Press release about a Brno University Hospital study (Czech Republic): “Pornography as a Relationship Killer” (2018)


There are 2 articles below. The first is a very short press release in English, saying there was study. (The radio segment linked to in the release says the same thing at minute 1:30-2:00.) Next is the full press release followed by a choppy Google translation into English.


Pornography increasingly damaging health and relationships says Brno study (June 4, 2018)

Increased use of and exposure to pornography are increasingly damaging normal relations and even the health of young men, according to a study released Monday by Brno’s University Hospital.

It said many young men were simply not prepared for normal relationships because of the myths created by the pornography they were watching. Many men turned on by pornography could not physically get stimulated in a relationship, the study added. Psychological and even medical treatment was required, the report said.

It also came up with a statistic that men in stable relationships were almost as often likely to resort to masturbation as sex with the ratio at 43 percent to 53 percent.

Pornography as a Relationship Killer?

The fact that pornography is not merely a “diversification” of sex life but often has a negative impact on the quality of partner sexuality is evidenced by the increasing number of patients in the Sexual Section of Brno University Hospital who, due to excessive monitoring of inappropriate sexual content, are getting into health and relationship problems.

In practice, men with sexual function disorders (often with erectile dysfunction) are more likely to have sexual intercourse while masturbating with pornography through the Internet, but with a real partner, they already have quite fundamental problems. These relate to their erotic desire, erection, and orgasm. The prostate-related study has produced surprising results in this respect – while men living in a permanent partnership, the frequency of partner sex and individual masturbation is almost balanced (53% and 45%).

In the Sexological department of the Faculty Hospital in Brno, we also record more and more frequent cases of young men who are not able to have a normal sex life as a result of pornography, or to establish a relationship. “It is, for example, a young man who is still panic because he expected the girl to behave like a pornoherka,” explains the head of the Department of Sexology, FN Brno MUDr. Petra Sejbalová. Such patients need to be both therapeutically and pharmacologically helpful.

Available pornography on the Internet

In particular, it can be easily accessed by pornography on the Internet and lack of education in sexual education, whether in school or in a family. Adolescents often lack basic knowledge of contraception or sexual ailments, but young people often have internet pornography from a very early age (sometimes pre-school), which gives them the misconception that displaying sexuality in erotic movies is adequate to real life. This leads to relationship problems and distorted notions of reality (lack of interest in courting, dating and communication) often accompanied by low self-confidence – while pornography presents “superseys” to men and women who are almost sexually unpleasant, reality is not. “The most common are boys who have seen almost everything from group sex but do not know, what is a menstrual cycle and who do not know the types of contraception, I see a really big problem in this. In practice, instances of inappropriate sexual behavior are increasing not only towards peers or peers, but also towards teachers or even small children. Annoying or other problematic behavior is often also via the internet, such as sexting, which is the electronic distribution of photos or videos with sexual content that they receive through affiliate relationships, for example. However, there is a risk that one partner, for example, after a break from revenge, will post photos or videos of his former partner, “adds Sejbalová. Annoying or other problematic behavior is often also via the internet, such as sexting, which is the electronic distribution of photos or videos with sexual content that they receive through affiliate relationships, for example. However, there is a risk that one partner, for example, after a break from revenge, will post photos or videos of his former partner, “adds Sejbalová. Annoying or other problematic behavior is often also via the internet, such as sexting, which is the electronic distribution of photos or videos with sexual content that they receive through affiliate relationships, for example. However, there is a risk that one partner, for example, after a break from revenge, will post photos or videos of his former partner, “adds Sejbalová.

There is a growing need for internet masturbation at the expense of affiliate sex

In middle age, male partners are replacing partner sex with pornography (masturbation is available anytime, faster, without psychological, physical or material investment). At the same time, sensitivity to normal (real) sexual stimuli accompanied by the risk of having sex-related dysfunctions associated only with a partner is significantly reduced by the monitoring of pornography. This is a risk of intimacy and proximity in the relationship, ie the psychological separation of partners, the need for masturbation on the Internet is gradually increasing – the risk of addiction increases and, last but not least, sexuality can change in its intensity but also in the quality of normal pornography is not enough, and these people resort to perversion (eg, sado-masochistic or zoophilous).

Tracking pornography can result in addiction

As a result, excessive monitoring of pornography may result in addiction, which is manifested by sexual dysfunction, disorder of relationships leading to social isolation, disrupted concentration, or neglect of work responsibilities, where only sex plays a dominant role in life.

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