as RealYBOP Twitter & “sciencearousal”) continue their campaign to connect porn recovery forums to white supremacists/Nazis
- August, 2019: In the wake of two mass shootings (El Paso & Dayton), Nicole Prause & David Ley try to connect Gary Wilson, YBOP and Nofap to white nationalism & Nazi’s.
- Here we go again: In the wake of two mass shootings (El Paso & Dayton), Nicole Prause, @BrainOnPorn & David Ley and try to connect Gary Wilson, YBOP and Nofap to white nationalists & Nazis
Alos see this cathing expose’ of serial false accuser, harasser, cyber-stalker Nicole Prause (the person behind the false accusations of white supremacy) – Alex Rhodes of Porn Addiction Support Group ‘No Fap’ Sues Obsessed Pro-Porn Sexologist for Defamation (By Megan Fox, of PJ Media). Excerpt related to Prause’s fabrications that I, Alex, and anyone who suggests porn might cause problems, is a white supremacist:
Perhaps most illustrative of Prause’s character in this saga is her charge that Rhodes is a Nazi and white-supremacist, as detailed in the lawsuit. This should not surprise anyone who has been paying attention since 2016. The minute an SJW disagrees with someone, that person becomes a Nazi. Rhodes’s crime? He allowed political commentator Gavin McInnes to interview him while he was still working for Vice. And since Prause found out that Rhodes spoke to McInnes one time and didn’t throw a drink in his face, she has been accusing him of supporting the Proud Boys (who got in a lot of trouble for street brawling with Antifa). It’s still a stretch, in my opinion, to call the Proud Boys anything but a male drinking club, but Rhodes actually has disavowed the Proud Boys as an “extremist group” on several occasions. He was never a member, nor a supporter. No Fap has never been political and is dedicated to providing addiction help to anyone who needs it. This does not stop Prause from continuing to link him to “white supremacists” through the weak association of one interview with McInnes, who isn’t a white supremacist either.
The lawsuit should be interesting to watch as it opens up statements on Twitter to legal scrutiny. Will Prause be held accountable for publishing false claims on social media?
Also know that Prause and her alias @BrainOnPorn twitter are now named in two defamation lawsuits! Accusations of white supremacy and anti-Semitism are two of the main reasons Alex Rhodes is suing Prause for defamation (Rhodes is Jewish!)
On to the disgusting tweets by RealYBOP. First, Prause’s fav – I was once interviewed by Molyneux. I have a page covering Prause lies here: Stefan Molyneux interviews Gary Wilson
Prause and Ley often use the above screenshot of my old interview with Stefan Molyneux as “proof” that I am a white supremacist. In the last year Nicole Prause, David Ley and RealYBOP twitter have been spreading the Molyneux podcast via social media and in private emails (members of SASH and IITAP), claiming that Molyneux is a “white supremacist” and that my appearance on his show means I’m a “white supremacist.” Prause even entered screenshots of the podcast into legal documents related YBOP’s trademark dispute with her and Daniel Burgess. Whatever Molyneux’s views, it is, of course, absurd to suggest that his views are mine.
I have no idea what Molyneux’s politics are. Nor did I know when he asked to interview me years ago. In fact, I investigated him and couldn’t find anything indicating his views on race. As you can hear in our interview, we talked about porn’s effects, not politics. I have done hundreds on interviews and podcasts. How am I to know every word ever spoken by a potential interviewer?
Several supporters wonder why I haven’t removed this interview from the backwaters of my 12,000 page website. The answer: because my stalkers Nicole Prause and RealYBOP on Twitter have falsely claimed numerous times that “Gary Wilson is trying to hide the Molyneux podcast.” In fact, I am neither hiding nor promoting it. It was just another podcast – out of the hundreds I have done.
Obsessive stalker RealYBOP continues with more lies and trickery:
More lies by Prause: I WAS NEVER ON the “Daily Caller”, “David Duke” or The Daily Stormer”.
1) “Daily Caller”: There’s no screenshot of it, and I have no idea what it is.
2) David Duke: Scouring the internet for anything they could use to smear me Ley/Prause pounced upon an obscure (and disgusting) David Duke blog post containing a link to my TEDx talk. My TEDx talk has some 12 million views, so thousands of folks of all stripes have linked to (and recommended) Wilson’s talk, “The Great Porn Experiment.” How does this implicate Gary Wilson as a “white supremacist?” It doesn’t, of course. This ridiculous assertion is like suggesting all dog lovers are Nazi’s because Hitler loved his dogs. It’s the equivalent of claiming that the producers of “The Matrix” are neo-Nazis because David Duke liked their movie.
3) “The Daily Stormer”: It’s true that that 2014 Jan Irvin (Gnostic Media) interview was posted in the newsfeed of the now-defunct Daily Stormer website, but so were countless other articles, videos, and podcasts that had nothing to do race, religion, or white supremacy. Importantly, anyone (including those endeavoring to fuel a smear campaign) could have posted Irvin’s podcast on The Daily Stormer, and then mischaracterized it – just as anyone can post anything on Reddit or Quora.
Gnostic Mediais not a “white-supremacist” or antisemitic podcast, and its host Jan Irvin is not a white supremacist or antisemitic. To the contrary, Jan Irvin was a regular guest on the Joe Rogan experience, and has been recently attacked for being a “shill for the Jews.” Regardless of Jan Irvin’s beliefs in 2014, or his current beliefs, Irvin and I discussed only the effects of internet pornography. A link to the 2014 podcast:
Important to note: because Jan Irvin is not a white supremacist or antisemitic, none of his other podcasts ever made it on to the Daily Stormer website. We have long suspected that Prause herself may have posted my podcasts on white-supremacist forums (even though my podcasts have nothing to with race or politics and the hosts are not white supremacists).
The RealYBOP calls Gabe Deem a racist because he once liked a tweet by some who might have had questionable views.
Gabe didn’t “defend” white supremacy, he tweeted the YBOP dismantling to the RealYBOP so-called research page: Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”). It examines the trademark infringers’ “research page,” including its cherry-picked outlier studies, bias, egregious omissions, misrepresentation of the studies it does list, and outright deception.
RealYBOP gets nuttier, arguing with one of her followers, who thinks she’s way off base (he has no idea that everything she says is a lie):
RealYBOP is a pathological liar, providing zero evidence: I never promoted any ideas. I spent the entire podcast discussing porn and its effects.
The discussion continues, with more defamation by Nikky. I have never commented about Molyneux or any other person who has interviewed me. Complete fabrications.
What a liar: I am a left-wing liberal, and have African American relatives (notice how she never provides a single example of anything I have said or written).
More lies, and tweeting David Ley’s hit-piece, which was purposely published on the same day as the Tree Of Life massacre in Pittsburgh (Alex Rhodes home town). So many lies and sordid details (many of which are part of court documents in Rhodes defamation lawsuit): October, 2018: Ley & Prause devise an article purporting to connect Gary Wilson, Alexander Rhodes and Gabe Deem to white supremacists/fascists (Prause attacks Rhodes & Nofap in the comments section).
As always, RealYBOP provides no documentation that “promoted” anything. If she had evidence it would have been tweeted.
A few excerpts from these 2 court documents concerning Prause/RealYBOP’s deliberate and revolting use of the Tree of Life tragedy to defame Rhodes and others:
- First Amended Complaint: 1-24-20 – Alex Rhodes v. Nicole Prause (20 pages)
- Alex Rhodes’ Brief in Opposition To Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss (March 23, 2020) – 26 pages.
Disgusting: Prause engages in defamation per se, claiming that I have sent death threats. No evidence, of course, because she is lying, as the courts determined. Prause accused me of stalking, so I filed a lawsuit against her – and won, establishing through the courts that Prause is the perpetrator, not a victim – Prause’s efforts to silence Wilson foiled; her restraining order denied as frivolous & she owes substantial attorney fees in a SLAPP ruling. In addition, she’s currently being sued for defamation by Donald Hilton, MD and Nofap founder Alexander Rhodes. More lawsuits to follow?
I’m just one of dozens of victims of RealYBOP’s defamation & cyberstalking: Numerous Victims of Nicole Prause’s Malicious Reporting and Malicious Use of Process.
July 1, 2020: Former porn star Jenna Jameson chastises RealYBOP for creating a screenshot falsely portraying Jameson as criticizing NoFap (Jameson calls RealYBOP “Shady as f**k”).
First we have RealYBOP’s doctored screenhot making it appear as if Jamseon was replying to @NoFap (Jameson is a fan and follower of NoFap):
Here’s the real tweet:
I expose RealYBOP as lying, AND Jenna Jameson replies to me, calling RealYBOP “shady af”:
Shady “af” is right.
Even though she is being sued for defamation by Alex Rhodes, RealYBOP follows the above with a tweet targeting Rhodes, falsely stating that he was a “failed actor”. In reality, Alex was once an extra on a Tom Cruise movie. Alex accidentally became “famous” due to a practical joke. Alex never aspired to be an actor. RealYBOP is a liar.
Upset that she has been outed as a liar, and called shady as fuck by Jenna Jameson, RealYBOP doubles down on her obvious lies, while adding more counts of defamation (no wonder she is burning through lawyers: her 4th set on the Hilton suit, and 2nd set on the Rhodes suit). Notice that RealYBOP tweets a “slide” by ally xHamster (who is compensating other RealYBOP members to promote its websites and convince users that porn addiction and sex addiction are myths!) Everything RealYBOP says is untrue – no surprise:
Besides being fabricated propaganda by xHamster, the “slide’ doesn’t mention Nofap. Typical RealYBOP tactic of tweeting materials that don’t support what she is saying in her tweets.
Also fabricated are RealYBOP’s claims of receiving death threats. RealYBOP has never produced a single example of a death threat – and certainly none from those Prause alludes are threatening her.
RealYBOP defames NCOSE, the Journal Dignity. Everything is fake, yet she can never porduce an actual examples of “fake science”
Speaking of “fake” – RealYBOP was caught red-handed misrepresenting her 2013 EEG study: Peer-reviewed critiques of Steele et al., 2013. She falsely stated that her subjects’ brain response differed from other types of addicts (cocaine was the example). They did not, and the actual paper never even hinted at that they did. Commenting under the Psychology Today interview of Prause, senior psychology professor emeritus John A. Johnson was first to expose her fibs:
“My mind still boggles at the Prause claim that her subjects’ brains did not respond to sexual images like drug addicts’ brains respond to their drug, given that she reports higher P300 readings for the sexual images. Just like addicts who show P300 spikes when presented with their drug of choice. How could she draw a conclusion that is the opposite of the actual results? I think it could be due to her preconceptions–what she expected to find.”
Mustanski asks, “What was the purpose of the study?” And Prause replies, “Our study tested whether people who report such problems [problems with regulating their viewing of online erotica] look like other addicts from their brain responses to sexual images.”
But the study did not compare brain recordings from persons having problems regulating their viewing of online erotica to brain recordings from drug addicts and brain recordings from a non-addict control group, which would have been the obvious way to see if brain responses from the troubled group look more like the brain responses of addicts or non-addicts…. much more
Captured for all to witness: John A. Johnson PhD on Steele et al., 2013 (debating Nicole Prause sock puppet in the comments section)
RealYBOP disparages Phil Zimbardo, yet again. As porn industry shills Ley, Prause & RealYBOP often disparage Zimbardo because he has exposed porn’s negative effects on young people in the following presentations, books and articles:
- The Demise of Guys?: Philip Zimbardo: Excellent TED talk on (as the title says) the “demise” of young men. Zimbardo speaks of excessive Internet use (porn and video games) as “arousal addiction.”
- Philip Zimbardo’s Psychology Today blog post “Is Porn Good For Us or Bad For Us?” (2016).
- His book – Man, Interrupted: Why Young Men are Struggling & What We Can Do About It.
- Two articles co-authored by Phil Zimbardo and Gary Wilson: How porn is messing with your manhood, by Philip Zimbardo, Gary Wilson & Nikita Coulombe (March, 2016); More on porn: guard your manhood—a response to Marty Klein, by Philip Zimbardo & Gary Wilson (April, 2016)
It’s not a “warning”. Many believe Prause was behind this “statement”.
Publisher of Skeptic magazine, Michael Shermer, calls out an article about Zimbardo’s famous “Stanford Prison experiment” as a fraud. Shermer posted several defenses of the Stanford Prison Experiment.
