As you can see from the counter I’m quickly approaching 180 days without porn. I’m so happy and have felt very few urges in the past month or two. Those who are struggling after a few days please know that I have been working on this for 10 years.
I think I made it 4.5 to 5 months about 3 years ago and was struggling mightily and indulged. This takes a lot of practice and when I fall the quicker I can start again the better. Know this stuff is everywhere and it will find you but you can get to the point where your life is so much clearer when you look away. My sex life is better and I’ve been killing it at my job the past 6 months.
Remember everyday not looking at porn is a good day. If you’re new maybe it might be better to count the days in a month you don’t look at porn and then build off it.
Typing this is very cathartic. I’m so happy this forum exists.
LINK – This is the best I’ve done in 10 years