I am very grateful for this subreddit because finding NoFap 3 years ago helped me a lot. My main reason for starting it was to get rid of my delayed ejaculation.
For years I was using the death grip and when I couldn’t cum from the first few handjobs by my girlfriend, I knew I had a problem. Luckily I found NoFap.
Back then I had clear motivation (wanted to have a normal sexual life and don’t hurt the girl I love) and it wasn’t extremely hard to abstain for 60-70 days.
So if you guys have sexual problems, just stay with it and cure yourself! It works 🙂
In the last few years I got better and my life is pretty great, I didn’t visit NoFap too much. I never really stopped looking at porn and masturbating, but I didn’t see that as a huge problem, I wasn’t doing it daily anymore. That was until recently. In the last month I thought that “OK, now I won’t fap for a week or two” and failed after two-three days. Nearly every time I did, I spent hours mindlessly on the internet and wasting my time when I know I had a lot to do.
So today after spending 5-6 hours edging and eventually finishing the deed instead of studying, I had to realize that I am an addict, I cannot deny that any longer.
I hope that this realization will help me stay away from pornography, because I don’t want to live my life addicted to anything and waste it playing with my dick. And I hope that sharing this and becoming a more active member of this community will help, too.
I’m 21.
LINK – It’s simple: I am an addict.