Here is Phil Zimbardo’s response to his critics – What’s the scientific value of the Stanford Prison Experiment? Zimbardo responds to the new allegations against his work.
Non-academics Ley & Prause are also jealous of Zimbardo’s fame, success and influence.
What? The study is about premature ejaculation, not porn use, or ED (guys know whether they have ED or not), or delayed ejaculation. Irrelevant propaganda.
Cyberstalker RealYBOP scours twitter for anyone who tags her usual victims. Then she silently enters their threads posting lies and faux claims of victimhood. Here RealYBOP accuses Liz walker, Gary Wilson, Gabe Deem and Laila Mickelwait of engaging in violence. RealYBOP is engaging in defamation per se.
July 3, 2020: RealYBOP enters a Nofap thread to troll Alex Rhodes (no wonder she’s burning through defense lawyers):
July 3, 2020 and July 7, 2020: Had nothing to do with NoFap. Just a mention of a “Follin” linking to so-called “nofap” videos on YouTube. Thing is, nofap doesn’t have official videos. So, it’s just random youtubers. Meaningless. What a cyberstalker.
July 3, 2020: Continues her cyberstalking, excerpting and translating a random sentence from a German bachelor degree thesis. This was not an analysis of Nofap – as there can be no such analysis. Just an opinion paper from a 20 year-old.
What a joke: RealYBOP fabricating “problems” with a paper by some of the top academic researchers in the world. I find this entertaining, when the EEG study that made her well-known was full of methodological holes. 1) subjects were heterogeneous (males, females, non-heterosexuals); 2) subjects were not screened for mental disorders or addictions; 3) study had no control group for comparison; 4) questionnaires were not validated for porn use or porn addiction.
RealYBOP is not an academic (she shills for the porn industry), and is apparently being paid to directly promote sex toys and the highly controversial “Orgasmic Meditation,” which was under investigaion by the FBI. (see expose,) Put simply, Prause was hired to bolster the commercial interests of that heavily tainted and very controversial company. For her Orgasmic Meditation study, Prause allegedly obtained porn performers as subjects through another porn industry interest group, the Free Speech Coalition. Much more – The Free Speech Coalition allegedly provided porn stars as subjects for a Nicole Prause study she claims will debunk porn addiction.
RealYBOP tweeting study by realYBOP “expert”, Joshua Grubbs. Contrary to Grubbs write-up, both porn addiction and higher levels of porn use were related to poorer erectile functioning. In fact, the nationally representative study reported a strong corrleation between porn use and ED. See the game playing by Grubbs here: Critique of “Is Pornography Use Related to Erectile Functioning? Results From Cross-Sectional and Latent Growth Curve Analyses” (2019), by Josh Grubbs. Reality: This list contains over 40 studies linking porn use or porn addiction to sexual problems and lower arousal to sexual stimuli (including Grubbs study). The first 7 studies in the list demonstrate causation, as participants eliminated porn use and healed chronic sexual dysfunctions.
Grubbs playing games with his innacurate and biased write-up. Below are the 3 groups, with their average daily minutes of porn viewing and the correlations between erectile functioning amount of use (a negative sign means poorer erections linked to greater porn use):
- Sample 1 (147 men): average age 19.8 – Averaged 22 minutes of porn/day. (–0.18)
- Sample 2 (297 men): average age 46.5 – Averaged 13 minutes of porn/day. (–0.05)
- Sample 3 (433 men): average age 33.5 – Averaged 45 minutes of porn/day. (–0.37)
Sample 3 was the largest sample and averaged higher levels of porn use. Most importantly, this age range is the most likely to report PIED. Not surprisingly, sample 3 had the strongest correlation between higher levels of porn use and poorer erectile functioning (–0.37).
Grubbs claim to fame is his unsupported claim that religion causes porn addiction. If it’s religion causing porn addiction, 0.30 is “robust” for Josh Grubbs. If it’s porn causing ED, 0.37 is “limited evidence”according to Grubbs write-up. What did Dr. Grubbs say about the 0.30 relationship between “perceived pornography addiction” and religiosity? Why, he claimed it was “robust!”
Results from two studies in undergraduate samples (Study 1, N=331; Study 2, N=97) indicated that there was a robust positive relationship between religiosity and perceived addiction to pornography.
Grubbs considers 0.30 “robust” when it supports his artfully crafted meme that religious folks only “perceive” they are addicted to porn and no one else really has a problem with it.
In the current ED study, how has Grubbs described the correlations between greater porn use and poorer erections, including sample 3 – which had a larger correlation (0.37), than his “religion = porn addiction” study just described?
“Across the 3 samples, we found only very limited support for the notion that mere pornography use itself is related to diminished erectile functioning, which is inconsistent with another popular narrative claiming that such use is likely to drive sexual dysfunction.” (emphasis supplied)
In 2019, Grubbs considers 0.37 as “very limited support” for a link between porn use and poorer erectile functioning. Have Grubbs’s views on statistics evolved in the intervening 4 years or could it be something else? No, Joshua Grubbs confirmed their agenda-driven bias when he formally joined allies Nicole Prause and David Ley in trying to silence Grubbs and other pro-porn “experts” at are engaging in illegal trademark infringement and squatting.
1) Page said nothing about the science – RealYBOP lying again. 2) Addiction is not used in any diagnsotic manual: all use “disorder”, so this is just a statement of fact.
The deniers of porn addiction are agitated because the latest version of the World Health Organization’s medical diagnostic manual, The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), contains a new diagnosis suitable for diagnosing both porn addiction and sex addiction. It’s called “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder.” Nonetheless, in a bizarre “we lost, but we won” propaganda campaign, the deniers are pulling out all the stops to spin this new diagnosis as a rejection of both “sex addiction” and “porn addiction.” Their assertion is nonsensical, as:
- Neither the ICD-11 nor the DSM5 ever use the word “addiction” to describe an addiction – whether it be gambling addiction, heroin addiction, cigarette addiction or you name it. Both diagnostic manuals use the word “disorder” instead of “addiction” (i.e. “gambling disorder” “nicotine use disorder”, and so on). Thus, “sex addiction” and “porn addiction” could never have been rejected, because they were never under formal consideration in the major diagnostic manuals. Put simply, there will never be a “porn addiction” diagnosis, just as there will never be a “meth addiction” diagnosis. Yet both pathologies can be diagnosed using the ICD-11’s provisions.
- “Compulsive Sexual Behaviour Disorder” (CSB or CSBD) functions as an umbrella term for “sex addiction” and “porn addiction”, and any other term you have seen used to describe compulsive sexual behavior, such as “hypersexuality,” “cybersex addiction,” “out of control sexual behavior,” etc. – provided patients/clients meet the criteria for CSBD.
- As of 2020 52 neuroscience-based studies have been published on chronic porn users and those with CSB. All report brain, neuropsychological, or hormonal alterations that mirror those seen in studies on substance addicts.
Time editor Belinda Luscombe calls out RealYBOP for lying:
Put simply, there was no statement by the UK “College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists”. RealYBOP lied. RealYBOP (who has blocked Belinda) had a chance to link to the statement by the UK “College of Sexual and Relationship Therapists”. Here’s RealYBOP reply to Belinda (surprise, no link):
Doesn’t link to WHO statement, only 2-year old lay article (Again, neither the ICD-11 nor the DSM5 ever use the word “addiction” to describe an addiction – both diagnostic manuals use the word “disorder” instead of “addiction”).
Retweets “The adult industry support network”:
Again, why is a site claiming to be about the effects of porn on users tweeting about the porn industry and performers?
July 3, 2020 and July 7, 2020: Had nothing to do with NoFap. Just a mention of a “Follin” linking to so-called “nofap” videos on YouTube. Thing is, nofap doesn’t have official videos. So, it’s just random youtubers. Meaningless. She’s such a cyberstalker.
7-7-20: Three tweets going after Nofap (tweet1, tweet2, tweet3) Talk about obsessive cyberstalking. She must have spent a whole day coming up with this irrelevant data. And she claims to be a victim of Alex Rhodes – yet he never tweets about her – while Prause cowardly using her shill account (RealYBOP) harassse and defames Rhodes and Nofap on a daily basis.
We seriously doubt that Ley spent days using his “new tool” to scour the countless nofap comments deleted by moderators. We believe RealYBOP found the tool and provided Ley with the screenshots. Hey RealYBOP, provide all your emails to prove us wrong.
Reality check: anyone can post on reddit/nofap. We have it from good sources that the deleted comments were not from members of nofap. Instead, the comments were by trolls.
Ley adds on the bullshit:
RealYBOP retweets Ley’s BS:
July 10, 2020: RealYBOP Uses her new-found tool that scours comments deleted by NoFap mods to locate her one and only “death threat” (she keeps trolling nofap even though she is being sued for defamation). After 5 years of claiming death threat this is very first one she has tweeted. Since we have much documentation of RealYBOP fabricating evidence, lying about threats and perjuring herself countless times, we wouldn’t put it past RealYBOP to post death threats on porn recovery forums (especially since she has employed over 25 aliases to troll reddit pornfree and reddit/nofap).
July 11, 2020: Trolling deleted comments on Nofap, she posts her one and only “death threat”… again. Remember, Prause/RealYBOP has falsely claimed that many KNOWN individuals have sent her and other death threats. She has never produced evidence… because she is lying.
Special section: Lies and defamation surrounding Critique of claims surrounding “Sexual Responsivity and the Effects of Negative Mood on Sexual Arousal in Hypersexual Men Who Have Sex With Men” (2020).
Prause and 3 RealYBOP members published a big nothing of a study, yet Ley and Prause twist its findings to falsely claim its findings debunk porn-induced sexual problems: “Sexual Responsivity and the Effects of Negative Mood on Sexual Arousal in Hypersexual Men Who Have Sex With Men”. Nothing could be further from the truth, as I exposed in this 5 tweet thread.
As you can imagine, RealYBOP and Ley went after me with a pack of lies, and ultimately crazy accusation that I threatened to kill anyone who disagrees with me. Anything for the porn industry. A few of their tweets:
More lies, saying I didn’t have access to the full study (you can see from the graph below, that I had the full study):
More ad hominem shrieking from RealYBOP:
Besides ad hominem, Ley & RealYBOP lie, claiming a 2007 study “I liked” was identical to the current study. My 6-tweet thread exposing them as lying:
YBOP critique exposing their lies and explaining what the study can and can’t tell us: Critique of claims surrounding “Sexual Responsivity and the Effects of Negative Mood on Sexual Arousal in Hypersexual Men Who Have Sex With Men” (2020). Here’s a short version:
Porn industry shill and co-author of this paper Prause and her sidekick Ley mistakenly claim that this new paper is the same as experiments described in 2007 in a book chapter by Bancroft and Janssen (also a co-author of this new paper). “The Psychophysiology of Sex., Chapter: The Dual-Control Model: The role of sexual inhibition & excitation in sexual arousal and behavior.” Publisher: Indiana University Press, Editor: Erick Janssen, pp.197-222. Link to chapter
Yet this new paper is not the same as the earlier experiments, and here are some of the differences:
Difference#1 – The 2007 study interviewed the men who couldn’t get aroused by porn to assess the likely cause.
First, unlike the new 2020 study, the 2007 researchers interviewed the 50% of young men (average age 29) who mysteriously weren’t becoming aroused by test porn in the lab, and hypothesized that increasing exposure to porn was the likely cause. The scientists explained that the men frequented bars where porn had become omnipresent. Excerpt from the 2007 study:
When we applied this design (with the two types of sexual film, distraction and performance demand) to this new sample, however, we encountered another unanticipated, yet intriguing, phenomenon. Twelve men, or almost 50% of the first 25 subjects (mean age = 29 years), did not respond to the sexual stimuli (i.e., penile rigidity of less than 5% to the noncoercive film clips; 8 men had 0% rigidity). This is, to our knowledge, one of the few psychophysiological studies in which men participated who were recruited from the community–in our case, from bath houses, STD clinics, bars, and so on.
In some of these venues, sexual stimuli (including video screens) are omnipresent, and this, in combination with comments from participants about the lack of more interesting, specialized (“niche”), or more extreme or “kinky” stimuli, made us consider the possibility that the unusually high rate of nonresponders could be related to high levels of exposure to and experience with sexually explicit materials.
