Age 14 – 100 Days. Defeated Social Anxiety, Performing well at Sports and School.


Damn, what a journey it has been. If you were to tell me three months ago that; 1. I’d be running 6km twice a day, 2. That i’d finally give up porn and masturbation and most importantly that I would be training for an Amateur Boxing tournament. I would’ve certainly laughed at you.

Some people say that NoFap is pointless for someone of my age, I doubt that, PMO can be harmful to everyone, it doesn’t matter how old you are. I’ll be making a 90 Day report in 10 days,

The first few weeks were brutal but I kept myself occupied so there was simply no time for PMO. I’ve been running for years but I wasn’t consistent with it, I weight lift and walk loads too

LINK – 14 y/o, Almost at 90 days…

By Ziopsis


UPDATE – 14 Y/O. 100 Days. Defeated Social Anxiety, Performing well at Sports and School.

So, 100 Days ago, I relapsed, not only that my streaks were barely 5 days long. I made several posts during this journey if you want to know a little bit about me. – About 45 days in. – About 80 Days in. – 7 Days ago or so.

I have experienced a few benefits but the most notable of them all is that my crippling Social Anxiety is almost non existent. I give no fucks, no procrastination. Of course not all of these great things come from NoFap only. Along with that I also, Train 5 days a week (I box, and weightlift, but any exercise is good), I take cold showers, eat relatively clean and meditate. A lot guys my age spend all day fapping, staring at pixels all day long. What a sad way to live. Go talk to people, think of where you can be in a few months, never, ever give up.

Best of luck to you all.


UPDATE – Day 130. My old crush realizes that other girls are attracted to me, so she constantly attempts to get my attention. NoFap has really changed me.

So, school has been on now and this girl who I really did like some time ago has been trying to get my attention and validation again. But this time, I’m not so naive. I won’t play her games.

Anyway, even though I get considerably more attention from girls, guys seem more inclined to talk to me too. People who I barely know are starting conversations with me. Life is good.

Thanks all.