That’s how many woman who are working in the porn industry. [Millions?]
And they are after who ? That’s right. They are after you.
Imagine, just imagine, all this people in the picture I put, as young and attractive (some more than others), naked females. who have all only one goal and job in mind: to make you, dear male reader, watch them again and again and again.
Do you think you can handle it ? Yeah ? Even all the superheroes in the movies haven’t been challenged with this task. But you – some guy (who I am sure is qualified with many attributes), you think you can handle this ?
No, man. You can’t. Nobody can.
You can do only 1 thing – RUN ! ! !
And that’s not including all the 3D artists who use their talent to work in the P industry. And will probably make more animated detailed woman than all human population combined in the next ten years- who will stop them ? No one.
You think what is going on now in the porn industry is worse ? Ha ! You are naive. the future and his developments is knocking at the door, to give the porn industry powerful and sophisticated tools to lure more people to a true never ending supply of new features.
i am sure they are working right now to develop the brain function that shuts down the lust through ED. and override it. i mean, they got so much money…
really, i mean it, i believe it:
you can’t beat porn. Only run from it.
so do all you can to avoid this.
the 3 no’s:
no privacy/comfort. no free access to p. no advancing (to other types of p)
and the 3 yes’s:
yes to exercise. yes to routine work/study. yes to writing.
and the base to all that: the reason/motivation to avoid P.
i only talked about the no’s. no so much about the yes’s. but you need both.
Good luck. And stay healthy.