Age 28 – Life was shit. Emotionally I was very tense. Dropped a cute gf. Was getting borderline weird: Finally I’m happy! +2 months porn free.


Before I discovered nofap and pornfree was banging it multiple times at day, was really tired. Sometime MO multiple times in the day, then sex, and then still not happy another MO… I had to watch porn as soon I had some free time or felt slightly bored. And clearly I masturbated to it every time. I’m in my late 20’s. Life was shit. Emotionally I was very tense. Dropped a cute gf. Was getting borderline weird.

I really forgot about these subreddits for months. Some things happened in real life, that kept me very very busy. And forced me to live with other people nearly every hour of the day. I stopped locking my door, I leave it open when I can. I forced myself to be other people’s view, so that it would be really really hard to watch porn in front of them. I loved and did BDSM for years, was into weirdest fetishes… call me weird, now it’s about love, finding the right one and have a happy life!

Still couldn’t stop MO completely, but got it at nearly constant average of 7 days streaks during the last 6 months. I’m tracking my progresses since February and I feel good. This streak is lasting 14 days since last ejaculation. Only one time I did like 25 days pmo free. But it seems I’m happy with 7-10 days streaks. Now I’m at 13, I just want to push it a little bit to see if there are big improvements. Yes, I have the will to decide, I’m able. In the long term going from twice a day to once a week it’s a big noticeable step.

I feel good. I don’t want to stop ejaculations completely, really I don’t think I could handle it. Also Ej is good for the prostate, scientists say. Now I’m not fapping to a picture or porn videos, I just ejaculate when I feel the need “to empty”.

I should’ve tracked porn and MO separately, instead I just have a PMO counter. I did this way because porn and M went together in my case. Also I always thought the only way to change things is the more drastic one.

The good thing: last time I watched porn was for sure more than 2 months ago. I don’t have the precise day count, but yeah it’s at least 2 months!!! Two months is a lot of time when you’re 15+ hours a day in front of a computer! coming from years of hard sex, multiple PMO/day and all kind of weird fetishes.

I do not feel the need anymore. I’ve watched and practiced nearly every porn thing in the last years, so maybe I did so much that I got bored, that could’ve helped too.

I am at ease with girls/women now. I’m not constantly looking at their tits or asses while my mind dreams about assfucking them.
Now I still look at a fine body, but it’s more like appreciating their body, it’s about beauty not about raw animal sex.

Girls feel I’m fine, we talk, even if I have sex with them, it’s more chilled out now. I can watch them in the eyes without feeling guilty, pretty sure you know that feeling… All it’s easier now that I got it under control.

Before I hunted one night ones, now I’m hunting a keeper!

I’m happy. Really. I’m doing lots of stuff and projects that porn addiction had ruined. Brain feels good. Productivity has improved greatly. Stop that porn now.

P.S.: the only thing I’m using to track myself is Rewire on my android phone. Every day before sleeping I check the daily progress. Seeing long streaks of green days in the calendar (green= no PMO, red=”fail”) makes me happy and motivated.

Wish you all good luck. Don’t give up, it’s worth!

LINK –  Finally I’m happy! +2 months porn free.

by nofapperIII