Age 25 – I have pussy falling out of my pockets


This work I’ve been doing with nofap is starting to pay off. I finally get the brain fog thing now. I have moments when I’m literally singing inside. I don’t care what people think anymore, i just see haters as jealous and just kinda giggle at their attempts to get to my self esteem lol.

Like i was singing outside my porch with my guitar ( i would normally never do this) not caring who hears. I’m just relaxed now, you can see it, you can feel it, and I’m so glad i did this nofap journey.

As far as women go and that whole topic people here talk about, girls literally smile in surprise when they run into me, idk if it’s because I’m giving off this magnetism or because I’m aesthetically good looking, but i have no problems I’m the female department; i have pussy falling out of my pockets. I catch women of all ages stare for a looong time at me, and when i catch them they turn in embarrassment with a smile on their face.

Guys, please do yourselves a favor and STOP POISONING YOUR MINDS. Nothing, nothing good or great ever came out of choosing the emotionally easy choice, it’s always the emotionally hard choice that builds progress and that in turn makes us happy, because progress is what makes us truly happy in the end. Keep going brothers, for your future happiness and well being. Namaste and all that shit. Don’t touch it.

Im 25 years old. The first time i tried it i didnt know about nofap. I just knew it was bad for my mind, so i did it about 2 years ago. The longest i went was probably 90 days or so. I met an awesome girl during that time, and the sex was fucken amazing. I decided to stop for good because i realized it was at the root of my ocd. I was tired of thoughts controlling my self image and ruining my day. I KNEW i could get rid of it somehow, and have confidence to go up to girls that I want to get involved with, so I just said one day I was gonna do it and so I did.

LINK – Day 43: This shit works!!##!@

By Toasty-Knight