Difference #2 – the 2007 study determined porn use was cause!
The researchers also noted that, “Conversations with the subjects reinforced our idea that in some of them a high exposure to erotica seemed to have resulted in a lower responsivity to vanilla sex erotica and increased need for novelty, variation.”
Conversations with the subjects reinforced our idea that in some of them a high exposure to erotica seemed to have resulted in a lower responsivity to “vanilla sex” erotica and an increased need for novelty and variation, in some cases combined with a need for very specific types of stimuli in order to get aroused.
Difference#3 -2007 study added a 2nd experiment based on porn-induced low arousal.
The researchers even added a second experiment to take into account porn-induced low arousal. The second experiment included newer, longer, more varied clips, and allowed subjects to choose clips themselves. Still many didn’t respond!
We redesigned the study and decided to eliminate the distraction and performance demand manipulations and to include newer, more varied clips, as well as some longer film clips. Also, instead of presenting subjects with a set of preselected (“researcher-selected”) videos only, we let them choose two clips themselves from a set of 10, of which 10-second previews were shown and that included a wider range of sexual behaviors (e.g., group sex, interracial sex, S & M, etc.). We recruited an additional 51 subjects and found that with the improved design still 20 men, or approximately 25%, did not respond well to the sexual video clips (penile rigidity of less than 10% in response to the long self-selected film).
The 2007 experiments assessed “low responders” individually, and reported that: “the analyses suggested that as the number of erotic films seen within the past year increased a participant was more likely to be classified as a low responder.”
Difference#4 – 2007 study did not assess hypersexuality
The 2007 experiments did not assess hypersexuality. The 2020 study did, and compared a hypersexuality group to controls. (Yet there was no individual assessment of contributing factors to ED, as in 2007). That said, the 2020 hypersexual group had less genital response to porn than control group:
The authors then “controlled” for somewhat arbitrary factors – so as to artificially equalize the responses of the two groups and conclude that the groups did not respond differently from each other. Again predictable, given their pro-porn sympathies.
RealYBOP further loses it with numerous lies and defamatory tweets targeting me, Gabe Deem and Staci Sprout. Let’s go through RealYBOP’s barrage of nutty tweets:
I didn’t lie: I said that Ley omiited the graph that showed that hyepersexuals had less response than controls. That’s a fact. Sure thing – “controlling for” allowed the RealYBOP authors to claim the difference was meaningless. But the paper didn’t provide data for us to check their work.
More of the same spin (I know how statistical controls work and how they can be manipulated):
After I posted my debunking of their claims, RealYBOP went of a 7-tweet defamatory tirade. Four of her tweets said that I have threatened to kill scientist. She provides no evidence, because she is lying – as always. This constitutes defamation per se. I guess 2 defamations isn’t enough for her.
Defamatory tweet#1. I wasn’t disssavowed by anyone (she counts on no one actually reading):
The ACLU letter is not what RealYBOP claims. See: Nicole Prause & David Ley commit perjury in defamation lawsuit (September, 2019).
Defamatory tweet#2: What a nutter: Falsely claims I posted the 2007 study over 100,000 times and threatend to kill anyone who disagreed with me. Clear sign that she is losing her mind.
Here’s the 2007 study with all the relevant excerpts: The Dual Control Model – The Role Of Sexual Inhibition & Excitation In Sexual Arousal And Behavior (2007).
She lies, as the authors said porn caused subject’s low resposniveness. In an experiment employing video porn, 50% of the young men couldn’t become aroused or achieve erections with porn (average age was 29). The shocked researchers discovered that the men’s erectile dysfunction was “related to high levels of exposure to and experience with sexually explicit materials.” The limp men had spent a whole of lot of time in bars and bathhouses where porn was “omnipresent,” and continuously playing. The men explained that “high exposure to erotica seemed to have resulted in a lower responsivity to “vanilla sex” erotica and an increased need for novelty and variation.”
Defamatory tweet#3: Besides lying about death threats, her shrieking about stats is irrelevant, as the 2007 study said porn use cause downregulation of sexual arousal.
Defamatory tweet#4: RealYBOP just making crap up. Expose as lying here: Critique of claims surrounding “Sexual Responsivity and the Effects of Negative Mood on Sexual Arousal in Hypersexual Men Who Have Sex With Men” (2020)
RealYBOP added this tweet, revealing that she doesn’t know the definition of erectile dysfunction:
Special section – July, 2020: RealYBOP (Prause) falsely accuses Staci Sprout of stating that RealYourBrainOnPorn researchers molest children
TWEET#1: RealYBOP lies when she claims that Sprout said researchers molest children. In reality, Staci was discussing Table 34 of the 1948 Kinsey report, which contained data gathered from pedophiles sexually abusing children.
CONTEXT: Sprout was ONLY referring to the fact that Alfred Kinsey had collaborated with pedophiles to produce his landmark 1948 and 1952 books on human sexuality. Specifically, this data is recorded in Table 34 of this book published by the Kinsey Institute. In Table 34 the pedophiles use stopwatches to time what they call orgasms in children as young as a few months old to the early teens.
This is undisputed as Table 34 from his famous treatise Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) clearly documents. See this Washington Post article from 1995: KINSEY REPORT, FAST AND LOOSE? and this video.
Table 34 – The legend beneath the table says, ‘timed with a second hand or stopwatch’
Important to note that Prause also mischaracterized Don Hilton’s discussion of Table 34, fabricating a story that Hilton called her a child molester. mentioning Table 34. Don Hilton responded in 2016 to Prause’s lies here: Prause falsely accuses Donald Hilton, MD. She then used this fabrication to justify filing malicious reports with his university and the Texas Medical Board, which resulted in Prause being sued by Hilton for defamation. Now we have Prause (RealYBOP) trying to pull the same trick with Staci Sprout. Excerpt from this article: encapsulates Table 34:
In Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (which was reprinted in 1998 and is widely available), the Institute published the notorious Table 34, which documents the “sexual responses” of children from infants through teens as recorded by their adult male abusers. These pedophiles conducted sexual experiments on hundreds of children by bringing them to what the experimenters called “orgasm” (screaming, weeping, fighting the sexual “partner”) and timing these responses with a stopwatch.
John Bancroft, M.D., former director of the Kinsey Institute, in his paper, “Alfred Kinsey and the Politics of Sex Research” said that Alfred Kinsey was, “particularly interested in the observation of adults who had been sexually involved with children.” It was Kinsey’s obsession with the sexual responses of children that led to the publication of the infamous Table 34 in Chapter 5 of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male, which documents the sexual abuse of several hundred children.
Kinsey proudly asserted, “We have now reported observation on such specifically sexual activities as erection, pelvic thrusts, and several other characteristics of true orgasm in a list of 317 pre-adolescent boys ranging between infants of five months and adolescence in age.” Table 34 in Kinsey’s book includes these data: an 11-month-old baby experienced an alleged “orgasm” ten times in one hour; a four-year-old child and a 13-year-old boy experienced 26 such alleged “orgasms” in a 24-hour period.
Dr. Prause appear to be defending Alfred Kinsey’s practices
TWEET #2 : Once again, Staci Sprout was ONLY referring to Table 34 of the Kinsey report. Yet RealYBOP misrepresents Staci’s tweet, claiming she was referring to the RealYBOP “experts”.
TWEET #3: Again, Staci Sprout was ONLY referring to Table 34 and Alfred Kinsey:
Just the tip of RealYBOP/Prause defamation iceberg – see this page documenting RealYBOP’s ongoing defamation of Staci Sprout: BULLYING, HARASSMENT AND DEFAMATION FROM UNEXPECTED SOURCES AS A SEX ADDICTION RECOVERY ACTIVIST
Make up your mind RealYBOP: Sometimes she says “sex addiction” was rejected by WHO, other times she rails against WHO for the ICD-11 new diagnosis suitable for diagnosing what is commonly referred to as ‘porn addiction’ or ‘sex addiction.’: “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder” (CSBD).
More lies and propaganda from the perpetrator (see –Nicole Prause’s fabrications of victim-hood exposed as groundless: she is the perpetrator, not the victim.):
Re-tweets a porn producer:
RealYBOP opposes France’s age-verification for porn sites (talk about being a shill – putting porn companies ahead of kids):
RealYBOP trolls a thread to provide direct support for Pornhub. RealYBOP also lies about Exodus Cry, and tries to diminish their campaign to educate the world that pornhub hosts videos of child porn and actual rape:
This is what RealYBOP doesn’t like:
RealYBOP is supporting pornhub, which hosts child porn and sex trafficking videos. Nice.
RealYBOP claims that “your groups” are viciously attacking Emily Rothman’s porn literacy courses. RealYBOP provides no evidence.
In same thread, RealYBOP defends pornhub while defaming FTND:
RealYBOP tweets her joke of an op-ed for the 100th time. The 600-word Op-Ed is chock full of unsupported assertions meant to fool the lay public. It fails to support a single assertion as it cites only 4 papers – none of which have anything to do with porn addiction, porn’s effects on relationships, or porn-induced sexual problems. Several experts in this field debunked its assertions and empty rhetoric in this relatively short response – Op-ed: Who exactly is misrepresenting the science on pornography? (2016). Unlike the “neuroscientists of the Op-Ed,” they cited several hundred studies and multiple reviews of the literature.
RealYBOP continues to target Nofap, even though @BrainOnPorn Twitter is now implicated in two defamation lawsuits! Note – RealYBOP & David Ley have a private “group” of extremists (exposed in court docs). Is Neves a member of this private Facebook group? Will discovery in the lawsuits reveal the members of this group?
July 12, 2020: This is it. Prause has only posted one deleted anonymous comment containing threats in the 7 years she has been claiming to threatened (comment was NOT by a member of NoFap). Prause has accused me, Alex rhodes, Don Hilton and many others of thretening her – yet she has never provided any evdience. Pathological liar.
July 13, 2020: RealYBOP trolling 6-week-old thread to defame Exodus Cry and to support Pornhub. RealYBOP once again tweeting the comment by an anonymous troll (and not a Nofap member), that was removed by nofap mods. One deleted comment, by an unknown troll – that is all RealYBOP has – which means she will tweet it over and over again.
RealYBOP is doing this to protect pornhub: January, 2020: RealYBOP twitter (Prause) attacks Laila Mickelwait in its defense of Pornhub’s under-age looking porn and absence of age-verification. Laila also filed an affidavit in Donald Hilton’s defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause, and has also filed an affidavit in Rhodes v. Prause).
July 13, 2020: RealYBOP defames Staci Sprout, posting the same deleted comment by a reddit troll (who was not a member of nofap). RealYBOP asks followers to file a false report on Sprout.
All Sprout claimed that the Kinsey institute gathered data from pedophiles. This is undisputed as Table 34 from his famous treatise Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) clearly documents. See Washington Post article from 1995: KINSEY REPORT, FAST AND LOOSE? and this video. Prause also mischaracterized Hilton calling her a child molester for mentioning Table 34. Don Hilton responded in 2016 to Prause’s lies here: Prause falsely accuses Donald Hilton, MD. She then used this fabrication to justify filing malicious reports with his university and the Texas Medical Board. That resulted in Prause being sued for defamation. Now we have Prause pulling the same trick with Staci Sprout. Could be another defamation suit in the offing.
July 13, 2020: Tweeting about the …Yawn… same deleted Nofap comment by a reddit troll (who was not a member of NoFap). The one and only threat she could find.
Sorry RealYBOP, we have a case study of actual threats, cyberstalking and defamation:
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 1)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 2)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 3)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 4)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 5)
- Legal victories over serial harasser/defamer Nicole Prause: She’s the perpetrator, not the victim!
As with countless earlier tweets, RealYBOP wants to blame masturbation, not porn, for all the many studies correlating negative outcomes with porn use (perfect example of a shill):
She has been attempting this blame-shift for several years: Sexologists deny porn-induced ED by claiming masturbation is the problem (2016).
RealYBOP misrepresents an unpublished paper: she says it look at porn use, but it did not.
More frequent masturbation is associated with DE, because higher levels of masturbation are associated with porn use.
