Benefits are real – go for it!

Firstly, a big thanks to the NoFap community (founders, moderators who help run the show, friends and well wishers who helped me, and EVERYONE who is here – because every additional person trying to improve himself/herself – adds to my own motivation and inspiration a little bit). Day 38: Main observations: I am definitely more […]

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Definitely in the best shape and mood I’ve been in since the start of high school, acne better

I finally managed to reach 90 days after many failed attempts. Pornography was a vast dark cloud over me for more than half of my life and, although I can’t claim to have completely conquered my addiction, I am definitely in the best shape and mood I’ve been in for several years, ever since the […]

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Age 40 – From panic attacks to less anxiety, more feeling “myself,” and much more confidence

I’m 40 years old. I read The Multi-Orgasmic man a long time ago, which is when I first learned of semen retention. I went through a period where I tried to retain, and I’d even do the thing where you press the perineum to not ejaculate. But only in recent years did I become clearer […]

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Age 36 – I dealt with bad Porn-induced ED for the last 10 years: I feel 19 again, swinging Thor’s Hammer

Holy shit you have no idea how relieved and happy I am. 65 days in hardmode and I am now normal, healthy, and in working condition. I dealt with PIED bad for the last 10 years. Now I did supplement the hardmode as much as I could. Basically i did shockwave therapy, P-shot, ate copious […]

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Consequence of Pornography Use: Brief Report (2019)

Link to PDF of full study “Consequence of pornography use Brief Report” Link to Journal Alejandro Villena Moya, Carlos Chiclana Actis Psicosom. psiquiatr. 2019;9:18-24. ABSTRACT Introduction: Despite the various investigations carried out to date, the debate on the possible harmful consequences of pornography remains open. There are different opinions on the possible negative or positive […]

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