Age 17 – Cured my PIED, but went back to porn and ED returned

I used to have a problem maintaining a 100% erection, the problem was not to get it up, however it was cured in my big streak of 250 days +. When I had sex with several partner during this streak my penis had no problems whatsoever.

However I relapsed and went on off from last summer to late spring, and I realised I had to get back on track!

I’ve had sex with my new GF since, some times more successful than others; however i know for sure that NOFAP helps, and it helps a lot!

I haven’t seen her in a month now (hence my streak), so I’m eager to find out whether I’m completely cured (again) or how it turns out. I am getting morning wood every morning and life feels good; I just have to get back on track into my cardio training. However my weight training is going really great sitting at a solid 90 kg at 190 cm height, making strength gains and gains every week almost.

I was just wondering how long did it take to cure your delayed ejaculation and or Porn induced erectile dysfunction if you had any? Try to share your own story and how long it took you guys to fix these problems, and why you started in the first place. I’m curious, have a great day and stay clean guys.

LINK – Let’s talk about Delayed ejaculation and porn induced erectile dysfunction share your journey!

by NoFap837j



I’m a 17 year old dude from Sweden Currently sitting at 22 days, I’ve been doing this since august 2013, I’ve had HUGE streaks, the biggest streak being almost a year, but I relapsed due to plain boringness and it slowly escalated into porn use again, but i feel like I’m back on track like I’ve never been before, I feel enlightened in so many aspects of my life:

I’ve began reading a lot of books, I recommend – The Power Of Now, King Warrior Lover Magician, and The Game Of Throne Series.

In the time of nofap I’ve gone from being a shy likeable guy to becoming a very outgoing guy with a lot of friends, I had a lot of friends before also but i was not appreciating my popularity. I’ve also lost my virginity at age 17 which probably would not happen without NOFAP that gave me the extra confidence.

In the last two years I’ve also made immense gains and went to be a pretty aesthetic fella.

But all this just reminds me of why i have to keep on going and why i should never look at porn again. I feel like I’ve looked at all the porn in my life from age 12/13-16.

I think masturbation is healthy if you can manage it, but if you’re at this forum you probably can’t manage it, so better stay away and get some real life encounters with girls.

It’s time to get back on track and I can’t wait to smash my old record of 270 ~ days. Let’s do this guys, let’s better ourselves 🙂


UPDATE – ED/performance anxiety/DE Cured

Hello guys – I am so happy and relieved, after two years of on/off NOFAP i was finally able to have normal sexuual intercourse.

Either my problem was anxiety related, and i would not be able to perform,

Or ED if i had jacked off to porn or i could not get arroused

And often one night stands where i would not be able to finish.

However i feel so blessed with the new girlfriend of mine, and i’m having no problems any longer. I plan on staying clean of porn forever, and i do not see any reason why i should masturbate while having a GF.

The benefits are amazing of staying off porn

  • More focus
  • Better relationships (family, friends, GF)
  • Less guilt
  • Better sex life
  • More sex drive
  • More drive for life
  • More muscle gains

This post doesn’t even make sense anymore and i know there is a lot of spelling mistakes. I am just so excited!

This is it, i wanna thank you guys at nofap for helping motivating and sharing videos and experiences from your own journey.

I want to reccomend:

  • Yourbrainonporn
  • Elliott Hulse
  • Gabe from reboot nation

and the list goes on, the information is out there, all you have to do is abstain and better yourself.

Thank you guys, this will be the last post of mine on this subreddit, i will probably return with a post when i hit 365 days. STAY CLEAN, DONT WATCH THAT SHIT, IT WILL RIP YOUR BRAIN APPART AND TWIST YOUR VIEW OF SEXUAL INTERRACTION.

Love you guys