Is anyone interested in a nofap journey log of someone who has met his love of his life and has told to himself that he wont ever fap again? Something about me:
-I am 24 years old
-had sex with 4 women, lost virginity at age of 22
-started fapping maybe when i was 13 years old or so. Fapped every day at least once, sometimes more
-First couple of times with a girl – couldnt get an erection, or very soft one
-found generic viagra (Kamagra) on the internet, I ordered and took it and i immediately became a sex god. I could go on for a VERY long time without finishing, the opposite of PE basically. Started nofap later with another girl, I achieved around 100 days. I still used the pills. The erection was great and the sensitivity was also great = i could finish in a reasonable time – just like sex should be. I could also finish from oral sex, was impossible before.. I never found out if i was able to perform without the pills or not. I just used them.
-i take them every time i am with a girl since then. So maybe I have psychological addiction? I fear that i couldnt perform without it
Few months ago I have met the love of my life, I KNOW that i will marry her and have kids with her. We discuss this very openly. I want do this for her and for me also. I started nofap on 4.4.2015 and we had sex for the first time after one week of nofap on 11.4.2015 (or for you in the USA its 4.11.2014 🙂 ). We started to have regular sex and everytime i just secretly use Kamagra (generic viagra). It works. Althoug for the first time it didnt work so good (anxiety/nervous?) but everytime its getting better and better (erection) and i take a smaller and smaller part of the pill.
The plan is simple – be on nofap for the rest of my life + end the ED pill addiction. I am sure that a lot of people will disagree with me but i think that its better for me to take the ED pills for now, till i am rebooted and my brain is rewired, while having amazing sex and be able to satisfy my GF than to tell her “wait for several months, I fapped all my life so we cant do anything now”. The sensitivity isnt great – i can once again literally go on for hours. But I think its getting better and maybe it has something to do with the dosage (at the beginning i used a larger one and it was very hard to finish).
What would be the best way to do it? Should I just lower the dose gradually? I want to do this a journey/log so everytime i will be reminded by this text and i will know why i started and that i cant end it.
LINK – Nofap journey with PIED
by antipied