Cybersex Users, Abusers, and Compulsives: New Findings and Implications (2000)

COMMENTS: In this 2000 study 17% of individuals who use the Internet for sexual purposes were assessed as having a sexual compulsion. The stats had to be at least a year old, thus 1999. Does anyone remember back that far? The world of the Internet and porn has undergone tremendous change. With all the twenty somethings growing up with Internet porn, what would the percentage be today?

Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention

Volume 7, Issue 1 & 2, 2000, Pages 5 – 29

Authors: Al Cooper; David L. Delmonicoa; Ron Burgb

Literature regarding sexual use of the Internet has primarily focused on anecdotal data of clinical cases. This study empirically examines the characteristics and usage patterns of individuals who use the Internet for sexual purposes. The Kalichman Sexual Compulsivity Scale was the primary tool used to divide the sample (n = 9,265) into four groups: nonsexually compulsive (n = 7,738), moderately sexually compulsive (n = 1,007), sexually compulsive (n = 424), and cybersex compulsive (n = 96); 17% of the entire sample scored in the problematic range for sexual compulsivity. Data analysis of the four groups indicated statistically significant differences on descriptive characteristics such as gender, sexual orientation, relationship status, and occupation. In addition, patterns of use differed across groups including the primary method of pursuing sexual materials, primary location of accessing sexual material, and the extent to which cybersex has interfered with a respondent’s life. This study is one of the few quantitative examinations of the patterns of problematic and compulsive use of the Internet for sexual purposes. Implications and suggestions for research, public education, and professional trainings are presented.