Impaired Recent Verbal Memory in Pornography-Addicted Juvenile Subjects (2019)

Neurology Research International Volume 2019, Article ID 2351638, 5 pages Pukovisa Prawiroharjo,1 Hainah Ellydar,2 Peter Pratama,3 Rizki Edmi Edison,4 Sitti Evangeline Imelda Suaidy,2 Nya’ Zata Amani,2 and Diavitri Carissima2 1Neurology Department, Faculty of Medicine Universitas Indonesia/Cipto Mangukusumo Hospital, Jakarta, Indonesia 2Yayasan Kita Dan Buah Hati, Bekasi, Indonesia 3Independent Scholar, Indonesia 4Neuroscience Center-University of Muhammadiyah […]

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A retrospective poem at day 30

Blurred edges and a cloudy ideal, With intangible thematic and numbed feel. Something’s here, something lined with wrong A distant voice. Faint yet Strong. Something that matters and is built on high my perspective of others that soar and fly. Luck and pathways and innate ambitions. Crystalised moments of stony decisions. A glass ceiling and […]

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realybop nicole prause daniel burgess runealYBOP

RealYourBrainOnPorn (@BrainOnPorn) tweets: Daniel Burgess, Nicole Prause & pro-porn allies collaborate on a biased website and social media accounts to support the porn industry agenda (beginning in April, 2019)

RealYBOP Twitter (@BrainOnPorn) and have been developed as a tool by Nicole Prause & Daniel Burgess to attack Your Brain on Porn, Gary Wilson, and anyone else who critiques the porn industry or points out the negative effects of porn use. Table of Contents: Attempted illegal trademark grab Prause denies involvement in RealYBOP trademark-infringing […]

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Porn survey 2019: how internet pornography is changing the way we have sex (The Sunday Times)

In an exclusive survey, we asked the nation what they watch online — and how it affects their sex lives. The results will surprise you Link to article – The Sunday Times, August 11 2019, 12:01am Just how endemic is internet pornography? What effect does it have on our relationships? And how different is a […]

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The Effects of Pornography on Adult Males’ Relationships (2019)

G Anne Vanderlaan* and Ellie Cinamon Jullian Saybrook University, USA Open Access Journal of Addiction and Psychology , Volume 2; doi:10.33552/oajap.2019.02.000530 Abstract The object of this research is to look at the effects of pornography on any subsequent addiction and the resulting influence on adult male relationships. It is important to note that in the […]

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