Age 24 – I quit porn at 17 to cure my PIED & was cured in 2 months. I relapsed at 19 and was a functioning addict until 6 months ago.


I feel like I have succeeded because I feel joy again, something I had forgotten about. My sex drive is though the roof and consistent, I can talk to people, i see women as humans and not sex objects, I am confident and I am able to focus. I just feel amazing.I have been pmo free for 6 months and have cut down to mo about once a month. This was my goal, if you choose to go hard mode I think that’s great.

I am a 24 year old male, started watching porn at 12 on a daily basis. I quit porn at 17 to cure my pied, I was cured in 2 months. I relapsed at 19 and was a functioning addict until 6 months ago. I tried several times to quit and relapsed between 19 and 23. 6 months ago I woke up in the morning hung over after a night of drinking and Pmo I was not proud of, I won’t go into details but I think many of you can relate. I decided that that was it and I was going to stop for good. I flatlined almost immediately which lasted 6 months on and off. Don’t let this scare you, I was also dealing with emotional problems which I imagine contributed to flatline symptoms.

I’ll try to make this short and sweet and list all the things I feel helped me.

  1. Nofap.

You guys were the single most helpful part of this. when I had the urges or felt like I was never going to end my flatline I came to nofap and felt better or at least able to control my urges. Thank you all so much.

  1. Going to the gym.

If you don’t workout and are physically capable of working out, go work out. Going to the gym built my self confidence to levels I hadn’t considered possible. I feel like going to the gym was my anti porn, for everything bad porn did, the gym did the opposite. Do whatever you want when you go, just make sure you research your workout if you know nothing about it so you don’t cause damage. I can’t stress how much this helped me.

  1. The male self improvement/ pick up community.

I’m very selective about this one because I don’t want shallow interactions with woman. Some parts of the community urge you to respect women and have strong relationships with them but on your own terms, which is what I’m into and am now successful with. This one might not be for everyone but it helped me.

  1. Keeping a journal

This was like putting my thoughts onto an external HD and removing them from my head. It really helped with my neurotic circular thinking. Once you see your thoughts written down it can make things seem to simple. I urge all of you to give this a try, it takes a while to get into.

  1. Meditation

Helped clear my head and gain focus. This is something for everyone. I would say it’s almost as important as sleep. It’s really hard to get into but totally worth it and free.

  1. Forcing myself to socialize.

One of the big major problems in my old life was that I couldn’t socialize well. I can now socialize easily but it wasn’t easy to get there. I practised every chance I could even though I hated it. Totally worth it.

  1. Diet.

I won’t go into the full details of my diet as it is long and boring. What I will tell you is that I cut was down on sugar, simple carbs and processed food (the bad kind of processing). I would urge you all to look into nutrition, it helped me feel amazing. All my information on my food comes from online. Please watch what you put into your body, bad food can be way worse for you than porn.

Those are the things I felt made the biggest difference.

If you are reading this because you are wondering if quitting porn is for you, then I urge you to at least try it. if it is difficult for you to stop it means you will benefit heveality from stopping, it is completly worth it. Do one of the best things you will ever do for yourself and stop.

If you are fighting the urge, don’t do it, you will regret it. Go for a walk, call a friend, message me and we can talk. Seriously don’t do it. You don’t need porn. Don’t do it.

If you are having a long flatline and are wondering if you will ever be attracted to real women again, you will. For a while there I thought I might be asexual but it was just a really long flat line. Keep it up and I promise you that you will improve, just keep moving forward.

I know this is similar to many other posts on here but those are the posts that helped me and I hope this one helps you. Comment with any questions or send me a message.


LINK – 6 months in. success story.

by Goingstrong6m