Misrepresents another paper, as it wasn’t about porn use. Tweets her silly, counter-factual “infographic”:
I guess case studies are OK? The first 7 studies in this list contain several case studies demonstrating causation, as participants eliminated porn use and healed chronic sexual dysfunctions: over 40 studies linking porn use/porn addiction to sexual problems and lower arousal to sexual stimuli.
Randomly attacks a man who recovered from porn-induced ED:
Special section – July, 2020: RealYBOP (Prause) urges followers to report Staci Sprout to the National Association of Social Workers and the state of Washington (illegally posting Staci’s license number)
RealYBOP (Prause) harassing & defaming Staci Sprout, yet again. Prause reported Staci Sprout 3 previous times. All were dismissed as groundless: January 24, 2018: Prause files groundless complaints with Washington State against therapist Staci Sprout.
Keep in mind that following RealYBOP tweets conatin nothing but lies. I provided the links so you can see for yourself that RealYBOP’s claims don’t match the screenshots she posted.
TWEET #1: As you can see, none of what RealYBOP claimed is in the screenshots (the RealYBOP tweets constitute defamation per se.
As explained above, all Sprout claimed that the Kinsey institute gathered data from pedophiles. This is undisputed as Table 34 from his famous treatise Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) clearly documents. See Washington Post article from 1995: KINSEY REPORT, FAST AND LOOSE? and this video. Prause also mischaracterized Hilton calling her a child molester for mentioning Table 34. Don Hilton responded in 2016 to Prause’s lies here: Prause falsely accuses Donald Hilton, MD. She then used this fabrication to justify filing malicious reports with his university and the Texas Medical Board. That resulted in Prause being sued for defamation. Now we have RealYBOP/Prause pulling the same trick with Staci Sprout.
TWEET #2: RealYBOP posts Staci’s license number, urging follwers to file a false report:
TWEET #3: Bizarre rambling pack of incoherent lies. The 2 Staci tweets RealYBOP posted were accurate and made no mention of any individual or RealYBOP. The two other tweets have nothing to do with anything, and certainly nothing to do with Staci Sprout.
TWEET #4: First lie – there is nothing about Seto in the tweets RealYBOP posted. Second lie – Staci did not tag university offices. Staci is wondering, as we all are, who will be legally culpable for RealYBOP’s defamation and harassment. RealYBOP is named in 3 lawsuits: the individuals posting RealYBOP tweets will be identified, and may have to cough up substantial damages.
See this section of page #1: @BrainOnPorn twitter now named in two defamation lawsuits!
TWEET #5: (which was pinned to RealYBOP page). RealYBOP is joined by her defamation partner, and man being compensated by porn giant xHamster, David Ley:
DARVO by Ley.
TWEET #6: REALYBOP members playing dumb, replying with disgusting nonsense in response to the simple question: “Who is liable for RealYBOP’s defamation?” Cyberstalkker RealYBOP tweets Staci’s license number.
Just the tip of RealYBOP/Prause defamation iceberg – see this page documenting RealYBOP’s ongoing defamation of Staci Sprout: BULLYING, HARASSMENT AND DEFAMATION FROM UNEXPECTED SOURCES AS A SEX ADDICTION RECOVERY ACTIVIST
RealYBOP (Prause) harassing & defaming Staci Sprout, yet again. Prause reported Staci Sprout 3 previous times. All were dismissed as groundless: January 24, 2018: Prause files groundless complaints with Washington State against therapist Staci Sprout.
Keep in mind that following RealYBOP tweets conatin nothing but lies. I provided the links so you can see for yourself that RealYBOP’s claims don’t match the screenshots she posted.
TWEET #1: As you can see, none of what RealYBOP claimed is in the screenshots (the RealYBOP tweets constitute defamation per se.
As explained above, all Sprout claimed that the Kinsey institute gathered data from pedophiles. This is undisputed as Table 34 from his famous treatise Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948) clearly documents. See Washington Post article from 1995: KINSEY REPORT, FAST AND LOOSE? and this video. Prause also mischaracterized Hilton calling her a child molester for mentioning Table 34. Don Hilton responded in 2016 to Prause’s lies here: Prause falsely accuses Donald Hilton, MD. She then used this fabrication to justify filing malicious reports with his university and the Texas Medical Board. That resulted in Prause being sued for defamation. Now we have RealYBOP/Prause pulling the same trick with Staci Sprout.
TWEET #2: RealYBOP posts Staci’s license number, urging follwers to file a false report:
TWEET #3: Bizarre rambling pack of incoherent lies. The 2 Staci tweets RealYBOP posted were accurate and made no mention of any individual or RealYBOP. The two other tweets have nothing to do with anything, and certainly nothing to do with Staci Sprout.
TWEET #4: First lie – there is nothing about Seto in the tweets RealYBOP posted. Second lie – Staci did not tag university offices. Staci is wondering, as we all are, who will be legally culpable for RealYBOP’s defamation and harassment. RealYBOP is named in 3 lawsuits: the individuals posting RealYBOP tweets will be identified, and may have to cough up substantial damages.
See this section of page #1: @BrainOnPorn twitter now named in two defamation lawsuits!
TWEET #5: (which was pinned to RealYBOP page). RealYBOP is joined by her defamation partner, and man being compensated by porn giant xHamster, David Ley:
DARVO by Ley.
TWEET #6: REALYBOP members playing dumb, replying with disgusting nonsense in response to the simple question: “Who is liable for RealYBOP’s defamation?” Cyberstalkker RealYBOP tweets Staci’s license number.
Just the tip of RealYBOP/Prause defamation iceberg – see this page documenting RealYBOP’s ongoing defamation of Staci Sprout: BULLYING, HARASSMENT AND DEFAMATION FROM UNEXPECTED SOURCES AS A SEX ADDICTION RECOVERY ACTIVIST
New large study comes out confirming everything I have claimed: Men who watch a lot of porn are more likely to suffer erectile dysfunction – and a THIRD get more aroused by watching adult films than when having sex themselves. This results in RealYBOP trolling every outlet that tweet an article about the study (8 separate tweets!). RealYBOP tweets contain a link to the study she misrepresented. See –
RealYBOPa total BS-er, posting in every tweet:
“Not in larger longitudinal and lab studies that actually control for masturbation (which occurs 1:1 with porn viewing).”
If masturbation occurs 1:1 with porn viewing, masturbation can’t be controlled for. LOL.
TWEET#8 – Is a thread from 2015! The 2015 study debunked:
- Peer-reviewed critique of Prause & Pfaus, 2015 – by Richard A. Isenberg MD.
- Nothing Adds Up in Dubious Study: Youthful Subjects’ ED Left Unexplained – a critique of Prause & Pfaus, 2015 – by Gabe Deem
REALITY: This list contains over 40 studies linking porn use/porn addiction to sexual problems and lower arousal to sexual stimuli. The first 7 studies in the list demonstrate causation, as participants eliminated porn use and healed chronic sexual dysfunctions.
RealYBOP continues her obsessive cyberstalking of Gabe Deem, with a incident of defamation per se. Disgusting defamatory tweet:
Will this lead to another defamation lawsuit?
More cyberstalking of deem. Again lying about the 2007 study, as exposed here: Critique of claims surrounding “Sexual Responsivity and the Effects of Negative Mood on Sexual Arousal in Hypersexual Men Who Have Sex With Men” (2020)
Continued cyberstalking and falsehoods:
RealYBOP has falsified nothing. In fact the debate is over on PIED as 7 studies have reported men recovering from PIED via quitting porn: This list contains over 40 studies linking porn use/porn addiction to sexual problems and lower arousal to sexual stimuli. The first 7 studies in the list demonstrate causation, as participants eliminated porn use and healed chronic sexual dysfunctions.
Contiuned cyberstalking: Link in tweet is NOT about shame induced brain changes, only transient brain activity. Typical misrepresentation:
Later that day she tweets her silly infographic and misrepresents a 10-year old study, which did not ask about porn use:
July 18, 2020 RealYBOP tweet contains a screenshot of Prause/PornHelps reporting an Alex Rhodes tweet where he responded to “PornHelps” repeatedly calling him a liar:
CONTEXT: In 2016 Nicole Prause created “PornHelps” website & social media accounts to serve the porn industry “PornHelps” chronically badgered the same people and organizations that Prause also often attacked using her own name and social media accounts. In fact, Prause would team up with her apparent alias PornHelps to attack individuals on Twitter and elsewhere in tandem with some of her other identities (see 1, 2, 3, 4). Both the @pornhelps Twitter account and PornHelps website were suddenly deleted when Prause was outed on Psychology Today as being PornHelps. We start with a tweet by the author of the TIME cover story, “Porn and the Threat to Virility“, Belinda Luscombe:
This was followed by @pornhelps calling both Alexander and Belinda liars. @NicoleRPrause eventually chimed in to call TIME journalist Luscombe a liar. This is important as this July 18, 2020 RealYBOP tweet contains a screenshot of Prause/PornHelps reporting a supposedly reporting an Alex Rhodes tweet. Alex responded to numerous defamatory and harassing tweets by PornHelps which accused Alex of faking porn induced sexual problems and penile injury. Alex Rhodes reponds to @pornhelps:
PornHelps jumps in with her usual viciousness, falsely accusing Alex of lying. Alex responded to the harassment with the aforementioned funny comeback:
See rest of the story here: July, 2016: Prause & sock puppet “PornHelps” attack Alexander Rhodes, falsely claiming he faked porn-induced sexual problems.
RealYBOP tries to disparage new study: Men who watch a lot of porn are more likely to suffer erectile dysfunction – and a THIRD get more aroused by watching adult films than when having sex themselves (Daily Mail).
1) Standard procedure is to present at a conference, then publish.
2) RealYBOP claiming masturbation causes ED. No urologist agrees.
3) RealYBOP lying – authors did not say that ED causes porn use (what?).
4) RealYBOP lying, in that two objective measures were used:
Hours of porn watching per week of each participant were calculated and a scatter plot correlating hours of porn watching with IIEF and MSHQ-ED was created.
RealYBOP just making stuff up, attacking Terry Crews (while disparaging FTND) for tweeting that PornHub needs to be defunded for hosting child porn and sex trafficking videos. RealYBOP is directly supporting Pornhub:
Mindgeek thanks you, RealYBOP.
The Medium article is nothing but lies, from a pathological liar being sued in multiple venues:
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 1)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 2)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 3)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 4)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 5)
- Legal victories over serial harasser/defamer Nicole Prause: She’s the perpetrator, not the victim!
Tweets – for the 5oth time, a study by RealYBOP member Samuel Perry. It is NOT what Perry or RealYBOP claim:
Reality: After sophisticated statistical “modeling” Perry proposed that masturbation, not porn use, is the real culprit in relationship happiness. The gaping hole in Perry’s new analysis is the absence of specific, reliable data on masturbation frequency, as he only asked “When did you last masturbate?” Without solid data on frequency, his claim is little more than a hypothetical. From Perry’s study:
Masturbation Practice. Both the NFSS and the RIA ask the same two questions about masturbation that the author combined into a single masturbation measure for both surveys. Participants were first asked if they have ever masturbated (Yes or No). Those who answered that they had ever masturbated were then asked, “When did you last masturbate?” Responses ranged from 1 = today to 9 = over a year ago.
Perry continues:
“While this question technically does not inquire about frequency…..”
No kidding. And yet Perry, Prause, Ley, Grubbs and others are now making extraordinary claims based on this solitary study, relying on these highly dubious data. The Alliance propaganda machine is in full view with respect to Perry’s re-analysis. Perry’s assertions are countered by over 75 studies linking porn use to lower sexual and relationship satisfaction – and Perry’s current study which correlated more porn use with less relationship happiness. That’s right, greater porn use was associated with less relationship happiness in both Perry samples (A & B):
Perry’s claims that he could magically tease apart porn use from masturbation cannot be taken seriously – especially since he lacked accurate data for masturbation frequency.
Going after nofap, even though she is being sued for defamation. Here we list 4 tweets in a row by cyberstalker RealYBOP:
July 20, 2020: Rambling article citing Kris Taylor’s paper
Prause (RealYBOP) falsely asserts that Kris Taylor’s paper was an analysis of nofap comments. In reality, Taylor’s dissertation only assessed 15 comments from reddit/nofap. “Masculinity” search criteria for the 15 cherry-picked comments. Taylor’s explicitly states the 15 comments were not representative of Nofap as a whole:
See this back and forth between Prause and bart taken from Psychology Today concerning the Taylor joke of a paper. Bart makes a fool of Prause, who resorts to ad hominem when exposed as lying about Taylor’s paper.
