News about Your Brain on Porn has been gathered here for easy access.
Podcasts/Audio Interviews
- Exploring The Impact of Internet Pornography on The Brain (Shrink Rap Radio)
- Gnostic Media Interview
- How porn can shatter your mental performance with Gary Wilson (Upgraded Ape podcast)
- CBC Radio – Winnipeg Interview (8-mins.)
- Is Internet porn ruining your sex life? (CBC Toronto/Ottawa)
- How Internet Porn Can Damage Your Inner Game and Sexuality (
- Is Watching Porn Bad for You? (TheNewMan’s Tripp Lanier interviews Gary)
- “Talk About Sex” (interview on Santa Fe’s KVSF)
- Generation Porn (CBC – “Ideas”)
- Interview with Mike David, Red Bar Radio
- “Latest in Paleo” (weekly podcast) segment on YBOP (starts at 36:10) and excerpts from video series (at 46:30)
- “SuperNormal Porn” podcast (podcast on AskBryan)
- Interview with Jordan Harbinger, host of “The Art of Charm”
- Hilarious talk show (Red Bar Radio) about
- Porn Addiction: Dopamine, Disgust, and Erectile Dysfunction (
News Articles in English:
- Porn and the Threat to Virility (TIME cover story)
- The new digital addiction (The Hippocratic Post)
- NoFap: Why A Growing Number Of Males Are Refusing To Masturbate (NeonNettle)
- The post-porn wave: why some young people are shunning videos of misogynistic sex (The Independent)
- How Watching Porn Might Mean The End Of Your Sex Life As You Know It (Elite Daily)
- Internet porn: an entirely new child’s game (Sydney Morning Herald)
- The Impact of Porn on Men and Women in Societies (WEB.PsyD)
- Too much porn affects the brain – Swedish
- Don Jon & Your Brain On Porn… Is Porn Making You Bad In Bed? by Alex Allman
- Was I Actually ‘Addicted’ to Internet Pornography? (The Atlantic)
- “Coming Out as a Porn Addict” (The Atlantic)
- TEDx speakers’ favourite TED talks of all time (Sydney Morning Herald)
- Will quitting porn improve your life? (Canada)
- Generation XXX: What will happen to kids raised on porn? (Canada)
- No fapping, please, it’s making us ill (The Telegraph)
- Men and Porn: An Introduction (The Art of Manliness)
- Men and Porn: Why Is the Pull of Porn So Strong?
- An Open Letter on Porn (John Gottman)
- Pornography Can Ruin Your Sex Life (Mark Manson)
Porn addiction
- Why overcoming porn addiction is hard
- Do You Need A Sexual Reboot? (AskMen)
- NoFap: One Small Step for Man (The Witherspoon Institute)
- 65,000+ Reddit users flock to forum founded by atheist to quit pornography, masturbation (Live Site News)
- Ubiquitous assailant: The dangerous unasked questions surrounding pornography (2013)
- Sex: Excessive pornographic exposure can screw you in the sack (Daily Emerald)
- Shinn: Porn addiction causes mental, physical issues (The Daily Kansan)
- This is your Brain on Internet Porn (BTR)
- Why Porn Addiction Can Cause Dick Problems – Stronger Dong
- The Science of Orgasms and Your Brain on Porn (Brain Pickings)
- “THIS” Magazine features NoFap (Canada)
- The Real Don Jons: How online porn has affected a generation (Entertainment Weekly)
- Dipping My Dick in the NoFap Movement (VICE) and Some Guys on Reddit Claim Quitting Porn Is Good for Your Complexion (VICE) and
- An Interview with a Guy Who Didn’t Masturbate or Have Sex for 100 Days (VICE)
- A New Classification Model for Sex Addiction (Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention)
- Pornography Addiction: The Hidden Struggle & How to Break Free by Christian Cawley
- The Not-So-Harmless Pasttime – How Internet Porn Gets You Hooked
Porn-induced sexual dysfunctions
- Hard porn can make you soft (Mumbai) Correction: Gary is not a psychologist, but rather a physiology teacher.
- Ditch Porn – It’s Playboy on (Dopamine Draining) Steroids
- Internet pornography destroying men’s ability to perform with real women, finds study in Daily Mail on line (UK)
- Perform bedder in 2013 (UK)
- Ayahuasca, Succubi, and Internet Porn (Don Charles blog)
- Trash Your Porn, Quit Masturbating and Crush Life (Knowledge For Men)
- Impotent? Blame (Sex) Addiction! in HealthMad
- The (Usually Ignored) Difference Between Sexual Identity and Sexual Event (Patheos)
- Re-Thinking Porn; The Internet Factor – By Dad’s Primal Scream
- Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction: Is It Real? – in GuySpeed
- 9 Things You Should Know About Pornography and the Brain –
- Sex, Productivity and Motivation Part 06: Pornography
- “This is your brain. This is your brain on teh Pr0n. Any Questions?” Libertarian editorial (Site version)
- Pornography Can Ruin Your Sex Life, by Mark Manson
- Are your children addicted to Internet pornography? Dr. R Eric Swanepoel’s Blog, “BioWrite”
- We can use brain power to help reduce demand for internet porn “The Herald” (Scotland)
- Inside NoFap, The Reddit Community For People Who Want To Be ‘Masters Of Their Domain’ (The Business Insider)
- Youth and Pornography Addiction (The FIX)
- How Porn May Be Changing Your Brain (TruthDig)
- Can we at least try talking to young people about sex? (the Guardian)
Non-English News Articles
- Pornografia online pode se converter em vício e destruir vida afetiva e social (Portuguese)
- Entrevista Con Andrés Lomeña Cantos (Spain) ¡¡¡Fap, fap, fap!!! (Spanish Huffington Post)
- (Cómo la pornografía puede afectar tu libido: la anorexia sexual)
- Pornografia online pode se converter em vício e destruir vida afetiva e social
- El uso y abuso de pornografía, causa de impotencia (No es conservatora ni religiosa)
- Perdidos en la Red: cuando el porno se convierte en escuela (Lost in the Red: when the school becomes porn) “El Diario” (Spain)
- Warum Amerikaner nicht mehr selbst Hand anlegen (German article about NoFap, use Google Chrome to tanslate.) Also see Ohne Masturbation erkannte ich mich selbst
- Erektionsproblem av för mycket porr (Swedish article about porn-induced ED – Aftonbladet) Also see: