When I first came here a year ago the longest streak I had was 32 days or so. I quit because I just didn’t see the point. I had quit masturbation and orgasm but not porn itself. It wasn’t until recently when I discovered yourbrainonporn.com that I understood the true effects that porn was having on me.
Its the anticipation of sex, the novelty of the images you’re looking at that causes hypofrontality and all the problems associated with it, lower cognitive functions, brain fog, memory problems, lack of motivation, lower confidence etc.
I’m 2 weeks today and it’s the longest streak I’ve had for several months but I know with complete confidence that I won’t relapse this time. I feel great. I have energy; I can think clearly which feels amazing. It’s like somebody turned on my brain. I’m trying to learn more about it at the moment by reading the articles on yourbrainonporn.com. It’s fascinating really. It makes me wonder how many people are suffering from these effects without realizing the cause.
I’m also looking into other addictions like internet and video game addiction. I feel like I spend too much time on these also and might be having a similar effect.
Anyway I just wanted to post this in case others have been making the same mistake of quitting masturbation but still looking at porn.
by pyote5