July 20, 2020: Excerpt from a rambling sociology article by an undergrad (not peer-reviewed).
Actual abstract, instead of the out-of-context sentence chosen by RealYBOP:
The purpose of this essay is to investigate discourses about masculinity and sexuality that appear in the internet forums on the website, which is a site aimed at people with pornography and masturbation independence. The purpose of the website is to create a community for people who suffer from an addiction that leads to their everyday or sex life being negatively affected. The forum should thereby exist as a support group for the individual where problems around, among other things, sexual health can be discussed with other individuals who have similar problems and addictions. The forum expresses itself by providing tools that will help the individual to get out of their addiction and thus improve their life. In the essay I use a discursive analysis method that is based on Ernesto Laclau’s and Chantal Mouffe’s discourse theory.Through discourse theory as an analysis method, I then examine what the discourse around masculinity and sexuality looks like and how they are constructed in the forum. Furthermore, I study which masculine expressions are valued higher in the hegemonic hierarchy and which expressions lead to a lower hierarchical position. I then examine how the discourse affects which bodies are expected to participate in the forum and which are excluded.
In the analysis part, it emerged that the forum is strongly characterized by traditional perceptions of masculinity and sexuality, where, among other things, men are expected to be heterosexual, dominant over women and have control over themselves and their sexual desires. The view of pornography and its dependence on it is negative in the forum, where it is seen as something that has contributed to social problems for the individual. The negative perception is based on the impact of pornography on the individual and his ability to have a functioning sex life where e.g. porn-injured people have problems being sexually stimulated by real sexual interactions. It also emerges that the forum’s intentions are not to bring about a major societal change where social consequences of pornography, such as e.g. sexism and sexual violence want to be counteracted.The forum instead focuses on helping the individual to get rid of their pornography addiction and is therefore not critical of the extensive social consequences of pornography.
Still, it’s a big nothing as there is now way to ‘analyze millions of comments posted over a 10 year period. Especially since anyone with an internet connection can post on reddit/nofap.
July 20, 2020: RealYBOP lies, saying Imhoff study gathered subjects from NoFap. In reality, none of the subjects were from NoFap. Liars will lie.
Here’s Imhoff’s’ apology letter – Men’s Reasons to Abstain from Masturbation May Not Reflect the Conviction of reboot Websites – which says that none of the subjects were members of Nofap:
July 20, 2020: What is this? Logistic regressions from a non-peer-reviewed paper? She’s scouring the internet for anything she can misrepresent.
Fight The New Drug op-ed. LOL:
Another tweet the next day:
Prause’s (REalYBOP) 600-word Op-Ed is chock full of unsupported assertions meant to fool the lay public. It fails to support a single assertion as it cites only 4 papers – none of which have anything to do with porn addiction, porn’s effects on relationships, or porn-induced sexual problems.
Several experts in this field debunked its assertions and empty rhetoric in this relatively short response – Op-ed: Who exactly is misrepresenting the science on pornography? (2016). Unlike the “neuroscientists of the Op-Ed,” they cited several hundred studies and multiple reviews of the literature.
Disgusting defamatory tweet by a pathological liar being sued by numerous parties:
RealYBOP link to a full of lies article she posted a few days earlier. She never provides any evidence for any of her claims. She is the perpetrator: Nicole Prause’s fabrications of victim-hood exposed as groundless: she is the perpetrator, not the victim.
Blatant lie (notice there’s no citation):
The truth is that nearly every study assessing porn use and egalitarianism (sexual attitudes) has reported that porn use is associated with attitudes toward women that both liberals and conservatives regard as extremely problematic. Check out this list of over 40 studies linking porn use to “un-egalitarian attitudes” toward women and sexist views, or this 2016 meta-analysis of 135 studies: Media and Sexualization: State of Empirical Research, 1995–2015. Excerpt:
The goal of this review was to synthesize empirical investigations testing effects of media sexualization. The focus was on research published in peer-reviewed, English-language journals between 1995 and 2015. A total of 109 publications that contained 135 studies were reviewed. The findings provided consistent evidence that both laboratory exposure and regular, everyday exposure to this content are directly associated with a range of consequences, including higher levels of body dissatisfaction, greater self-objectification, greater support of sexist beliefs and of adversarial sexual beliefs, and greater tolerance of sexual violence toward women. Moreover, experimental exposure to this content leads both women and men to have a diminished view of women’s competence, morality, and humanity.
More lies, and linking to its debunked page: Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”
Porn is not positive for majority of adults. For exmaple, every quantitative study on males reports more porn use related to less sexual & relationship satisfaction. The 75 studies omitted from RealYBOP’s cherry-picked list: Over 75 studies link porn use to less sexual and relationship satisfaction.
More defamation and cyberstalking of Gabe Deem:
FYI – Gabe went to college, so he could sue RealYBOP for defamation.
Same day, tweeting in Gabe’s thread (RealYBOP has blocked Gabe). RealYBOP tweets her nothing but lies Medium article targeting me:
All you need to know: Prause accused me of stalking, so I filed a lawsuit against her – and won, establishing through the courts that Prause is the perpetrator, not a victim – Prause’s efforts to silence Wilson foiled; her restraining order denied as frivolous & she owes substantial attorney fees in a SLAPP ruling. In addition, she’s currently being sued for defamation by Donald Hilton, MD and Nofap founder Alexander Rhodes. More lawsuits to follow?
Defending porn use, claiming it is positive for vast majority of of people
RealYBOP again tweeting her Medium article that is nothing but fabrications. Notice how RealYBOP trolls accounts that mention YBOP – definition of a stalker.
Keeps tweeting her fairy tale article (she’s obssesed with me having tweeted about me 5o0 times, just from her RealYBOP account!). Neil doesn’t buy her fabricated victim-hood:
Continues to obssesively post her full-of-lies Medium article
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 1)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 2)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 3)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 4)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 5)
- Legal victories over serial harasser/defamer Nicole Prause: She’s the perpetrator, not the victim!
For the 7th day in a row, RealYBOP screenshots a Gabe Deem tweet, disparaging and defaming him. This time she went after Don Hilton, the doctor suing her for defamation. That will look good to a judge.
RealYBOP lied – Gabe did NOT refer to Dr. Hilton as a neuroscientist.
RealYBOP retweets Gustavo Turner of XBIZ:
July 25, 2020: RealYBOP continues to target Nofap, even though @BrainOnPorn Twitter is now implicated in two defamation lawsuits!
Notice how RealYBOP turns “Porn addiction ruins relationships” into porn use. Usual misrepresentations, falsehoods by RealYBOP. Reality – As of 2020, over 75 studies have linked porn use to poorer sexual and relationship satisfaction. While a few studies correlated greater porn use in females to better (or neutral) sexual satisfaction, most have not (see this list: Porn studies involving female subjects: Negative effects on arousal, sexual satisfaction, and relationships). As far as we know all studies involving males reported more porn use linked to poorer sexual or relationship satisfaction.
July 25, 2020: RealYBOP retweets porn industry ally comments under the above RealYBOP attack on Nofap:
RealYBOP and porn industry twitter account @fyfriendlyfire often collaborate to troll RealYBOP’s usual victims.
RealYBOP no longer hides her support for the porn industry.
RealYBOP retweets RealYBOP member Taylor Kohut. Both supporting porn industry agenda:
Faux victimhood by serial harraser, cyberstalker, defamer: Nicole Prause’s fabrications of victim-hood exposed as groundless: she is the perpetrator, not the victim
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 1)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 2)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 3)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 4)
- Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 5)
- Legal victories over serial harasser/defamer Nicole Prause: She’s the perpetrator, not the victim!
RealYBOP retweets sex worker “advocate” take on one of my tweets:
RealYBOP = supporter of the porn industry and of prostitution.
Continuing her attacks on Alex Rhodes & Nofap, even though he filed a defamation lawsuit against her. The screenshot of a Rhodes’s 2013 tweet was posted in response to about the final episode of “Breaking Bad”. Character Jess Pinkman regular said this.
“newfriend” reply exposes RealYBOP game playing. Typical of Prause to fabricate non-evidence.
Yet another example of RealYBOP cyberstalking me. Seven hours after I tweet under Fred Toates, RealYBOP trolls him with irrelevant drivel.
Reality: This page contains: 1- Over 100 studies linking porn use to sexual offending, sexual aggression, and sexual coercion, 2- Neil Malamuth’s comments on a sexology listserve countering the type of spin employed in the Quillete article: Studies linking porn use to sexual offending, sexual aggression, and sexual coercion (addresses claims about rape rates & porn).
RealYBOP goes full defamation in the Toates thread. No one is filing reports, let alone police reports. What a liar.
RealYBOP (Prause) harassing Staci Sprout, yet again. See:
- January 24, 2018: Prause files groundless complaints with Washington State against therapist Staci Sprout
- February, 2020: Prause tweets numerous lies: (1) that her address appears on YBOP, (2) that the CA Attorney General forced Linode to remove address from YBOP, (3) that Staci Sprout & Gary Wilson have been posting her home address “online”
- Others – February, March, 2020: Prause files a baseless, failed small claims court suit in California against therapist Staci Sprout
- Others – July, 2020: RealYBOP (Prause) falsely accuses Staci Sprout of stating that RealYourBrainOnPorn researchers molest children.
PDF’s of Sworn affidavits in two separate federal defamation suits filed against Prause
- Exhibit #10: Staci Sprout, LCSW affidavit (15 pages)
- July, 2019: Staci Sprout, LICSW affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
Cyberstalker RealYBOP then tweets her Medium article that is supposedly about me. It contains nothing but lies:
Actual documentation: Nicole Prause’s fabrications of victim-hood exposed as groundless: she is the perpetrator, not the victim.
RealYBOP tweets Chris Ferguson’s biased review.
Neil Malamuth posted this commentary concerning Ferguson’s biases. Reality: here are 105 studies that RealYBOP has never tweeted –Studies linking porn use to sexual offending, sexual aggression, and sexual coercion (addresses claims about rape rates & porn).
RealYBOP misrepresents a highly suspect excerpt from the Ferguson article. Ferguson says rep. Todd Welier described his participation as “gullible”, but provides no context or link. RealYBOP falsely cast this Weiler saying he was tricked. A google search fails to locate Weiler using the word “gullible” in relation to the Utah bill.
RealYBOP has been targeting Todd Weiler for 4 years, having placed nonsense about Weiler on her AmazonAWS website.
Goes after professor Flood for daring to cite studies revealing high levels of aggression in pornographic videos:
Looks like Flood has blocked troll RealYBOP because she doesn’t “quote-tweet” him.
One of her favorite targets: Mormons. Surprisingly, the church doesn’t care for porn. RealYBOP is caught in another lie: nothing in the 3 screenshots says anything about “addictive brain disease”.
This is funny. I never said Ley was “funded” by porn. I said David Ley was compensated by porn industry giant xHamster to promote its websites and convince users that porn addiction and sex addiction are myths! Specifically, David Ley and the newly formed Sexual Health Alliance (SHA) have partnered with a xHamster website (StripChat). See “Stripchat aligns with Sexual Health Alliance to stroke your anxious porn-centric brain.”. Note – A year after this post first appeared, Ley asserted he is not directly compensated by a “porn company,” yet this is splitting hairs: Stripchat compensated the SHA which in turn compensated SHA board member Ley. This is akin to a smoking apologist doctor claiming he wasn’t directly paid by Phillip Morris, but was instead compensated by The Tobacco Institute. Nice try, David.
WOW. Telling people that they have no right to feel traumatized by their partner’s porn use. She provides us with her fabricated definition of “trauma”:
RealYBOP corrected by an actual therapist:
In the same thread, RealYBOP tweets her joke of an op-ed targeting Fight The New Drug:
RealYBOP’s 600-word Op-Ed is chock full of unsupported assertions meant to fool the lay public. It fails to support a single assertion as it cites only 4 papers – none of which have anything to do with porn addiction, porn’s effects on relationships, or porn-induced sexual problems. Several experts in this field debunked its assertions and empty rhetoric in this relatively short response – Op-ed: Who exactly is misrepresenting the science on pornography? (2016). Unlike the neuroscientists of the Op-Ed they cited several hundred studies and multiple reviews of the literature.
