Confidence, sex drive and productivity are at an all time high at the moment. As a music producer, I am getting so much more done now.


After about a 9 month NoFap journey, I’m here. I’ll keep this post fairly brief, and just state the most important things i have learned along the way. About 6 months ago i hit a 48 day or so streak, saw a YouTuber that I watched was also a porn star and relapsed. That sucked. But, it was a big wake up call that triggers really can be devastating.

The second, by far the most important point, as many have explained here, is that this journey is made possible by the formation of new habits, and the breaking of old ones. In particular (for me), getting up early, taking a 20 minute walk while listening to an audiobook (I highly recommend KING by Elliot Hulse). Even little things like keeping my room tidy made a big difference to my overall mindset.

The third point I want to make is if you are edging, porn or no porn, start again. The reality is you will not make it because, at the end of it all you realise 90 days is just a number. This journey is long and if you’re telling yourself once the 90 days are up you can relapse again, you’ll never make it (at least in my experience) because it requires a switch in mindset as a lot of you know. There is no way you can do it edging. One thing i told myself everyday, is that i would rather die than relapse. Slightly extreme yes, but it works. It drills home how important this is, further reducing your acceptance of complacency. I experienced 3, week long flatlines. Confidence, sex drive and productivity are at an all time high at the moment. As a music producer, I am getting so much more done now.

The last thing i want to say is that you can never, ever let it slip. This ties in to the point about edging, but i wanted to reiterate it. I’ll come back to this post to see if there are any replies, but after that I will most likely not return. This community is awesome, and to everyone who is on their way to beating PMO addiction, you CAN do it. You WILL. You just have to tell yourself that.

LINK – Day 90. My report/ important points.

by Revoltingplum