So I’ve just hit the big six-0; here’s what I’ve gained out of the last 1440+ hours porn & fap free.
The good differences:
- Clearer head – I’m no longer finding myself day dreaming (brain-fog) and my attention span is so much stronger
- Honesty – I’m not afraid of speaking my mind to people and what their opinion may be on a subject, in a sense I’m more confident
- Muscle – Intense working out is proving off twice as much to when I was watching and getting off to porn; I’ve set myself goals and determined to hit them
- Generosity – I’m way more generous to others than I had been, I specifically make a point to myself of making someone’s day brighter everyday, even if it’s as simple as holding a door open
- Sociable – I spend more time outside of the house and away from the screen with friends
- Love – First ever intimate relationship with a girl
- Life – In general, I appreciate being able to walk & breathe and specifically aim to not take everything for granted.
The not so good differences:
- Anger – My temper is a lot shorter than it used to be, it takes very little things to really tick me off. I use the gym as an anti-depressant which has been working absolutely fine over the past 2 months.
- Emotions – I feel every single emotion enhanced. Sadness drags me down to the floor and happiness allows me to touch the clouds. It’s something that has been difficult to cope with at times, especially frustration and sadness.
- Wet dreams – Now I know this is a natural part of the ‘reset’, but it still doesn’t put it past the fact that it happens and it can be a nuisance.
- No release – When you can’t see and spend time with someone you love, and you’re horny, then that’s when NoFap becomes HARD. Literally. You just gotta grit your teeth and get through it.
So they’re the things I’ve noticed, if you have any questions I’ll be happy to give it a go at answering them 🙂