Continues to cyberstalk Staci Sprout (who is testifying against Prause in 2 defamation suits). PDF’s of sworn affidavits in two separate federal defamation suits filed against Prause:
- Exhibit #10: Staci Sprout, LCSW affidavit (15 pages)
- July, 2019: Staci Sprout, LICSW affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
RealYBOP lies about what Staci and Liz walker actually said:
RealYBOP contiunes with her misrepresentations, lies, and nutty claims:
August 5, 2020: Goes after nofap, again even though she is being sued for defamation. Tweets a student article about a random thread discussing nofap on a site called Flashback. Are you kidding me? She is obsessively searching the net for anything to misrepresent.
RealYBOP member Ley retweets it and lies, falsely claiming there are peer-reviewed studies assessing the demographics of nofap members. There are no such studies.
Not so subtle attack on “TraffickingHub”, the movement to holt Pornhub accountable for hosting child porn and videos of actual sex trafficking.
RealYBOP called out for being a shill. RealYBOP replies with pack of lies. Guy links to this new site exposing RealYBOP as serial defamer harasser, and porn-industry shill
Note – RealYBOP just lost lawsuit in which falsely accused me of being a stalker: Prause’s efforts to silence Wilson foiled; her restraining order denied as frivolous & she owes substantial attorney fees in a SLAPP ruling
August 8, 2020 – Being sued for defamation, but still attacking nofap.
Article is nothing but lies.
RealYBOP retweets drivel by a sycophant:
RealYBOP disparages Phil Zimbardo, yet again. As porn industry shills, David Ley, Prause & RealYBOP often disparage Zimbardo because he has exposed porn’s negative effects on young people. RealYBOP lies about the “warning” forced on TED by pro-gaming and pro-porn entities. RealYBOP claims it says “not supported by science“, when it actually says “have been challenged”.
Non-academics Ley & Prause appear jealous of Zimbardo’s fame, success and influence.
Cyberstalking me on a Sunday afternoon. Still trying to figure out how I was “slapped”:
Here’s the full conversation:
Convo continues……….
I was schooled? Neuroskeptic and I agreed. Here’s my own thread about the new paper by RealYBOP member Sam Perry:
Disturbing that RealYBOP retweets The Prostasia Foundation, which has been accused of promoting the pedophile agenda rather than protecting children. See this expose’ – The bizarre world of tax-exempt pedophiles.
Tweeting support for porn industry and prostitution.
RealYourBrainOnPorn (Pornhub’s BFF) is targeting Lala Mickelwait again with an insane tweet trying to connect Exodus Cry to outlandish conspiracy theories. The melmagazine says nothing about Exodus Cry. RealYBOP will stop at nothing to defend Pornhub, including defamation & harassment.
Promoting Cindy Gallop’s porn site:
Goes after young men who have recovered from porn-induced ED, while misrepresenting a new study.
It’s true that the frequency of porn use was negatively related to sexual problems (- 0.17). But RealybOP didn’t want to tell you that the study reported a strong relationship between problematic porn use and sexual problems (+ 0.37). So porn may not be so great for your sex life.
Note – The operator of RealYBOP has close relationships with the porn industry and is obsessed with debunking PIED, harassing & libeling young men who have recovered from porn-induced sexual dysfunctions. See documentation: Gabe Deem #1, Gabe Deem #2, Alexander Rhodes #1, Alexander Rhodes #2, Alexander Rhodes #3, Noah Church, Alexander Rhodes #4, Alexander Rhodes #5, Alexander Rhodes #6, Alexander Rhodes #7, Alexander Rhodes #8, Alexander Rhodes #9, Alexander Rhodes #10, Alex Rhodes #11, Gabe Deem & Alex Rhodes together #12, Alexander Rhodes #13, Alexander Rhodes #14, Gabe Deem #4, Alexander Rhodes #15.
August 11, 2020: Both Ley and RealYBOP going after Nofap. Ley recived a mass-emailing from is illegally utilizing the NoFap trademark to market their app. Lawyers will be reaching out to fro trademark infringement.
More support for pornhub in a series of attacks on those supporting TraffickingHub:
RealYBOP continues her support for Pornhub:
RealYBOP defneds Pornhub in another similar thread:
Even more defense of Pornhub – and, of course, attacking Exodus Cry, which initiated the petition.
Going after this recent survey – EAU 2020: More Porn, Worse Erectile Function (2020)
More trolling of Paula Hall:
Two lies by RealYBOP:
- There not 12 studes. See – Erectile And Other Sexual Dysfunctions Section
- The study controlled for masturbation.
Interview –
NEW SECTION (August, 2020): Court rulings expose Nicole Prause as the perpetrator, not the victim.
In March of 2020, Prause sought a groundless temporary restraining order (TRO) against me using fabricated “evidence” and her usual lies (falsely accusing me of stalking). In Prause’s request for the restraining order she perjured herself, saying I posted her address on YBOP and Twitter (perjury is nothing new with Prause). I filed an lawsuit against Prause for misusing the legal system (TRO) to silence and harass me. On August 6, the Los Angeles County Superior Court ruled that Prause’s attempt to obtain a restraining order against me constituted a frivolous and illegal “strategic lawsuit against public participation” (commonly called a “SLAPP suit”). In essence, the Court found that Prause abused the restraining order process to bully me into silence and undercut his rights to free speech. By law, the SLAPP ruling obligates Prause to pay my attorney fees. Thus confirming that Prause has been defaming me for 7 years and that she is the stalker.
In response, RealYBOP (Prause and colleagues) load up the lies and go nutso:
RealYBOP trolls my thread where I expose her as doxxing and cyberstalking my son, then defaming him in her fraudulent restraining order (which was tossed as empty harassment). Unbelievably vile.
Over and over RealYBOP & Prause post lie-filled letters written by close pro-porn friends (usually RealYBOP members) at the behest of Prause. She tried to enter 4 letters into her fraudulent restraining order, but the judge saw right through them as fabrications (the letter writers only regurgitated what Prause had told them – which was a lie, without a shred of actual supporting evidence.
The 4 letters above, which are tweet numerous times, did not say what cyberstalker Prause claims they said. None of the letter writers said that I had stalked them. The letters contained zero evidence to support the claims presented. A brief overview of the 4 letters Prause posted and misrepresented in her many tweets:
- By Kate Dawson of Ireland. Said nothing about me or Nikky
- By Rebecca Sullivan of Canada. The 2-page letter had a single throwaway line about me, saying I supplied a brief for motion 47. Nothing else.
- By Madita Oeming. She never claimed that I stalked or threatened her in any way. Instead, Oeming whined because I posted these 3 tweets about her unsupported claims. Oeming’s letter did repeat Prause’s lies… but the court ruled in my favor.
- The last letter was a lie-filled fairy tale by Daniel Burgees, who initially registered, has used aliases to cyberstalk me, and has engaged in numerous instances of defamation. The truth about Burgess and our interactions are completely documented on this page. Legal actions with Mr. Burgess were necessary to have shuttered.
On to more of Prause’s defamation, cowardly using her RealYBOP alias. More trolling:
This is unbelievably disgusting. RealYBOP tweeting defamation under Matt Fradd’s wife celebrating their wedding anniversary:
More defamation by Prause.
RealYBOP continues her defamation per se, saying YBOP is threatening to kill “us”. No evidence just like Prause had no evidence of stalking or harassment in her fraudulent restraining order. The courts ruled that Prause’s restraining order against me constituted a frivolous and illegal “strategic lawsuit against public participation” (commonly called a “SLAPP suit”). Prause lied throughout her fraudulent TRO, providing zero verifiable evidence to support her outlandish claims that I stalked or harassed her. In essence, the Court found that Prause abused the restraining order process to bully me into silence and undercut his rights to free speech. By law, the SLAPP ruling obligates Prause to pay my attorney fees.
I’m terrified of RealYBOP’s “science”! LOL. I debunked their joke of a “research page” long ago – Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”).
Sixth time? What the hell is she talking about? Yes, we lost the WIPO decision (which was shocking), but it wasn’t a lawsuit. We had to pursue extensive legal action related to her trademark infringement. The only other legal action involving Prause was my SLAPP suit victory, exposing her as a liar and stalker (even stalking my son) – Prause’s efforts to silence Wilson foiled; her restraining order denied as frivolous & she owes substantial attorney fees in a SLAPP ruling.
More defamation and falsehoods. Again, I filed only one lawsuit aginst her, so far, and I won.
Legal actions continue for RealYBOP’s trademark infringement.
New Section: Brian Watson’s error-filled hit-piece
Kinsey grad, librarian, and close Prause ally, Brian Watson published an error-filled hit piece, which RealYBOP excerpted as if it were true. RealYBOP (Prause) also created a few new sockpuppets to edit Watson’s lies into the Nofap Wikipedia page.
Introducing Watson’s paper:
Watson defames me, lies about YBOP, and the research presented there (just like RealYBOP)
REALITY: I’ll focus primarily on the article’s misinformation about me and my website (YBOP), but I believe a wider-reaching correction is in order (a retraction, actually).
Watson does not mention that I am the author and co-author, respectively of two peer-reviewed articles, or that I taught anatomy & physiology for two decades. Nor does Watson mention that I am the author of a best-selling book brimming with peer-reviewed research: Your Brain On Porn: Internet pornography and the emerging science of addiction.Incidentally, all of my book proceeds go to a registered charity, undercutting Watson’s claim that everyone he names is sharing information about the potential risks of digital porn in order to profit.
In lieu of the above information about me, Watson indulges in ad hominem remarks purportedly supporting them with four citations – three lay articles and a short commentary. Not one of the four articles contains a word about me, my website YBOP, or the extensive research gathered there. Revealing Watson’s extreme bias, two of the four articles are written by pornography advocate David Ley who is currently collaborating with porn giant xHamster to promotes its “Stripchat” website and services.
Watson appears to be referring to both Fight The New Drug (FTND) and YBOP when asserting:
Anything more than a cursory examination, however, reveals that the groups are playing into the general public’s perceived information illiteracy. The claims and studies cited are, more often than not, poorly designed, suspiciously funded, misleading, incorrectly derived, or just outright false (Ley 2018; Oeming 2018; Bradley et al. 2016; Mialon et al. 2012; Wéry et al. 2016; Wilt et al. 2016). The problems with the sources would be immediately clear to any librarian trained in resource evaluation: many of the referenced journals are suspiciously titled, no longer active, or were funded by the organizations mentioned in this article.
Yet neither Watson nor the supporting citations provide a single example “suspicious or “misleading” studies posted on either FTND or YBOP. As above, none of Watson’s six citations say anything about me or YBOP. Typical of Watson’s careless scholarship, four of the 6 citations are not even remotely related to Watson’s claims. Watson just makes shit up.
The practice of citing papers that are irrelevant or do not support assertions is misleading and does not advance scientific or public understanding. Other papers have been retracted for less.
In fact, my site contains over 1,000 studies directly related to porn use. This page organizes many of the studies into relevant categories: Relevant Research. For example, this list contains 270 studies on adolescents and porn use (along with 16 reviews of the literature) – all reporting negative outcomes related to porn use. Watson’s unsupported assertions would have the reader believe that all 270 are “fraudulent studies,” when in fact the list represents the preponderance of the research in the field by widely respected authors.
Also, consider YBOP’s list of every neurological study ever published on porn users. While all 52 studies report findings consistent with the addiction model, Watson’s inaptly sourced statements would have the reader believe that all 52 are flawed or highly suspicious. At what point does sloppy scholarship cross over into disquieting propaganda?
Consider YBOP’s list of over 110 studies linking porn use or porn use or porn addiction to sexual dysfunctions and poorer sexual and relationship satisfaction. Several of the studies are longitudinal or experimental. Watson, who implies that it is “pseudoscience” for YBOP to warn its visitors that today’s internet porn is causing erectile dysfunction in some users, fails to inform the readers that nearly every quantitative study on males’ reports that greater porn use in related to poorer sexual or relationship satisfaction. Multiple peer-reviewed papers and outspoken experts have raised concerns about excessive internet porn use and sexual dysfunction. More examples could be provided.
