No “superpowers” here. I just really like my life without porn and masturbation. Everything is the same but better. The key for me has been not trying to avoid PMO. It is just not part of my life at the moment.
After first couple days of the current streak I haven’t even once considered watching porn despite how badly I was depressed or how bad the urge was. It was just out of the question.
In return great, life changing things have happened to me during the last 90 days. The process has been much longer than three months or even my fifteen month long journey with NoFap. But I think NoFap has given me will to hang on and pursue the good things that have been offered to me and appreciate them as they are. All this has given me motivation to press on.
Now I have more time, I am happier in everyday life, my wife seems more beautiful to me, I have more love to give out, I feel more loved, small things in life seem more interesting and satisfying.
I just really like my new life. I’m a better version of myself. A better husband, a better father, a better friend and a better worker.
There is one funny detail. I used to wonder why I don’t see any dreams while I sleep. Once I gave up porn for good, I have had them every night (no wet ones yet :).
But I’m not done yet. “90” is just a number. The first three monts of my new, porn free life.
Thank you all for showing me that it can be done.
LINK – The best 90 days report
by thenewfellow