Hi there, I’ve seen you around here. Just reading some post and wondering if it might be better to stop porn too. And everybody who makes a post here says it is. But why?
Because it doesn’t seem to affect you that much right? You don’t have a limp dick from looking to much porn. You maybe even have a girlfriend or a wife.
But it does prevent you from being the real you. And by that i mean that you use porn to escape from something. To temporary avoid suffering. The suffering of school or a job. The obligations of a family or a debt to pay off. Maybe to silence those dreams you have which you think are not achievable. Either way you can drift away for a moment. Hacking in to a primal system which gives you pleasure.
But the catch is very real. The world around you gets numbed down a little bit. The girl who walks by you with the nice perfume, you don’t care. When you see your girlfriend naked you aren’t as blown away by her beauty as you could have been.
And that’s the whole point. If the little things excite you more, you will be more happy! You will value yourself more as well.
It’s a fun experience one not to be dreaded. Yes not fapping is going to be tough the first days.
But when you later sit in the train going somewhere and make eye contact with a girl you suddenly don’t look away. You are to much zoned in with life to feel awkward. It just wont happen.
And im not saying you have to do anything with that. But we al can agree that if you can look a girl straight in the eye and not feel shy or whatever you are in a pretty good mindset. You want to get shit done. You value your girlfriend more and enjoy things more. You dont hide anymore.
Now ive fallen off the bandwagon before. And my counter is from a long time ago when i was active here before. But im now at it for 2 weeks straight or so and things come clearer everytime.
Porn is an escape. You will be the best version of yourself without it. It holds you back on many levels.
Try it. Stop masturbation and porn use for at least a week or 2. Then maybe jack of if you want too. Your rules. I would suggest without porn though. But do this and tell me you wont feel different.
You will see the truth with your own eyes. Be free.
Started porn when i was 12 or so. Im 25 now. I started knowing porn was bad probably around 21. Maybe earlier i couldnt say. It was only till last year i really stopped for like 60-70 days or so. Then thought it would be allright to look up some hot chicks on instagram and from there i went back to my old habbits.
First i thought it would be different this time. But soon enough youre back at it like before. Im now at it for about 2 weeks yeah.
Dont count days i couldnt care less. I just dont wanna fap to porn no more. Because after every rock bottom you seem to have a legit chance at doing it. And after every rock bottom the memories of it being bad stay more vivid for a longer time. However, the thought of it being ok is always around the corner. Stressfull times as well.
LINK – It prevents you from being the real you.
This goes out to all you fapstronauts in a relationship or a marriage. The best thing you can do to make your woman to feel desired by you is to abstain from the endless dark pit of internet porn. To stay away from masturbating and to see her for what she is.
Not anymore is she fighting in an impossible league of competition. Endless novelty and all the kinks and twists. She is competing in the real world again. Not anymore can you escape to fantasy land an rub one out. You have to work for it. Show her how much you appreciate her. Make her feel loved.
And you will. Because she will look amazing in every way.
Happy wife = happy life. Good relationship, good attraction makes me feel good. Looking at my girl and not feeling shit makes me feel fucked.
Other normal women also look hotter. But like the saying goes, you can get hungry on the road, you eat at home 😉