Skimming the balance of Watson’s article, I notice various other misleading or false statements. For example, Watson stated in error that Fight The New Drug owns Nofap LLC. Might such a false statement expose your journal to legal action for defamation or other legal action by these two businesses? Might the journal consider a retraction of what appears to be an inadequately supported article and thinly veiled smear of groups and people with whom Watson disagrees on ideological grounds?
Using an alias, Prause then edited Brian Watson‘s BS into the Wikipedia page for NoFap (I am not affiliated with NoFap):
Citation #9 is Brian Watson’s article. The 2 newest Prause sockpuppet’s inserting Watson’s garbage:
Prause aliases inserted into the Nofap Wikipedia page the same lies which RealYBOP/Prause tweeted 5 times last week (You also see “Tgeorgescu”, who is a long time editor who protects edits by Prause’s sockpuppets):
RealYBOP makes a slide quoting Brian Watson, tweeting it several times:
For example:
Logic slapped back? You be the judge. Here’s my tweet commenting on RealYBOP member Sam Perry’s study:
Another tweet featuring Brian Watson’s defamation:
And another:
Hilarious – NoFap and YBOP are “well-funded”…. just like the porn industry, right? LOL. Anti-speech you say Nikky? The court disagrees. The Los Angeles County Superior Court ruled that Prause’s attempt to obtain a restraining order against me constituted a frivolous and illegal “strategic lawsuit against public participation” (commonly called a “SLAPP suit”). The Court found that Prause abused the restraining order process to bully me into silence and undercut his rights to free speech. By law, the SLAPP ruling obligates Prause to pay my attorney fees.
RealYBOP posts more of Brian Watson’s propaganda and falsehoods:
August 7, 2020: Another tweet, with a serious lie, that could lead to lawsuits by either Alex Rhodes or FightTheNewDrug. Among other innacuracies, Watson falsely states that is owned by FightTheNewDrug:
RealYBOP continues to target Nofap, even though @BrainOnPorn Twitter is now implicated in two defamation lawsuits! RealYBOP member Alan Mckee disparaging nofap and inserting a Prause lie into his new book. Mckee claims that Nofap vitriolically attacks “female scholars” (that comes from Prause), yet, it is Prause who is the perpetrator, attacking and defaming Alex Rhodes of nofap.
RealYBOP (Prause) quoting McKee who is quoting Prause’s lies about her non-exisetnt victimhood. In August of 2020 court rulings fully exposed Nicole Prause as the perpetrator, not the victim
August 13, 2020: Even though RealYBOP is being sued by Alex Rhodes of Nofap for defamation, she continues to harass him. Funny how RealYBOP post tweets by porn industry giant xHamster, who is collaborating with RealYBOP member David J.Ley to promote its websites and convince users that porn addiction and sex addiction are myths!
RealYBOP member Sam Perry acting surprised.
This is from an email exchange between David Ley and Gavin McInnes – looks like a set-up to me. I have never talked to Gavin McInnes. Alex Rhodes only talked to him once, when he was on McInnes podcast – BEFORE McInnes started the Proud Boys, and while he was at VICE (which he founded). The email says nothing about McInnes “backing” anyone. RealYBOP is just making stuff up – as she always does. McInnes only told Ley to talk to the founder of YBOP to discover how quitting porn might improve young men’s lives.
Prause as herself also tweeted it… a few days after she lost a lawsuit to me.
RealYBOP lying. WIPO wasn’t a lawsuit (legal actions continue for trademark infringement). I filed only one lawsuit aginst her, so far, and I won.
Special section: RealYBOP changes it name in an attempt to avoid being shut down for trademark infringement.
I now own U.S. Trademark Registration Nos. 6098839, 6098840, and 6038579 for “YOUR BRAIN ON PORN”, “” and “YBOP”. To avoid being permanently suspended RealYBOP, changed its name to “Really Still Your Brain On Porn”:
Then RealYBOP added this bare-faced lie to its home page:
Real Scientists. Real Data. Your Brain On Porn hates actual science so much he filed 7 lawsuits to take down our commentary.
Now its 7 lawsuits. In reality, I have only filed one lawsuit – and I won: –Prause’s efforts to silence Wilson foiled; her restraining order denied as frivolous & she owes substantial attorney fees in a SLAPP ruling.
RealYBOP’s whining about having to change its name:
Legal actions forthcoming.
Cherry picks an outlier paper by RealYBOP member Sam Perry, that used aggregate data – which has been shown to be woefully inaccurate. Reality is that religious populations have far lower rates of porn use. 30 studies here – Is Utah #1 in Porn Use?
Special Section: porn industry shill RealYBOP attacks and defames Gabe Deem for a video exposing her and David Ley’s tactics
Gabe Deem post excellent video comparing the tactics big tobacco employed to the tactics the allies of the porn industry employ (e.g. David Ley and Nicole Prause).
Gabe’s video resulted in porn industry shill RealYBOP attacking and defaming Gabe. Get this – RealYBOP posted Twenty-two tweets in a 24-hour period, targeting Gabe. Some tweets were posted in threads that were 2-3 months old. Many contained defamation per se, RealYBOP falsely stating that Gabe had sent death and rape threats. RealYBOP acting like a true sociopath. Gabe has one year to decide if he wants to sue.
Know, that everything RealYBOP tweets is a lie. It start with crazy… and gets crazier.
Tweet #1
Tweet #2 targeting Gabe
Tweet #3 targeting Gabe
Tweet #4 targeting Gabe
Tweet #5 targeting Gabe (a 5-month old thread!):
Tweet #6 targeting Gabe and me:
Tweet #7 targeting Gabe and me:
Tweet #8 targeting Gabe (a 10-month old thread!):
Tweet #9 targeting Gabe (a 2-month old thread!):
Tweet #10 targeting Gabe:
Tweet #11 targeting Gabe:
Tweet #12 targeting Gabe:
Tweet #13 targeting Gabe:
Tweet #14 targeting Gabe. She tweets 4 letters: none say a word about Gabe stalking anyone. One of the four letters has Madita Oeming repeating Prause’s lies that I stalked Prause. But the courts ruled that Prause was lying, an awrded me a SLAPP victory: Prause’s efforts to silence Wilson foiled; her restraining order denied as frivolous & she owes substantial attorney fees in a SLAPP ruling.
Tweet #15 targeting Gabe (Gabe never raised funds for anyone);
Tweet #16 targeting Gabe
There is no group sending death threats. More of her lies.
Tweet #17 targeting Gabe:
The lowdown – RealYBOP member Alan Mckee disparaging nofap, inserting a lie by Prause into his new book. Mckee claims that Nofap vitriolically attacks “female scientist” (this comes from Prause), yet it is Prause who is the perpetrator, attacking and defaming Alex Rhodes of nofap. So. RealYBOP is citing herslef, yet the court ruled that her claims of stalking were fabricated – Prause’s efforts to silence Wilson foiled; her restraining order denied as frivolous & she owes substantial attorney fees in a SLAPP ruling.)
Tweet #18 targeting Gabe (Jonathon Van Maren pointing out that none of RealYBOP’s sceenshots support anything she tweeted):
Tweet #19 targeting Gabe. Now that Van Maren exposed RealYBOP as lying, she goes after him personally (he’s anti-abortion):
Tweet #20 targeting Gabe.
Tweet #21 targeting Gabe, Van Maren and me:
Tweet #22 targeting Gabe.
Tweet #23 targeting Gabe.
In reponse to my legal victories over Nicole Prause, LifeSite News published the following interview: Anti-porn crusader details legal victory against ‘porn prof’ who tried to use the court to shut him down: Gary Wilson was sued by Nicole Prause, who viciously smeared him in an attempt to discredit his ongoing research into how pornography is harmful. He won.
As occurred with Diana Davison’s Post Millennial expose’, Prause and her alias account (@BrainOnPorn) harassed the author, lied about what the article said, and threatened a lawsuit. Here’s Prause’s tweet under author Jonathan van Maren’s tweet of his article:
Upset that LifeSiteNews will not bow to her lies, she uses RealYBOP to go after them:
Prause’s tweet contains a screenshot of a lie-filled rambling letter (not really a true Cease & Desist) to SASH. Prause lists all sorts of wrongs inflicted upon her by me and others, but none of them occurred. Prause’s letter to SASH, and its pile of fabrications, was ignored as unsupported harassment, created so that Prause can post it on social media as if it were legitimate. Just more self-generated Prausian “evidence.” The SASH Board is well aware that Prause is a serial defamer spending her waking days harassing her many targets.
Prause also lied about the content of Van Maren’s article. There was no defamation, as everything in it was true. And it contained none of the content she tweeted about.
As you can read, the article said nothing about Prause sexually molesting children or being a criminal. Prause has falsely accused me, Don Hilton, Staci Sprout, and others of calling her a child molester. It’s one of her favorite tactics. Perjuring herself, Prause stated in court documents filed in my anti-SLAPP suit and in Hilton’s defamation lawsuit, that we called her a child molester. Prause provided no evidence to support this often-repeated lie (she even persuaded pals Jim Pfaus and Taylor Kohut to repeat this lie in letters submitted in the lawsuit I won). Birds of a feather lie together.
Nor did the article say that Prause was a “criminal,” even though she has engaged in illicit behavior by (1) perjuring herself in court documents, (2) filing fraudulent police reports, and (3) filing fraudulent reports & complaints to governmental agencies. Prause is also guilty of defamation, menacing, harssment, and cyberstalking.
Nor did the article say that Prause “watched people have sex” in her laboratory, even though she claims she hooks subjects up to EEG sensors and monitors them while they are being masturbated (sometimes to orgasm). Is that “watching” people have sex? Prause was given a bucket-load of money to produce a hired-gun study on the heavily tainted and very commercial “Orgasmic Meditation” scheme (now apparently under investigation by the FBI). Orgasmic Meditation is an MLM pseudo-cult that charged big bucks to teach men how to stroke a partner’s clitoris. An ad for the Prause OM studies, shows the man masturbating a woman (also a video):
Whatever you want to call it, Prause is monitoring subjects while they are being masturbated (or, as she calls it, “partnered sex”).
Not satisified, Prause used her @BrainOnPorn account to defame Jonathon Van Maren with insane allegations that he threatens women and supports death threats. She also threatened LifeSite News with a lawsuit:
The above was the last of ten tweets by RealYBOP under Van Maren’s tweet of Gabe Deem’s excellent video calling out Prause and Ley for their unethical tactics taken right from the Big Tobacco playbook.
Even though Prause is being sued by Alex Rhodes of Nofap for defamation, she uses her RealYBOP account to harass Nofap and misrepresent. The product is not from Nofap LLC, and the person selling the supplement was ordered to cease and desist.
Disparages CSAT’s (Certified Sex Addiction Therapist).
More attacks on CSATs:
Nikky has long history of defaming and harassing CSATs:
- Others – Summer 2014: Prause urges patients to report sex addiction therapists to state boards.
- Ongoing – Prause creates inane “infographics” to disparage & defame numerous individuals and organizations
- Others – May, 2017: Prause attacks SASH (Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health)
- Others – May 24-27, 2018: Prause creates multiple sock-puppets to edit “Sex Addiction” & “Porn Addiction” Wikipedia pages
- Others – January, 2019: Prause falsely accuses gay IITAP therapist of practicing conversion (reparative) therapy
- July, 2019: Staci Sprout, LICSW affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Linda Hatch, PhD affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Bradley Green, PhD affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Stefanie Carnes, PhD affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Geoff Goodman, PhD affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- Others – July, 2020: RealYBOP (Prause) falsely accuses Staci Sprout of stating that RealYourBrainOnPorn researchers molest children.
- Others – July, 2020: RealYBOP (Prause) urges followers to report Staci Sprout to the National Association of Social Workers and the state of Washington (illegally posting Staci’s license number).
Only a true porn industry shill would go after an ant-sex trafficking organization (a former porn star is pictured).
Tweets a paper from 2008, saying “still no porn causing ED.” The paper did not ask about porn use as a possible cause.
As disgusting as it gets. Prause has harassed and threatened therapist D.J. Burr in the past – even maliciously reporting him to the State of Washington Department of Health for daring to stand up to her on twitter. But Prause’s latest attack is beyond vile. RealYBOP saying that DJ Burr’s attempt to have his wrongly accused 14-year old brother free from jail, constitutes fraud. She is such a liar – no one threatened anyone. Inserting NCOSE is bizarre as DJ has nothing to do with NCOSE (never spoke there, nothing… ever).
