Age 18 – PIED cured, but went back to porn and ED came back

Started watching porn and masturbating when I was 14. It never stopped. My first chance at sex came at 15. I know it’s young, but still. Suffered ED and botched the whole thing. Had a second chance at age 16. Once again, fucked it up.

Both of these times I kept making up excuses (I’m tired, I’m a bit drunk etc).

Got together with a girl at age 17. Finally lost my virginity with her 2 months into the relationship after trying sex but getting ED every time. How did I finally end up fucking her? I cut out porn. I stopped masturbating. We were then having sex at least once a day for months.

Then I started watching porn again. And masturbating. And I started suffering ED again. Making up excuses (I’m tired, I’m just not feeling it etc). I was so upset. “How has this happened” I kept thinking. I was so angry at myself, and I couldn’t resist the porn.

Aside from that I got tired of the relationship and broke up with her, but I didn’t ignore the definite cause of my ED— porn. So I’ve now started NoFap, to make sure I never have to face the issue again. That’s all it is. Do I want to satisfy a woman and feel like a man? Yes, so I’ll not watch porn and masturbate.

You should think the same thing. Remember that watching porn and masturbating might end up causing you a great deal of embarrassment in the future.

I’m 18.


by –SlymanSammy