Age 22 – ED cured. My libido was strictly dependent on porn

I started my journey through NoFap / In retrospect, my main problem might have been porn. Porn has caused so much damage to my brain. I’m 22 years old, and have been PMO’ing from around age 13 up until my late 21.

I had my own private room with a fast internet connection. No sex experience too. I feel like I missed on a big part of my teenage years, because porn has literally made me lose interest in real world girls, and as a result I barely spoke to girls because porn has distorted my views very badly. It was bad enough that I was at this girl’s house I was dating, but I simply felt zero attraction, even though in my mind I thought she looked pretty good.

So one day I come across, and it all made so much sense. At first it scared me, but once I realized what my brain has gotten used to, I decided porn and PMO will no longer be a part of my life. And that’s how I’ve gotten through the days. I knew that each time an urge comes to my mind and I fight it off, my brain will be one step closer to its normal state. Yes, I’ve been feeding it with poison for a long time, but the damage is reversible. I bet that’s a cliché around here, but it’s still worth mentioning: the end goal encompasses so much more value than that immediate “fix”. Another very big reason that kept me going is that I wanted to be able to have sex. Yes, I basically suffered from PIED. I couldn’t get off without porn, and if I tried to I felt like I was forcing it. My libido was strictly dependent on porn. No porn = No libido.

After 200 days of being porn free, it’s a little hard for me to say how much things have changed. My PIED seems to be completely gone. I get hard now very easily. My penis is much more sensitive than it used to be. My concentration is improved, I have more free time to do stuff that I actually want to do, I can finally feel attraction towards real girls. Lastly, everything just seems to be more alive and vibrant. Yes, I really do think consistent porn use makes us a little “turned off” and dead inside. How can it not? Everything seems dead when you compare it to the amount of stimulation you get from High Definition porn, with a practically infinite footage to choose from, available pretty much from anywhere.

The last point I want to make (which some NoFappers didn’t really approve of) is that I think masturbation in moderation is ok, especially when you don’t have sex every now and again, but porn should be COMPLETELY AVOIDED, because reality has proven to me I can’t consume it in moderation (if that’s even possible). During my 200 days of being porn free I masturbated 3 times: 90 days in, 170 days in, and 200 days in. I don’t consider it to be a relapse, it was actually a sober decision. At some point my libido was just too high. The amount of sexual tension was sort of annoying (almost like needing to pee really badly). So I let that tension go away, and I enjoyed every moment of it. Needless to say, I got off very easily. Didn’t need to fantasize, didn’t need to look at any photos. Just the sensation itself was more than enough.

So, with that in mind, please remember that the choice is in your hands. No one controls your actions but you. Every time you win a fight that’s going inside your head, the next time will be easier, and soon enough it will become second nature to you. I don’t consider myself a very self-disciplined person, and if I can do it, you can do it. There are plenty of good reasons to avoid it, and not one reason to watch it. Stay strong!

LINK –  200+ days porn free – my story