The back story from DJ. One of several tweets:
DJ set up a fundraiser for his brothers legal defense:
Prause escalated, defaming DJ, claiming he is involved with physical stalking and death threats. She then threatens DJ.
Vile, just vile.
RealYBOP continues to target Nofap, even though @BrainOnPorn Twitter is now implicated in two defamation lawsuits. Another example of cyberstalking as RealYBOP, searching for anything she can misrepresent.
September 1, 2020: 3 more tweets about Nofap – on the same day as above. She misrepresents the video, which was an approved satire.
Of course, her partner in defamation and harassment, David Ley, joins in. Again, we have a unsourced claim, by pro-porn writer Cole – who even supports pornhub in her articles.
RealYBOP doesn’t like anything that blocks porn, as it reduces traffic to Pornhub:
To circumvent trademark infringement “Really Still Your Brain On Porn” changes its name to “Anti-Your Brain On Porn.” It officially becomes a stalker account (defaming harassing & stalking me and my family, but says nothing about YBOP).
She’s apparently trying to rebrand it a commentary account, but she has never once commented on the content of YBOP. She only defames and lies. No actual commentary or analysis. In line with reality, the Twitter bio deleted “real scientists” & “real data.”
RealYBOP lies in its bio, falsely claiming I threatened to sue Daniel Burgess 7 times. I have only sent Burgess 2 official cease and desist letters, which were for (which Burgess registered), not directly for the Twitter account. After I finalized my possession of the USPTO trademarks (YBOP, yourbrainonporn, my attorneys wrote Burgess on September 2, 2020. PDF of C&D letter. A few days later disappeared from the web and Anti-YBOP Twitter removed the link to the abandoned site.
Bottom line – Prause no longer hides behind the illusion that @BrainOnPorn Twitter was anything other than a porn-industry shill account, created to fool the public, and to cyberstalk me and anyone else who speaks about the harms of porn or issues in the porn industry
No matter what you call it, Prause’s troll account continues to be shill for the sex industry and big porn:
Quotes Samantha Cole disparaging NoFap. Then R attacks me, quoting lies from Brian Watson (see –August, 2020: @BrainOnPorn (Prause) posts lies from Brian Watson’s error-filled hit-piece. Prause then edits Watson’s falsehoods into the Nofap Wikipedia page.)
Retweets porn star and producer, Jiz Lee:
Retweeting “sex worker” who is disparages anti-sex trafficking organizations:
Stupid slide, created by a shill:
September 6, 2020: More unprovoked attacks on Nofap. So giving up porn = misogyny? Only in RealYBOP’s opinion – and no one else’s.
September 8, 2020: RealYBOP cyberstalking Nofap
Logical results as girlfriends and wives often create a fake username to ask a few questions about their porn addicted partners, then disappear. Go back to using their usual reddit usernames.
RealYBOP and member Joe Kort attacking the sex addiction therapists:
Cyberstalker RealYBOP attacks Staci Sprout for suggesting that choking women to get off might be problematic:
The omnipresence of choking in porn seems to be driving the dramatic rise of women being choked during sex. RealYBOP defend chokings, thus throwing all those women under the porn bus.
Staci’s thread with studies and articles:
RealYBOP continues her cyberstalking of Staci. Really bizzare rantings.
Even RealYBOP member Kohut is questioning RealYBOP about her obvious fabrications. Perhaps they are seeing how unhinged she has become since losing a lawsuit to me, which fully exposed Nicole Prause as the perpetrator, not the victim – Prause’s efforts to silence Wilson foiled; her restraining order denied as frivolous & she owes substantial attorney fees in a SLAPP ruling.
“It was a reach.” No, it was a lie, like always.
Ley & RealYBOP team up to disparage anti-sex trafficking non-profits. Both are likely targeting Exodus Cry & Laila Mickelwait, because they started the pornhub petition. (Mickelwait’s petition to hold PornHub accountable for unconscionable and illegal content posted to its site has garnered over 2 million signatures.)
Pretty sick.
Still upset that porn and sex compulsivity are now diagnosable under the ICD-11 (CSBD)
It was excluded from DSM5 cause the decision was made in 2012, before all but 4 of these 53 brain studies were published – This page lists 54 neuroscience-based studies (MRI, fMRI, EEG, neuropsychological, hormonal). All provide strong support for the addiction model as their findings mirror the neurological findings reported in substance addiction studies.
Important to note that in her very first article in a major outlet Madita Oeming admits she knows nothing about addiction, or neuroscience, or the neurological studies on porn users, but she is miraculously confident that porn addiction doesn’t exist. Her qualifying statement:
I am neither a neurobiologist nor a behavioral psychologist, so I have no expertise in judging whether pornography is actually physically addictive. But first, it will be discussed among those who have this expertise. Although the WHO has now decided to “obsessive-compulsive sexual behavior”, including apparently also “excessive consumption of porn” , from 2022 to include in their diagnostic catalog. And secondly, I’m dealing with something completely different. As a cultural scientist, er, poetry interpreter, I understand pornography primarily as a narrative.
A poetry student? OK.
Gabe Deem dismantles Oeming in this very entertaining and fact-based video:
Omeing has also engaged in defamation, writing a factually innacurate “letter” for Nicole Prause’s opposition to my SLAPP suit: Update (August, 2020): Gary Wilson wins lawsuit against serial harasser, defamer, cyberstalker Nicole Prause. Details – Prause’s efforts to silence Wilson foiled; her restraining order denied as frivolous & she owes substantial attorney fees in a SLAPP ruling.
Cyberstalker RealYBOP falsely claiming that all the reviews for my book are fake. My book is almost always 1, 2, 3 in the pornography studies section on Amazon, yet the reviews are fake. RealYBOP will lie about anything. LOL
September 17, 2020: Continued attacks on Alex Rhodes & Nofap, even though he filed a defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause (who is managing @BrainOnPorn twitter).
No, Nofap didn’t receive support from the proud boys. No one is recruiting anyone for SASH. She’s a pathological liar, hoping no one fact-checks her.
September 18, 2020: From a Brazilian hit-piece featuring Nicole Prause. RealYBOP lies; the person quoted is NOT a scientist.
Retweeting former owner of a porn site, Jerry Barnett:
Cyberstalking and witness intimidation of Staci Sprout. Notice how RealYBOP tags IITAP and NASW.
RealYBOP (Prause) harassing Staci Sprout, yet again:
- January 24, 2018: Prause files groundless complaints with Washington State against therapist Staci Sprout.
- February, 2020: Prause tweets numerous lies: (1) that her address appears on YBOP, (2) that the CA Attorney General forced Linode to remove address from YBOP, (3) that Staci Sprout & Gary Wilson have been posting her home address “online”
- February, March, 2020: Prause files a baseless, failed small claims court suit in California against therapist Staci Sprout
- July, 2019: Staci Sprout, LICSW affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2020: RealYBOP (Prause) falsely accuses Staci Sprout of stating that RealYourBrainOnPorn researchers molest children.
- July, 2020: RealYBOP (Prause) urges followers to report Staci Sprout to the National Association of Social Workers and the state of Washington (illegally posting Staci’s license number).
RealYBOP always accuses others of what is actually doing:
It is RealYBOP who is engaging in defamation and cyberstalking – court rulings fully exposed RealYBOP/Nicole Prause as the perpetrator, not the victim.
Retweets “sex worker”. Appears to downplay harms of pedophilia:
Stalker RealYBOP is now averaging 8 tweets a day defaming me and doxing my family members, and people I know. Really sick stuff. But that’s Nicole Prause for you – and why she is dealing with multiple lawsuits (I will soon address Anti-YBOP’s stalking on Prause page #4). Here she lies, claiming a follower of mine posted an anti-semetic tweet:
He’s not a follower of mine. That’s it, following 4 accounts:
As if following someone means you share their views. Think of all the accounts following Trump that are not supporters.
These two stalkers (@BrainOnPorn & @NicoleRPrause, @nogoodchuck) often work together to defame and harass me, Nofap, and others. @nogoodchuck used to be @SexualSocialist (nerdykinkycommie) – and has other active accounts (@CommieKink). Prause and he are really tight, and cyberstalk as a tandem, as documented here: July, 2019: Prause supplies troll NerdyKinkyCommie with a YBOP trademark lawsuit document; NerdyKinkyCommie lies about a document; RealYBOP experts spread his libelous tweets, adding their own lies).
In this exchange both lie, lie, lie: Laila is telling the truth, and is not anti-gay. Nor am I a white supremacist (the opposite – I’m left-wing liberal, with African American relatives). Nor have I ever faked my credentials (Prause said same lies in the lawsuits I filed against her and won: Prause’s efforts to silence Wilson foiled; her restraining order denied as frivolous & she owes substantial attorney fees in a SLAPP ruling.)
Important to know that @nogoodchuck/nerdykinkycomie has posted tweets suggesting people to be killed, including cops and “rich people”. Many of us fear for our safety as Nicole Prause cowardly uses her RealYBOP account to encourage and incite her mentally unstable followers (like attracts like).
Another: Kill the rich.
Another. Kill cops:
Kill farmers:
There are several more examples of Prause’s close buddy urging violence towards those he disagrees with.
Stalker account Anti-YBOP falsely asserts that 3 winners of the SASH media award (Me, Staci Sprout, Alex Rhodes) are sending death threats. This is defamation per se.
Sorry, but court rulings fully exposed Nicole Prause as the perpetrator, not the victim. She lost and owes me money for her defamation. More suits to follow,
RealYBOP going back to the debunked “Mormon porn” URL’s on the Wayback Machine (but were never on YBOP. Anyone can ask the Wayback Machine to save FAKe URL’s – as I did for my site, and someone lese did for RealYBOP. Extensive page explaining what Prause and Burgess(?) did, and how they did it:Realyourbrainonporn (Daniel Burgess, Nicole Prause) defamation/harassment of Gary Wilson: They “discover” fake porn URLs in the Internet Wayback Archive (August, 2019).
Can’t prove it, but we suspect that Prause (or her allies) placed the fake URL’s on the Wayback Machine. Here I placed fake URL’s on the YBOP archive to porve anyone can do this in about 20 seconds. I went to and requested that it archive a page on my site at “”, the Wayback Machine created this:*/ A screenshot of the fake YBOP URL archived in the Wayback Machine:
As with all the “YBOP” Mormon porn URLs, a screenshot of a “page not found (404)” error is archived into the Wayback Machine :
I also inserted another very relevant fake URL into the Wayback Machine:*/
An ally let me know that an anonymous person inserted two fake URLs into realyourbrainonporn’s own Wayback Archive:
Screenshot of the newly inserted fake URL’s below.
Screenshot of the archived fake realyourbrainonporn page:*/
Doesn’t matter that the Mormon porn debacle was debunked a year ago, Anti-YBOP contiues with itsdefamation, just pulling lies out of its behind:
Anti-YBOP becomes entangled in her own lies:
I debunked all the Prause/Burgess lies last August in this simple-to-follow thread:
RealYBOP tweeting RealYBOP member Josh Grubbs “review” under Linda Hatch:
Witness intimidation, as Hatch filed an affidavit in the Don Hilton lawsuit against RealYBOP: 16 – Linda Hatch, PhD (affidavit #5)
September 23, 2020: Cyberstalking Nofap and Alex Rhodes, even though antiYBOP is named in Rhodes defamation suit.
Above has an an email exchange between David Ley and Gavin McInnes – looks like a set-up to me. I have never talked to Gavin McInnes. Alex Rhodes only talked to him once, when he was on McInnes podcast – BEFORE McInnes started the Proud Boys, and while he was at VICE (which he founded). The email says nothing about McInnes “backing” anyone. RealYBOP is just making stuff up – as she always does. McInnes only told Ley to talk to the founder of YBOP to discover how quitting porn might improve young men’s lives.
Anti-YBOP supports PornHub by attacking an op-ed that is not so kind to pornhub. Anti-YBOP found the article on my Twitter account.
Anti-YBOP didn’t dare tweet the op-ed, because the captured picture reveals it’s about PornHub:
Anti-YBOP no longer pretending to be anything but a shill for the porn industry and a verified stalker.