I started, in earnest, almost no O, and ZERO porn and masturbation, 3 years ago, and went 30 straight days.
The first, most amazing benefit was my soul awakening. Emotions I hadn’t felt in decades came back. Sweet joy and anticipation in every moment came. Even the depressed moods, were NOT the same as while I was digitally getting off. I became a total machine athletically, and wrote some of my best ever work. My wit and charm was breathtaking, and I made a lot of really high caliber friends in a short time
The most profound thing that happened though, was I MET THE LOVE OF MY LIFE. She was different from any girl I have ever been with. For one, very smart, vegan, career driven, high standards, GORGEOUS, and totally loving. I had to woo her for 2 months. If I was in a porn cycle NO WAY I WOULD HAVE GOTTEN her. I would have lost patience, and rubbed one out, and never had the energy and drive to get her.
I’ve since broken up with her, but we lasted almost 3 years. And I suspect that if I had not taken porn back up, i either would have met someone profound immediately after, or been able to work out our issues.
I begin today! To commit once again, and this time forever, to renouncing porn I can answer any questions, as I remember the 30 days as if it were yesterday, and it was NOT easy, but easily the best possible self improvement move I have ever made. Exercise and eating right a close second.
LINK – AGE 33, quit for 30 days, MET LOVE OF MY LIFE, relapsed, but starting again
by Hartman