This is my second attempt at NoFap. I decided to do it because of my PIED problem – a month ago, if I wanted to maintain a stable erection during sex (particularly with a condom, but also without one), I had to take Cialis.
I am 26, and never had erection problems with porn, which I used to watch pretty much daily since I was about 11-12 years old.
Today I had sex without any pills, with a trusted long-time partner – and I had a much easier time getting hard, keeping it hard, even though I still had trouble with the condoms, unfortunately. Nevertheless, sex felt amazing, and I have greatly improved my situation.
While I am skeptical about the whole “super powers” thing, I have noticed that I think more clear, other activities seem more joyful, I have greater confidence, and easier time chatting up girls, though I am not yet as confident about my erections as I would like. On the down side, after week 3, I was insanely horny, and could barely do any work since all I was thinking about was girls and sex (not porn).
Now I plan to have sex a bit more often – perhaps once a week or so, without any porn ot masturbation, and I will hopefully see more improvement.
For the past 34 days I did not watch porn – apart from a couple of times when I visited a favorite porn star’s twitter account, and peeked at a couple of her softcore pictures, then immediately closing the tab. I masturbated only a little bit towards day 29-30, without porn or orgasm (my fantasies (about a girl) were driving me crazy). I decided to not see those as relapses.
I have been lurking here for a long time, all your stories have helped me a lot. Thank you!
LINK – 34 day hardmode report – improvement on my PIED situation, and more
by shl4sh