Over the past year since I first delved into NoFap, it had been and ongoing struggle with PMO-free streaks and relapses. I did notice the super powers and the other benefits everyone talks about, but the addiction was at times too hard to beat.
Especially when I was very stressed or had a bad day: PMO was my escape mechanism.
This July, almost 1 year and a half after first starting on this amazing journey, I finally met a great girl through online dating. We hit off pretty well, but the real test was going to be our real-life date. This was my very first date ever (I’m in my mid 20s). As you can imagine, I was nervous the days and hours before finally meeting her in real life. I had been on a 8 PMO-free streak but I had doubts if that was enough time to enjoy the NoFap benefits and bring my best self to the date. It turned out it was enough time. I was very calmed and didn’t panic; I took the lead during the date, knew how and when to escalate the situation, we made out and cuddled for hours. We could have had sex, but we are going to wait a few days for that. (Reasons unrelated to performance issues or anything like that)
Guys, I have nothing more to add than to say that NoFap is a very REAL and PROVEN sort-of-panacea for social anxiety and related issues. Can’t comment yet on sexual performance, but I’ll soon enough.
I owe YBOP and this website a great deal for opening my eyes and making me realize the crippling effects of constant PMO. So, I decided to create this thread as a token of my appretiation and, more importantly, to contribute with the website with a success story!
LINK – This is the real deal
BY – PorNO