I have really reached a pinnacle of my blissful state. 2 years ago I would have never thought that porn was holding down, much less draining, my spiritual energy. But it’s not the porn in my opinion it’s the whole p+m+o because as we all know O with a partner is what is right.
As usual my dreams are heavy and easy to remember. But my so called reality (day to day life) is actually more fulfilling.
I always was a flirt but know instead of it being the “I like you, let’s go out” I’m so much more subliminal and I take time to enjoy my interactions with women. Even when I’m not trying to flirt I get good rapport especially from the non verbal cues. I look deep into eyes now like I can see right into a woman’s soul. I am still very aggressive with the female encounters.(speak clearly and hold eye contact at all times) but I’m not interested in having sex with everyone I meet.
I’m actually finally satisfied with being alone and focusing on myself. It’s like if I can dream it I can live it. On the last note my musical talents are starting to become serious I practice every time I have free and all my tasked are organized. I really think I can put out An EP soon.
To anyone still unsure please listen carefully it’s going to be very hard but forget 90 days – that’s like the free trial. Aim for forever. You don’t need pmo. it’s not the premium package that your life and time and effort is worth. It’s good to have the benchmark of 90 but in my opinion when you decide to seriously stop just stick to it.
My so-called addiction might not be as heavy as some of the rest but I know that I can fight this urge easier with everyday. To those who relapse….build the willpower. That voice in your head is stronger then the ideas in your mind. The voice is essentially your real self persuading or deterring you it’s up to you to listen carefully to what it’s teaching you. In my case though even though they all sound pretty much the same I have various voices in my head. Partly because I’m a freaking Psycho.
Stay strong don’t live like the living death show some oath to your inner soul.
22 years of age I was using for three times a week for 8 years
LINK – Day 69