I’d like to admit that past year around this time i was thinking about suicide. I was alone and more lonely than ever. Even when i was in a relationship sex didn’t do much for me. I barely felt anything.
If i was wearing a condom it was like motioning my dick through the air. I couldn’t finish if my life depended on it. Thanks to nofap i finally know how great sex can be.
Thank you guys from all my heart. For staying strong and for being there for me and for each other. This is the place where i got educated sexually on things like death grip and too much pmo and porn escalation.
Now i am in a relantionship with a nice (mostly) girl. She says sex is great and i agree with her. Honestly now i can die happy.
So thank you Nofap for helping me with my life and my relationship. Stay strong.
LINK – A very late “thank you” to the Nofap community.