From ED and suicidal ideation, to having amazing sex with my fiancée

I would like to express my deepest thankfulness to Gary. There are no words that can describe it. Gary’s work saved my life, literally!

I was borderline suicidal when I found out I couldn’t have sex with a real partner. I saw I light of hope when I discovered I had PIED due to my massive amount of porn use in the past and that it could be fixed thanks to neuroplasticity.
I could get it up with porn but not with the girl I liked! I decided then to do a reboot, it was REALLY HARD, I went to hell for around three or four months, then I started to see some improvements. I failed and relapsed many times but never stopped moving forward.
I can happily say now that I have an amazing sexual life with my fiancée. I learnt that women are the most beautiful on the planet and I love to make love to my future wife and not just sex for the sake of it. I have changed as a person after all this experience and I appreciate more the good things in life thanks to people like Gary Wilson, Gabe Deem, Noah B.E. Church, etc.

My deepest condolences to Gary’s family. I can only say that you can be proud of having shared a close life with such a great human being. Gary will be missed but not forgotten. And his work will still be carried on by all of us who were touched by his work and dedication.

See you in heaven,

LINK – From ED and suicidal ideation, to having amazing sex with my fiancée

By – Jesús