I’m a regular guy, educated, sociable, reasonably good-looking, and in good health who started looking at porn around the age of 12. Eventually I got the opportunity to have sex but I couldn’t maintain an erection and penetrate, and I didn’t find it as stimulating as edging to porn. I tried all the erection pills, and even then I would lose an erection. Humiliated, I gave up on having sex.
- This year I joined nofap right before the membership broke 100,000 this spring.
I decided to stop the PMO cycle, and I failed over and over. But even with the failures I began noticing changes. It started with my eyes. I didn’t blink nearly as much, and I could maintain better eye contact. I noticed I wanted to spend time with people, just hang out and have fun. I was sleeping better and waking up energized. I started taking better care of myself and my friends started noticing and paying more attention to me. I also noticed that I was getting strong erections in the morning and randomly throughout the day. My confidence was growing. I could see beauty in people and wanted to reach out. - I got 3 accountability partners on nofap. These guys are my rock. We constantly message and encourage one another to avoid PMO. Everyone on nofap should have at least 1 accountability partner. I told these guys everything and they still supported me. It was the biggest confidence boost to have these cyber-wingmen.
- Then it happened. I won’t go into details, but this summer I had sex and lost my virginity. Having this experience and moment of intimacy with an actual human being made me realize what a fool I was for wasting so much of my life on porn. As I type this out, my eyes are welling up and I’m ok with it. I’m experiencing emotions and allowing those feelings back in again. I plan on having lots and lots of sex to make up for all those lost years.
- I’m 41.
LINK – 90 days – My take
by notavirgin41